StarZander Posted October 27, 2006 Posted October 27, 2006 So, the Silent Hill movie (finally) came out on DVD here in Sweden, Wednesday this week, and sometimes we get some extra stuff, since we get everything so late, but not this time. The only extra stuff on the DVD was the "Making of..." video, and I think we've all seen that by now. Too bad. Just a little bump. Quote
The Joker Posted October 29, 2006 Posted October 29, 2006 I barely got a chance to hear the new tracks for the trailers. I dig 'em. Quote
Aetherius Posted October 31, 2006 Posted October 31, 2006 That Silent Hill Oneiro show was pretty good (albeit a little thrown together). It took me 'til the middle for me to get into it, but once I did, that same feeling of "holy shit, what's going to happen next?" that I get when playing the game appeared. If you haven't yet, check it out. It's nothing mind-blowing, but it's pretty good. Quote
ifirit Posted November 4, 2006 Posted November 4, 2006 Silent Hill Weekly Update: Jimmy Kimmel Live Silent Hill Parody: After the first week release of Silent Hill in theaters in the US, the film reached the No. 1 spot on the Box Office list, promting Jimmy Kimmel's show to do a parody. (This is the only mainstream reference to Silent Hill in parody form, to my knowledge.) Although it's a bit on the bland side, it does explain a lot weird references on some Silent Hill forums. Jimmy Kimmel Live - Silent Hill Parody Silent Hill Parody - Silent Hill 2?: It's not a unusual thing for popular series to see parodies made on the internet. As such, here's an interesting take on the film by Shadow Circus, a group of marionette street-performers. Their take looks at a possible Silent Hill sequel. In this possible sequel, Rose DeSilva has lost Sharon in the deserted town of Silent Hill, AGAIN! Oh, what terrors could possibly in the depths of the fog this time? Evil dogs? Puppet doctors? Red Pyramid menage-troi? Watch and find out! The Shadow Circus - Silent Hill 2: Exclusive First Look! Quote
Aetherius Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 wow...both of those were...pretty...not funny at all. Let's dance! Quote
ifirit Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 wow...both of those were...pretty...not funny at all. Let's dance!If you're not much into those, maybe I'll have to pull out some big guns.Silent Hill Weekly Update: Silent Hill the Fxxxen Movie: Although the origins this video have never been clearly known, this video has gained a sort of popularity from the YouTube crowd. There's not much to explain about the film, as the title can give you a clue as to the film's dialogue. Essentially, it tells the story of a psuedo-James (hence forth refered to as Fxxxen James) as he wanders around his house, just so happened to be filled with monsters and Silent Hill style puzzles. One gains the impression that this was conceptualized as a response to if a more proactive person was cast as James (particularly a college student with a very foul mouth). So, for the most part every other word spoken is "fxxx" (with the rest of the dialogue rounded out with "shxx"). The concept is essentially so simple that it works. But, when you include the mannerisms and expressions of Fxxxen James, it brings the idea to greater life. Add in some decent camera work and good music, and you've got yourself the makings of a classic. You'll have to forgive the number of amateurish touches in the first film (camera operators and actors laughing, added extras on set, unsteady camera shifts and ad lib remarks). But, it's important to have a background grasp on the first film to really appreciate the second and to understand where it comes from a little better. Warning: Links Contain Strong Language (Not Work Appropriate) - Silent Hill the Fxxxen Movie Silent Hill: The Fxxxen Movie [MegaUpload Mirror] (.mpg file / 41.2 MB) Silent Hill the Fxxxen Movie 2: As was with the first film, this sequel has unknown origins, but was also placed onto YouTube by the same user, suggesting either that their friend was either well caught-up on the creators, or was directly connected to them. Either way, we get to see a much better film. This film picks right up where the last one left off as Fxxxen James wakes up trying to recall the last few moments on consciousness. After recalling the previous events, he makes his way through the house to find a way out. Everything about the original has been well polished and made much cleaner and more refined. The continued use of profanity now serves a greater role in the story and is used toward more logical and thus funnier results. The lighting and camera direction is better adjusted to resemble the games. There is greater variation in the flow and pace of the film, making all the more compelling to watch. Like their counterparts, the Fxxxen Movie 2 is a much improved successor. Enjoy. Warning: Links Contain Strong Language (Not Work Appropriate) - Silent Hill the Fxxxen Movie 2 Silent Hill the Fxxxen Movie 