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My vote goes to Digital Devil Saga [1] for the PS2, composed by Shoji Meguro. Man...you really get chills as these tracks play out throughout the game. The live guitars are excellently performed and sound great! The compositions are also just out of this world. Lots of loud rock tracks in addition to some downtempo, chill, and jazzy performances. This man is a genius. Definitely one of my favorite soundtracks ever.

Here are some of my favorite tracks:










Any other suggestions you guys have for great rock-based game soundtracks or individual tracks?


Motoi Sakuraba...wow. My first of him was Arcus Odyssey. Fucking awesome soundtrack.

But yeah, Guilty Gear had pone of my best rock soundtracks ever. Perfectly fast-paced and kick-ass.


My Motoi devotion runs pretty deep (as evidenced by Yggdrasil Speaks To Me) and I pretty much learned everything I know about songwriting from studying him.

Having said that, I believe Motoi has a bizarre OCD need to crank out 30 hours of game music a year, much of which is increasingly derivative. He's talented to a point where it literally makes you sick to wonder how he actually pulls it off and what it does to his health, but he had to claw up there. Frankly, when you listen to all his stuff before Valkyrie Profile, compared to everything after... well its a wonder he got as far as he did.

Still: Baten Kaitos Origins and SSBB. Life is good.


Not sure if this counts as "rock" so much as "fucking metal" but I guess it deserves a mention :)

Quite the "fucking metal" there.

I'm gonna be a dick and say Rock Band.

I was really shocked when they did RM1. From what I hear, it sold decently here.

I can understand them not wanting to bring RM2 here though. They should bring Rebirth instead :)



I highly agree with this comment, though I can't wait for Graces because of that shitty (okay, not THAT bad), rushed sequel we Wii folks had to put up with.

My vote goes for Red Alert 2.

RA3, not so much, but 2 has a perfect blend of rock-funk deliciousness.

Case in point:




Universe at War also had some pretty kickass tracks by the same guy. And it was released for free!


Man, Frank Klepacki never disappoints.

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