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I'm all for Urbana I guess, except I don't know exactly where it is. >_>

Again I propose May 18th-19th or so. >_>

I know I'm beating a dying horse here, but I don't hear many other concrete time suggestions and I don't want this to die out of indecision... you know?


I would really like to do something in chi-town, but I've never been to UIUC either. It would really have to depend on when. May in general is horrible for me because I'm getting married on Friday, May 22nd. I'm really interested though, I've only did this once before, but it was with one member from a different forum and we live like 20 mins apart at the time.

I'm all for Urbana I guess, except I don't know exactly where it is. >_>

Again I propose May 18th-19th or so. >_>

I know I'm beating a dying horse here, but I don't hear many other concrete time suggestions and I don't want this to die out of indecision... you know?

Fuck. I had a really long post, explaining a lot of things about Chicago and where to go and what to see, but well, I hit back by accident, and I don't really feel like reposting it.

Summed up, there's a thousand things to do in Chicago, and a quick google search can show you a good amount of them. And U of I is pretty much going to be empty after the 15th, since that's the last day of undergrad finals

Here's a video supremespleen made for the remod chicago meetup. The last day we pretty much just ate and shopped the Mag Mile. Also, I shaved and got a very short haircut the day after, so please, ignore the hair swish.

Finally, I'm up for hanging out with fellow UIUC bros. I'm at ISR, and pretty free this Saturday (during the day), if you guys wanted to get together or something.

We could go see a great show (in chicago) if it's friday or saturday night -- there's a long-running comedy show that everyone would enjoy, I'm sure.

When are we thinking of doing this? I'd prefer early June, but might be able to make other times work.

Second City?


Ohio would be best for me, but I'll try to make it wherever we wind up deciding on. I could work with early June, or possibly sometime in July. May would be difficult but not necessarily impossible, especially if I could get a ride.


The arch is pretty cool, too. I think everyone would get a kick out of the little elevator space pods.

Those elevators are pretty cool but the space is so small for a big guy like me.

Those things are awesome.



If St. Louis is pick during the 4th of July Weekend, it's a no-go seeing I'll be out of town during that time. If you're a hardcore baseball fan, a OCR met-up would be nice during the All-Stars '09 games.


i vote for St.Louis also. Chicago i don't care, i don't want a OC meet up on the west coast.

I work at Busch so i'm going to the All Star Game:-D


I could do st. louis, since I've got friends down there I could stay with.

But that would mean I would want to meet you nerds. Which I don't. Nerds.

(except for maybe eulogic and baha and a couple other people, but I've already met baha)

Also, baha, I'm free this weekend lets party. :3

If St. Louis is pick during the 4th of July Weekend, it's a no-go seeing I'll be out of town during that time. If you're a hardcore baseball fan, a OCR met-up would be nice during the All-Stars '09 games.

Er, do you realize how expensive All-Star Game tickets are? If they're not already sold out, of course. Sure, it'd be awesome, but yeah. :razz:

Er, do you realize how expensive All-Star Game tickets are? If they're not already sold out, of course. Sure, it'd be awesome, but yeah. :razz:

lol I forgot the prices for those tickets (a friend of mines work at Busch, he gets in free lucky bastard!) and yeah, they could be sold out. lol sorry everyone!

Just wanted to quickly mention that May 8-10 there is Anime Central so if anyone will be there we could have a small meet up there.


Anime Central, huh? That would not be so bad. Is it free? Also on a side note, I wonder, since one day, I wanna perform for an anime or gaming convention, do you have to like, get connections for musical shit? I heard of cases of amuter musicians doing that sort of thing. Or no?


Unfortunately no. A 3 day pass is going to probably be 55$ at the door.

As far as playing at a con I personally don't know but the Spoony Bards (see musical guests on the site)

got their start playing that way so who knows.

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