2 [MegaUpload Mirror] (.mpg file / 52.24 MB) Silent Hill Rumor Control: Silent Hill 5 Test #3???: In a previous post, I had found a video showing what was supposed to be test footage from the as yet unannounced Silent Hill 5. I had claimed that this footage was just a rumor and probably not connected to anything made by Team Silent. However, I have now come across another video posted by the same user claiming that this is new footage from the game. While the video itself does contain what looks to be more computer animated imagery, I'm still somewhat unconvinced that this is connected to the same project as SH5. However, with this turn of events, I feel inclined to at least let you guys be aware that there is a rumor floating around. William Oertel has confirmed that Team Silent is working on a new project, though declined to suggest that it was part of the Silent Hill series, so if this is real and the project is nearing completion, then it could be very likely that we hear about it at Konami's Gamer's Day 2007 in San Fransico, California. As I'm sure you're wondering, where is SH5_Test2? Well, I'm currently looking into it, but I feel that if it was posted, it was also removed by the same user. Hopefully, if it was posted, I can track down a copy. SH5_Test3 [MegaUpload Mirror] (.mpg file / 2.28 MB) Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted November 25, 2006 Posted November 25, 2006 Silent Hill 5 coming to a next-gen console near you. Quote
ifirit Posted November 28, 2006 Posted November 28, 2006 Finally, I've got some official news to post. Silent Hill 2 Update: Silent Hill 2: The Novel: Konami has just released the novelization of the second main game in the Silent Hill series. This adaptation of the second game's story was released on November 22, 2006 on Konami's online store. Silent Hill 2, as a novel, is written by Sadamu Yamashita and is illustrated by Masahiro Ito (Warning: Site Contains Non-Safe Work Material). Similar to the first book, the novel is printed in paperback with a glossy sleeve covering the book. It is written in the same Japanese format as the first book (sentences written vertically from top to bottom, running from right to left). The novel also contains CG images interlaced within the novel to accompany the writing at a certain point in the story, though the majority of the novel is still text. And, just like the first novel, this one contains new images reinterpreting the monsters from Silent Hill 2 by Masahiro Ito. Unfortunately, Konami has yet to post a preview of the novel on the order page, so it is yet unknown what the images are and of which monsters. (I suspect though that there will just be the classics: The Red Pyramid Thing & Mannequins, Lying Figure, Abstract Daddy, Marya, et al.) This second novelization comes as quite a surprise considering that the film only covers the story of the first game. Likely, this was one of the number of "projects" that Konami had been working on, as hinted by William Oertel. One has to now wonder if there will be a third novelization in the series. However, I really don't think there will be a novelization through or beyond the fourth game, since it is still a part of the current season.* The novel serves to promote the release of the Premium Edition of Silent Hill, released on the same day. (See below for details.) The novel retails at 933 yen (980 yen with sales tax, ~9 USD) and has the ISBN (catalogue number): 4-86155-832-8. If Konami does not place a preview of this novelization on their site, I will provide one here when my copy arrives. *Footnote: Team Silent has broken up the series into seasons, where the first season of the series included influences from the original creators and that the second (current) season is noted by the influence of new members and heads-of-staff. Each season will reflect the style and direction of the current members of staff. Personal feelings aside, the current season has a very different presentation than the first. Konami Digital Entertainment - Items of Silent Hill 2 (Main Page) Konami Digital Entertainment - コナミノベルス「サイレントヒル」 (Order Page) EDIT: I've received my copy of the novel yesterday and it is very similar to the first novel, except that this one is dedicated to Mary (where the first was dedicated to Cheryl). The novel, however, only contains four full page illustrations by Masahiro Ito, where as the first contained eight. The drawings are in color and feature the Red Pyramid Thing Duo (on a two page spread) and two images of Marya. I'll try to have a preview available by tomorrow, including the full page illustrations. Silent Hill Film Update: Silent Hill Premium Edition Released; Silent Hill Ultimate Box Edition Release Revised: As previously reported, the Silent Hill Premium Edition was release in Japanese retail stores on November 22, 2006 by Shochiku Home Video. The set, which was originally stated to be a 2-disc set, is actually a 3-disc set. The set contains the feature