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Feraligatr tears and shreds it's prey into pieces as it devours it. Cacturne follow travelers through the desert waiting for them to become weak and unable to move. Most likely so they can eat them. Hypno hypnotizes children (there was at least one incident of this) and takes them away to do who-knows-what to them. Pokémon are freakin' awesome.




This is pretty much how it works, except Deoxys doesn't rule or create anything, it's just a mutated space virus.

Entei can cause volcanoes to erput, Raikou can make and ride on thunderclouds, and Suicune drives the north wind/can purify water. However, they're pretty free-spirited, so they don't seem to have any "greater purpose" behind their abilities.

Ho-oh created Entei, Raikou & Suicune out of the remains of 3 random Pokemon that died when Lugia's tower burned down hundreds of years ago. Obviously, it has great powers of regeneration. It seems to pay attention to what Entei, Raikou & Suicune are up to. There's at least one mention of it's ability to see into the future.

Lugia had dominion over the birds in the anime, but in the games he's just a crazy powerful dragon beast thing that lives in the deepest, strongest currents of the ocean. Other than your standard psychic Pokemon abilities of telepathy & psychokinesis, he's pretty standard, albiet awesome. Some say he guides the underwater currents and the balance of nature.

Regigigas is just an ancient powerhouse, and the other Regis serve as the lock on his seal. Apparently, the early humans feared Regigigas. Any other hints to their deeper purpose has been lost to the ages.

The 3 birds can alter the weather & seasons, but they don't purposefully control or make anything.

Heatran is a living volcano, more or less, but he didn't make the volcano he was born from.

Darkrai & Cresselia have some kind of relationship involving dreams and the moon, but their powers are kinda involuntary. They're just random, rare & powerful.

Jirachi can grant wishes and is probably from space.

Latios & Latias are just powerful & rare dragons with unique psychic powers.

The Unown apparently come from Giratina's world originally, but they somehow end up in our dimention and hang out on the walls in ancient ruins. They seems to have a lot of power in large numbers, but are stupidly weak alone.

Manaphy & Phione are just powerful, rare & unique. Manaphy has the ability to swap the hearts & minds of Pokemon & people.

Shaymin can cause any plot of earth to erput with plant life, namely flowers. It also likes to fly around from time to time.

...That should cover everyone.

I miss when it was just 11 legends. This shit will take me forever to get when Silver comes back.

There were only three in the first game. Not counting Mewtwo because he wasn't lord of nature or whatever but just a science project.

But yeah, they lost me entirely after that.

What about Mew? Or Ho-oh? He wasn't in the first game, but he did appear in the first episode or so of the TV show.


Apparently these games are going to come with a little pedometer thingy that lets you take pokemon out of the game to train/build happyness, although I bet it won't be released in America, they almost never package neat little doodads with stuff in American releases. :(

Has anyone else seen this?


Although there's no set release for out side of Japan at the moment.


First off, that Wiiware game looks to be pretty fun from the videos I've seen. Not sure I'd actually buy it, but if I had an extra $15 I'd get Pokemon Scramble.

As for the pedometer, I think we can expect to see it. It's going to be bundles in with the game in Japan, like how FireRed & LeafGreen had the wireless adapter bundled in. We got the wireless adapter, so I don't see why we won't get the pedometer.

It sounds like a pretty awesome idea, actually, to take a Pokemon you might not necessarily use until it gains a lot of levels and just walk around all day with it strapped to your ankle. It also gives you items, so I can safely say I'll be wearing mine when I can. Under my pant sleeves, of course.

I suddenly got this feeling these games may end up DSi exclusive games, and that makes me rather sad if they do.

Pokemon.jp clearly states that the games are being developed for the DS, not the DSi.


Also, it's come out that they are expanding the old areas a bit this time around, with a new area to the west of the National Park, as well as Cianwood's island being over twice it's old size.

There's some other news involving legendary pokemon, but that's not as interesting to me.


Yeah, now they're saying that Kanto is going to be accessible (look to the left of that map, see where it goes goes across New Bark town and then over to Route 27, leading up to the Indigo League entrance.

So, that means that Kanto has now been included in every generation of games. Man, they just can't leave the place alone, can they? Considering they just did Fire Red and Leaf Green last generation, this seems terribly redundant.

I wish they would stop digging up the old games for more money. It's kind of depressing.

Yeah, now they're saying that Kanto is going to be accessible (look to the left of that map, see where it goes goes across New Bark town and then over to Route 27, leading up to the Indigo League entrance.

So, that means that Kanto has now been included in every generation of games. Man, they just can't leave the place alone, can they? Considering they just did Fire Red and Leaf Green last generation, this seems terribly redundant.

Well, since you were able to explore Kanto in the original G/S/C games, they'd probably have their faces gnawed off by the fandom if they didn't include it in the remakes.

Besides, kicking Gary's ass never gets old.

Here's the full map!

You'll notice that they have a cloud covering the area that housed the Battle Tower in Crystal... very conspicuous!

I also note that entire area west of Cianwood City and the desert above Ecruteak City...


Damned, don't be a fgt. You went to Kanto in the originals, OF COURSE they're going to be included. It's part of the story. Are you honestly going to complain about having MORE gameplay?

I also note that entire area west of Cianwood City and the desert above Ecruteak City...


Those are golden trees. They're seen in that one screenshot of the cutscene with Ho-oh in it, and in THIS picture:


Damned, don't be a fgt. You went to Kanto in the originals, OF COURSE they're going to be included. It's part of the story. Are you honestly going to complain about having MORE gameplay?

You're a fgt. Kanto in GSC was half a map, at best. It was barely a challenge, and added maybe another six or so hours of stuff to do, all of which consisted of "look how much things have changed, b gosh!". You seriously outclassed all the Gyms, there was next to nothing worth doing or getting, and while the nostalgia was nice ten years ago, Kanto has been revisited already in the GBA games.

I wish they would stop remaking old games and put some effort into new ones, that's all. I'll take a new land with new pokes and stuff over yet another remake any day.

But I will admit, that is one beautiful piece of artowrk. I wish they would release some sort of artwork collection book. I'd buy that, no doubt.



I guess you'll just have to wait patiently for the next generation, instead of complaining about the random remakes in-between. :P

Gold/Silver had the most play time of any pokemon game I owned, I'm not really sure why, my copy of diamond is starting to get close I started trying to make teams of pokemon I like, that aren't necessarily powerful. But, I've realized I like less and less new pokemon each generation, so I don't really care if they make a new one or not.

Now a new mystery dungeon games are a different story, if I had the money I would own more than just the first iteration that's for sure (yes I know, most people hate dungeon crawl games, but that isn't the draw of mystery dungeon for me in the first place, although I don't mind rogue style games at all).

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