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We need to nuke this thread and just start "Playstation 2"-thread. For serious.


The next generation has been out for some time -- and we all know what that means by now. Time to hit the used game stores to pick up the gems we missed the first time around! It's always a lot harder to find games once they're more than a single generation out of date, so better to get while the getting's good.

So what are your favorite PS2 games? Cult classics that deserve to be fished out of the bargain bin? Got any questions about stuff you didn't buy before but are thinking about now?

Here's a question for you all. I recently stumbled across episodes .hack//legend of the twilight on YouTube and it made me remember how much the .hack anime amused me back in high school. But I never actually played any of the games. Are they worth picking up? Or is it a Xenosaga style "one game for the price of three" travesty of justice?

Here's a question for you all. I recently stumbled across episodes .hack//legend of the twilight on YouTube and it made me remember how much the .hack anime amused me back in high school. But I never actually played any of the games. Are they worth picking up? Or is it a Xenosaga style "one game for the price of three" travesty of justice?


seriously, its FOUR episodes of xenosaga with even less differentiation and a pathetically aimless plot. Avoid it like the plague!!!!

Is Odin Sphere worth getting?

You don't need to make a new PS2 thread when there is already one active. :\

But Anso told me to. :puppyeyes:

seriously, its FOUR episodes of xenosaga with even less differentiation and a pathetically aimless plot.

But is the game any fun? A large part of the reason I hated Xenosaga was I couldn't stand the battle system. How is .hack's?

Anso isn't a mod.

:whatevaa: :whatevaa: :whatevaa:

^ this.

Actually I meant we should just hijack this thread and renamed it. It seems it worked!

And yes, Odin Sphere is definitely worth getting but check some youtube videos so you realize it isn't an RPG you're buying.

But is the game any fun? A large part of the reason I hated Xenosaga was I couldn't stand the battle system. How is .hack's?

eh... I wasn't terribly impressed, but it was alright. Kinda traditional imo.

Actually I meant we should just hijack this thread and renamed it. It seems it worked!

I see how it is. Change your story after you betray my trust. Crafty Swedes... I'm keeping my eye on you from here on out!

Is Odin Sphere worth getting?

Yeah, I liked it alot. So you will like it alot.

I really liked how they did the story and the music is friggin good.

Also like dhow the art style is all story book ish


oh fuck how did I forget

Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy

If you think that telekinesis sounds awesome, get this fucking game as soon as possible

Also for Odin Sphere, play it on easy. There's no reason to play it on any higher difficulty than that unless you're a masochist.

Okami is definately worth checking out, it's one of the better platformers for the ps2 and has a nice soundtrack and an awesome graphic style :)

Sad thing about it is that Mephisto who just got a PS2 won't even touch it with a ten foot pole...

Those are definitely typical anime style...

^ this

I suggest checking out Flipnic btw. A charming little flipper simulator that takes the concept a bit further. Gottlieb collection and Williams collection are also good flipper simulator but you know, real tables.

Those are definitely typical anime style...

but they're disney characters. and i've seen the game, and enjoyed it.

for what it's worth, games that turned me off from the styling include games like Jeanne d'Arc, where it felt like i was watching a cartoon (ahem, anime) the whole time. kingdom hearts doesn't feel like that.

Shadow Hearts Covenant and Shadow Hearts From the New World (my highest recommendations; these games are awesome).

Agreed. Though i would play The first Shadow HEarts as well. Good game, and it will give you a good back story for Shadow Hearts Covenant. SH:C is prob one of my Fav RPGs for the PS2. Such great characters, story and emotion behind it. For me anyway. I recommend playing the first SH though, you will appreciate Covenant more.

Also, i think Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter is a extremely under rated game. Yes its really short, but its meant to be played through like 4 or 5 times to get every ones back story and the fighting system is fun.

that's what i've heard, and that's what has me excited for the game.

edit: just got kingdom hearts 1 and 2 for ps2 shipped for about 18 dollars on ebay as a package deal. hoo-yah!


+9000 for Prophet

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