film (on the first disc), the "making of" documentary Path of Darkness (on the second disc), the game-to-film comparison created by the development team at Konami (on the third disc) and additional cast and crew commentaries and interviews (on the second and third discs). The DVD also includes a large number of additions that are not available to the North American (Region 1) release, which include film trailers, game trailers (SH0, TSHE, novels, etc.), TV spots and English & Japanese subtitles. The first disc included in the Premium Edition of Silent Hill has the main feature with 5.1 Surround Sound in either English or Japanese dub. The subtitles can be displayed in either English or Japanese. The credits montage at the end of the film features the Japanese version only (being that it uses the song "Lovin' You" performed by Anna Tsuchiya [written by Anna Tsuchiya, Joey Carbone, Anthony Mazza and Ron Harris] instead of "You're Not Here" performed by Mary Elizabeth Mc Glynn [written by Akira Yamaoka, Joe Romersa and Hiroyuki Owaku]). Additionally, more trailers were added (for other films) than was featured on the original (regular) DVD version. The second disc contains "Path of Darkness: Making of Silent Hill," broken up into it's individual chapters: Origins, Casting, Set-Design, Stars and Stunts, Creatures Unleased, and Creature Choreography. Like the regular edition, it also features a "Play All" feature for the documentary. Also, there is a "Behind the Scenes" interview with Radha Mitchell, which runs at 14 minutes. The last features on the second disc are the promotional material for the film, which includes the North American theatrical trailer, 2 North American TV spots, 3 Japanese TV spots and 4 Japanese theatrical trailers. The third disc* contains the game-to-film featurette called "The Truth of Silent Hill." This includes a number of game materials provided by Konami. The first is an interactive town map of Silent Hill. The next features are a backstory of the original Silent Hill game, broken down into sub-sections: Story (text only; Japanese), Characters (text only; Japanese), Opening Movie and Alternate Opening Movie, and Ending Movie. There is also a backstory available for Silent Hill 2, also broken down into sub-sections: Story (text only; Japanese), Characters (text only; Japanese), and Opening Movie. Next, is the direct game-to-film comparison, which is separated into sections: Scene Comparison, Character Comparison, and Creature Comparison. The Scene Comparision compares 15 scenes from the film with 15 scenes from the games. The Characters section compares 10 characters from the game with the film cast. And, the Creature Comparison looks at 6 different monsters from the games to the film's menagerie. The disc also contains interviews with Akira Yamaoka about both the game and the film (Japanese dialogue only, no subtitles available). The disc rounds itself out with promotional material for other related products: trailers for Silent Hill 0rigins, The Silent Hill Experience, Silent Hill 3 and the Silent Hill novels. In addition to the three disc set, with the limited production of the first printing of the DVD set, you'll get a custom case to fit all three discs and a booklet entitled "Silent Hill - Guide to Chaotic Town." *Footnote: Some users have had problems with the first printing on the third disc, citing both skipping issues and and video errors. No idication was given as to whether this was a problem with the Region 2 encoding or player decoding. The Ultimate Box Edition of Silent Hill is set to release on December 13, 2006 in Japanese retail stores. The Ultimate Box Edition will include all the features of the Premium Edition with the addition of a special Blu-Ray disc which will contain only the contents of the first two discs. The custom case and booklet "Silent Hill - Guide to Chaotic Town" will be available with the limited printing of this set. Play-Asia - Movies - Silent Hill Premium Edition CD Japan - Movies - Silent Hill Premium Edition - Movies - Silent Hill Premium Edition (3 Discs Edition) (Japan Version) Other Japanese online retailers and importers are available, but these are the most prominent sites in English. Silent Hill Premium Edition Contents:Disc One- Main Feature (125 minutes)- End Credits (with alternate music)- Subtitles- Previews (Other Films)Disc Two- "Path of Darkness: Making Of Silent Hill" Documentary (59 mintues)++++ Origins++++ Casting Silent Hill++++ Set-Design++++ Stars and Stunts++++ Creatures Unleased++++ Creature Choreography- "Behind the Scenes" interview with Radha Mitchell (14 minutes)- Promotional Material++++ North American Theatrical Trailer++++ North American TV Spots (2)++++ Japanese Theatrical Trailers (4)++++ Japanese TV Spots (3)Disc Three"The Truth of Silent Hill"- Silent Hill Town Map- Original Game++++ Silent Hill--------- Story (Text Only; Japanese)--------- Characters (Text Only; Japanese)--------- Opening Movie--------- Alternate Opening Movie--------- Ending Movie++++ Silent Hill 2--------- Story (Text Only; Japanese)--------- Characters (Text Only; Japanese)--------- Opening Movie- Game Vs. Movie++++ Scene Comparison++++ Character Comparison++++ Creature Comparison- Akira Yamaoka Interview++++ About the Game (Japanese; No Subtitles)++++ About the Movie (Japanese; No Subtitles)- Related Products++++ Trailer for Silent Hill 0rigins++++ Trailer for The Silent Hill Experience++++ Trailer for Silent Hill Novels++++ Trailer for Silent Hill 3 (PS2)Subtitles:English, Japanese (Optional)Picture Format:2.40:1 Anamorphic NTSCSound:English Dolby Digital 5.1Japanese Dolby Digital 5.1Case & Extras (First Printing ONLY):Amaray (Keep) case with plastic slipcaseBooklet - "Silent Hill - Guide to Chaotic Town" Personal Note: I'm interested in the trailer for the Silent Hill novels, because I'm interested in seeing if a novel for Silent Hill 3 will be coming out. If so, I wonder which date it will be: December 13th or January 22. The first date corresponses to the release of the Ultimate Box set, the last of the releases for the film, but the second date could be more interesting, since it is both the exact two month period between the previous novel releases, but also the same day as another major release. Quote
Monobrow Posted December 3, 2006 Posted December 3, 2006 hey ifrit, do you ever frequent any SH forums? edit: or does anyone else here for that matter? also, I'm starting to realize that this thread is like a mini has so much information...I just can't believe it. Quote
ifirit Posted December 4, 2006 Posted December 4, 2006 hey ifrit, do you ever frequent any SH forums?edit: or does anyone else here for that matter? also, I'm starting to realize that this thread is like a mini has so much information...I just can't believe it. I usually lurk in the Silent Hill Forum mostly to hear about what's new or what cool project someone is cooking up next. I used to look up Silent Hill Resort for info on the film before it's release, and also to check out the podcast, but recently they've become a little too side-tracked by other non-SH related news to stay relevent. Recently, I've been trying to build up a relationship with Silent Hill: Origins to make the information here a little more accessible to the public, but there are a number of kinks that I've still got to work out. Silent Hill Heaven's Forums had quite a long dry spell, especially with the main site closing and all, but recently with the revived interest in the series and it's subsequent publications, I'm finding myself reading more and more from that site. Quote
Nulion Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 ifirit, I've got to ask...About the Silent Hill Premium/Ultimate Edition, is that a Japan only release? For now it sure seems like it is, but are there any plans at all for it to be brought over to the US? If not....GHA! >.< Just looking at that feature list makes me jealous! >.< Quote
Monobrow Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 hey ifrit, do you ever frequent any SH forums?edit: or does anyone else here for that matter? also, I'm starting to realize that this thread is like a mini has so much information...I just can't believe it. I usually lurk in the Silent Hill Forum mostly to hear about what's new or what cool project someone is cooking up next. I used to look up Silent Hill Resort for info on the film before it's release, and also to check out the podcast, but recently they've become a little too side-tracked by other non-SH related news to stay relevent. Recently, I've been trying to build up a relationship with Silent Hill: Origins to make the information here a little more accessible to the public, but there are a number of kinks that I've still got to work out. Silent Hill Heaven's Forums had quite a long dry spell, especially with the main site closing and all, but recently with the revived interest in the series and it's subsequent publications, I'm finding myself reading more and more from that site. I recently joined the sh forum... They are pretty receptive to just figuring out what makes the games really tick... I think their atmosphere is warm and friendly. The silent hill heaven forum is pretty much full of a lot of snobbery, but they know their stuff... A lot of the people there seem to take themselves way too seriously... especially the mods, which is not good. I take that place with a grain of salt. I am pretty much taboo there myself. The site's content was great, and hopefully the newer edition will be good as well when it is released. I've never visited the other places, I will have to take a look. If you ever post at the places I visit, drop me a pm and I will take a look. :J Quote
roque Posted December 7, 2006 Posted December 7, 2006 I read somewhere that the third disc of the Premium Edition just has the same stuff from the Silent Hill Experience on PSP; anyone know if that's true? Quote
RazorOutlaw Posted December 12, 2006 Posted December 12, 2006 In my Literary Genres class, we had to mak a film based on a literary work or a work of our own. My mind practically exploded with possibilities, because I kind of always wanted to try my hand at doing something scary and/or psychological. Being that my campus is creepy in some areas (actually as a general rule, its just creepy anywhere inside the buildings) I figured this would be an easy task. But I also recognized that my plans were ambitious, and the group I was working with came up with the simpler idea of adapting Frankenstein. So I kind of pushed the idea to the back of my head until I visited a friend last night and she showed me the music video she made for her Media class. It was put to the song by Greenday, y'know the one that goes "There's something unpredictable but in the end its right/I hope you had the time of your life" However the music video itself centered around a couple, one of whom died in a wreck, and the girlfriend left behind who couldn't let go. Fortunately the music video ended happily, but it got my mind turning as to what the music video would have been like if it hadn't been put to a popular and upbeat song. ANYWAY, as I watched her video I thought that it'd be a bitchin' idea if someone had adapted the Theme of Laura song to their own music video. I'm a bit disingenious on this part, but it occured to me just how much I'd like to see the original video adapated with real people. And then it occured to me just how much I'd like to direct that video myself. Just to satiate my curiosity as to how the intro to Silent Hill 2 was directed, in the off chance that I'd take up time next semester for this extracurricular activity, I looked up the old song and then I found this odd little gem: And that was an unecessarily long introduction, sorry! Quote
ifirit Posted December 14, 2006 Posted December 14, 2006 Silent Hill 2 "Theme of Laura (Trip-Hop Remix)" Ahh, I see you've uncovered the infamous Trip Hop version of Theme of Laura. Yet, it seems that this is completely new to you, so I'll offer a little explanation, though I've only got a partial origins of this version of the song. Also, I'll have to work backwards, as I wasn't there in the beginning. The video above is an official trailer for Silent Hill 2, which was used to promote the game in Europe before it's release on November 23, 2001. It was first shown at a press release at the French Juillet Event by Konami Computer Entertainment of Europe (KCEE), now KDEE. It was a special treat for the European market to make up for the delayed release of the sequel. The trailer was officially released on the second disc of the PAL version (Catalogue No.: SLES 50382), Silent Hill 2 Special Version. The music from the trailer was available (in .mp3 format) from Nursery Cryme (Dead Link) in two parts, labeled as "Theme of Laura (Trip Hop Remix Part 1)" and "Theme of Laura (Trip Hop Remix Part 2)." The mp3 in the first part originally did not contain the lyrics from the trailer. The trailer itself was later released by Letter From Silent Heaven on their rarities page, though copies of the actual video file did float around the forums beforehand, ripped from the second disc DVD. For some reason, the video was not included in the Art of Silent Hill DVD, suggesting that the trailer was not created/owned by Konami, as was the "Making of" documentary. The video was commissioned by Konami from Mook Productions, but here's where it gets a little hard to trace. I can't determine whether the Mook Productions listed as the makers of the trailer are the same trio (formerly quartet) of professional slap-stick artists, The Mook Brothers. Looking into the background of the trio, I found that the Mook Brothers ("mook" being slang for moron) had formed Mook Productions back in 2001, when it's initial members Bobby Timothy and Peter Timothy joined with Rob Pedini and Truman Clark McCasland. The company was developed to produce shorts and other video recordings for the group and to take on commissions. So, the timing seems right, but I have doubts because of the difference in artistic consistency between the trailer and the group's slapstick origins. As it is, there is no record of this group though having made the trailer. Also, because of the doubt I have about the creation of the trailer, I also have doubts that the music was remixed by Akira Yamaoka. Before the release of Silent Hill 2 in Europe, Konami of Europe commissioned (or maybe received) remixes from other prevolent musicians in the music industry. The artist that comes to mind is Skeewif who created the music for the Caramel Mix video. (If your site has this song attributed to Akira Yamaoka, please edit your text.) As such, I cannot verify currently whether or not this was remixed by Akira Yamaoka. Anyway, if you'd like to download either the trailer or it's music you can do so from your friendly neighborhood Silent Hill Media. Silent Hill Media - Silent Hill 2 Movies & Trailers (.wmv format / 13.9MB) Silent Hill Media - Silent Hill 2 Music (.mp3 format / 6.39MB) I read somewhere that the third disc of the Premium Edition just has the same stuff from the Silent Hill Experience on PSP; anyone know if that's true? It's likely that the interviews given by Akira Yamaoka for The Silent Hill Experience are the same interviews that appear on the third disc of the DVD set, but the rest of the media on both The Silent Hill Experience and the Silent Hill Premium Edition are different from each other. The Silent Hill Experience contains media such as interactive comics, selected music, music videos and game trailers. The extra material from Silent Hill contains an interactive map, film and game comparions, and game backgrounds. Likely, the only possible shared material from either are the interviews and trailers, but there were multiple trailers and interviews released in Japan and North America. In short, The Silent Hill Experience is NOT the Silent Hill Premium Edition / Ultimate Box Set Quote
Deathtank Posted December 15, 2006 Posted December 15, 2006 I bought the Silent Hill DVD today, all I have to say is: its a pity they didnt put any parts/videos from the game in the "making of"... They didnt even mention Konami at all... I hope they do a SH 2 Quote
leokef Posted December 15, 2006 Posted December 15, 2006 Has anyone seen Silent Hill on blu-ray? I'm just curious as to what the experience is like--I loved the film's visuals myself. Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 More SH5 info, courtesy of Famitsu Quote
ILLiterate Posted December 22, 2006 Posted December 22, 2006 More SH5 info, courtesy of FamitsuBased on that post, and the post under on that message board, RE5 & SH5 are the same game Quote
DarkPoinko Posted December 27, 2006 Posted December 27, 2006 According to Christophe Gans, Roger Avary and fantasy author Neil Gaiman will team up to write "Silent Hill 2" reports DVD Rama. Avary will get to work on the project just after he completes work on his "Driver" script. Gans, who helmed the first film along with French genre feature "Brotherhood of the Wolf", may or may not direct the sequel as he is busy prepping his adaptation of "Onimusha". Quote
Manic Cinq Posted December 28, 2006 Posted December 28, 2006 busy prepping his adaptation of "Onimusha". Nooooooooo! My precious Onimusha. I like Brotherhood of the Wolf (a little) and Silent Hill (except what they did with the cult and Dahlia), but I always get worried when a series I like gets translated onto the big screen. It very rarely turns out well. I mean they might change the genma into christian demons and then samanosuke-realized-as-a-woman will fight satan to the death in a rediculous wire-fu battle. Hmm... lets see: Disney is distributing it if it happens and there's a production company involved. Reported $50M budget. Most of the news I find about it is 3 years old. Quote
StarZander Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Bump! Just don't want this thread to disappear. You never know what might happen! Quote
ifirit Posted January 12, 2007 Posted January 12, 2007 Based on that post, and the post under on that message board, RE5 & SH5 are the same game Actually, based on that post, RE5 & SH5 are the same game environment. However, I do get the point that they just seem to be following the Resident Evil series rather than blazing their own trail anymore. I'm beginning to have doubts about Team Silent's ability to really touch on the human experience further. The last string of luke-warm releases since 2004 hasn't helped to restore any of that faith back either. Without the original members involved anymore, there just seems to be something lacking in the series right now. I don't really know if it's just personal or if it's from over-exposure, but the series seems to be lacking in some intellectual sense of wanting to find something deeper amidst the random chaos and decay that exist in the game world: a philosophical curiousity, if you will, the essense of artistic desire. I'm really hoping that Team Climax can bring that back to the series with SH0. If not, then who knows if it will ever return. Quote
RazorOutlaw Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 Indeed, I found Silent Hill 4 to be the most lacking in terms of relating to the characters. Although there was characterization in the game, it was either too subtle or nonexistant. I never picked up on much, if at all. That lead to a lot of disappointment in the end of course. Personally my fear is that by SH4 they had run into "How do you tell the same story again?" At the base level, and I hope I'm not going too far as to hastily generalize the entire game, SH4 repeated the mad-person ressurecting a darker power for their own ends. The Star Wars EU ran into a problem of constantly trying to up the "threat" level the heroes faced. Every new villain had a super weapon or a grand army. It became boring because everybody wanted to have the next Darth Vader on their hands! In the same universe just how often would that be possible? Not every general is Alexander the Great just as every muscician doesn't end up being Kurt Cobain. Thus with the exception of SH2, people just seem to want release demons into the world for the purpose of domination. Now I guess we could fall back on that oh-so-human story of Silent Hill 2, but how many times have fans repeated the motif of a guilty party being judged for their sins? I dunno, maybe I'd just like to see a good person get fucked over for once. No cosmic justice, just plain old bad luck ala ALIEN. Quote
ifirit Posted January 23, 2007 Posted January 23, 2007 Thus with the exception of SH2, people just seem to want release demons into the world for the purpose of domination. Same could be said of a lot of horror and psychological media that has occult tendencies. Personally, I think that the genre itself has reached somewhat of a plateau and needs a good innovator to push things along a bit. I like to see stories of a much more mundane nature, but not any less complicated. Too many stories aren't complicated enough. For the most part things are pretty much cut-n'-dry. Too one-sided. (Anyway, I hope Siren 2 gets released in the US.) Now I guess we could fall back on that oh-so-human story of Silent Hill 2, but how many times have fans repeated the motif of a guilty party being judged for their sins? True, but does a personal conflict necessarily need to involve ones sins? Right now, I'm intregued by the idea of potential and shared guilt. Fear of having to do something, because you fear its outcome and the fear of taking action because of what others have done or are capable of. Problem is though that these are concepts more commonly attributed to feminine perspectives than masculine ones, which have generally dominated the Silent Hill series. Also, though they probably make good stories, these ideas have trouble with translation to an interactive medium since they utilize inactive roles. Somehow, I feel that things need to go back to the whole isolation concept, where people have to deal with being alone. I dunno, maybe I'd just like to see a good person get fucked over for once. No cosmic justice, just plain old bad luck ala ALIEN. Have you played Siren? Twelve characters and only one survivor. ---- The Silent Hill Experience Update: The Silent Hill Experience on Sale for $9.99: Konami Digital Entertainment of America has placed the UMD on sale for $9.99 USD, half of the original $19.99 USD. While the shipping costs from Konami tend to negate any and all savings from their store, the price drop means that it may carry over to other merchants as well, if they have not already dropped the price. In fact, has already dropped the price to $7.99 USD The Silent Hill Experience is an interactive media disk that runs on the PlayStation Portable (PSP) gaming system. It includes digital comics, film director and producer interviews, composer-selected custom soundtrack, game and film trailers, and original music videos. While the main attraction is the digital comics, I tend to go back to the UMD for the original music videos and custom soundtrack. Not to mention, it has a really great user interface and animations. For $9.99, it makes those of us who paid $29.99 for it muttering under our breath. Konami Digital Entertainment of America - The Silent Hill Experience - The Silent Hill Experience Silent Hill Merchandise Update: KonamiStyle of Europe Re-Opened; Merchandise Back In Stock: KonamiStyle of Europe has completed its online remodeling and is now back online. With a better overall structure set-up than the previous website (or more accurately, websites), the stores make it easier to shop and find merchandise relating to all the popular Konami brands, including Silent Hill. Which brings me to the point, as some of the limited edition merchandise exclusive to KonamiStyle of Europe are now back in stock. The official Silent Hill 3 Radio is again available at KonamiStyle of Europe, but this time at the Germany Branch rather than the former France Branch. The radio which costs 24.95 Euros (~$32.28 USD) is your standard AM/FM radio placed in a very sleek, slim metallic casing, silver color with black lettering. Like I've said before, you're not really a Silent Hill fan until you own an official Silent Hill Radio. The Scandinavian Branches of KonamiStyle of Europe have also now extended the availability of the Silent Hill 2 Statuette from the Sweden Branch to Norway and Suomi. However, in the last twenty-four hours since I've spotted the item, quantities have sold out. While it was available, the statuette retailed at 42.95 Euros (~$55.56 USD). Well, if the quantities are restocked, I'll let you guys know. KonamiStyle of Europe - Main Site KonamiStyle of Europe - Germany Branch - Silent Hill 3 Radio KonamiStyle of Europe - Suomi Branch - Silent Hill 2 Statuette Quote
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