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to those who read this, i don't want to start a fanboy flamer thread. i'm posting this because it's one of the best bits of game journalism that i've read in years - HONESTLY. it's mostly speculation, but it's well-researched speculation - and contains a ton of stuff that i, as someone who considers himself well-informed as to the nature of the gaming industry, didn't know or realize.

some of the middle issues aren't as riveting as the rest, but articles one, three, five, seven, and eight are really good. eight is the capstone of them all - lots of info regarding the coming year in each of microsoft's stable of dev studios and squeenix's relationship with microsoft and the 360 console. hist first article talks about this year's expectations for the PS3, and why next year's likely to be a lot better for the PS3.

master samo released this in eight parts. they're linked below.

one: the beginning

two: the MMO

three: the newcomer

four: the ally

five: the paradigm

six: the following

seven: the massacre

eight: the unveiling

really, really good stuff. only thing that bothers me is the fact that HHGS never proofreads their articles, so there's some grammatical inconsistencies. drives me up a wall, but there's still good content there.

really, really good stuff. only thing that bothers me is the fact that HHGS never proofreads their articles, so there's some grammatical inconsistencies. drives me up a wall, but there's still good content there.

You know what can make it worse? When you're trying to find a job as a Copy Editor but nobody is hiring. God, I would love for them to pay me to fix this kind of crap.


Not to start something, but hasn't the Xbox 360 been pretty much neck-and-neck with Nintendo for winning this generation? Granted, Wii is killing everyone in sales but the PS3 has been at best disappointing this generation, I don't know why an article is coming out now, 4 years into the console's lifecycle, saying that THIS YEAR is going to be Xbox 360's year when the past 2 years have been pretty stellar as well.

That said, in no way am I implying the PS3 is bad in any way, in fact I'd like to point out how great this generation has been for owners of all systems; this is the first generation in a while where quality titles have been pouring in for all platforms, even the two (arguably three) handhelds and PCs.


Meh, all this talk of PS3 exclusives vs XBox360 exclusives really makes me sick nowadays.

I'm still planning to buy a PS3 because I want Killzone 2, but, I'm just going to be peeved that I can play MGS4 on the PS3 but not MGS5 for a long time after that. And I'm buying my PS3 planning to play Metal Gear Solid games, Final Fantasies, Jak series and R&C games because that's what I expect to play on the Playstation console that I'm to buy.

Now with this lame arm-wrestle between Micro$oft and Sony, games are swapping back and forth. Can't games stay with their parent console? I'm not guying to buy a PS3 expecting to bloody play Halo - I don't want Sony to buy the IP, and if I wanted to play the damn game I would buy an XBox360. Same with XBox360 owners. If they wanted to play bloody MGS games and other games that have been with Sony for ages, why not buy a damn PS3 in the first place. And don't bug me with details over the pricepoint - okay I know the PS3 is very expensive, but if you're dying to play certain games on it, then you'll just have to fork a bit more for it.

Now, I don't even want an XBox360, because I can play all their "exclusive" games on my PC (was Bioshock at first, Mass Effect, and Oblivion which eventually got ported to PS3). But what Microsoft seems to be damn doing is forcing gamers to buy THEIR damn console just so that we're forced to buy their stupid console just to play the exclusives on it.

Blaghg. The whole thing makes me mad.

Now, I'm not ranting at anyone who owns either a PS3 or an XBox (we all hate fanboys etc); I just hate the way that it's all carried out - this whole exclusivity thing. It was fine when Nintendo was known to have the Mario games, Playstation to have the Crash Bandicoot and Final Fantasies, and now that there's a third party on the scene, shit has hit the ceiling to a ridiculous extent.


And lastly, sorry for kind of derailing the thread, but the heart of my argument still lies with the whole XBox360 over PS3, that's gone through in the articles etc etc yada yada.

I read the articles quite a bit but this is what I came up with.


well, you mentioned final fantasy. six of them were on nintendo, then five on ps1/ps2 (a few on pc, too, which was MS) with xi going cross-platform to MS as well. now XIII is 360 for one version and ps3 for the other.

companies just go with what's the best install base for their games. always been that way, always will be that way.

You know what can make it worse? When you're trying to find a job as a Copy Editor but nobody is hiring. God, I would love for them to pay me to fix this kind of crap.

Not to make you feel worse, but I think copy editing has gone out the window with the rise of blogs. With so much content being written and posted so quickly, even from major news sources, people are starting to expect and live with typos and grammatical errors, and as such, I think there will be less demand for copy editing across the board. :|


Ugh, man I can't keep reading. There's nothing wrong with a little speculation, but this article is drowning in it. I recognize that he's obviously done research on the matter, but when he doesn't provide any links or evidence to back up his claims and then he starts making claims based on his own speculation, the thing starts reading like TL;DR forum post.

Even better when he backs up his speculation chains with a link to his own articles, presumably filled with more of the same. :<


Very interesting article, I'm actually interested in seeing what could come out of Microsoft this year.

Two things that really raised my interest in this article...

1. Hideo Kojima's new game

2. Oddworld Inhabitants releasing info on a new game.

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath stood out vividly for me on the XBOX still one of my favorite games, and I hope that even though Lanning professed he was done with the gaming world, it may be time for him to come back.


From a gamer that hasn't really played any of the new consoles, I'd have to say the 360 has the strongest base as far as how many solid games they've released. Seldom has a game been released that totally bombed (with the exception of those BK games). They took a hint from Nintendo's early days, looking of over the games and making sure it isn't a worthless mass of software only released to gain a quick buck.


While I can't help but think the author is jumping the gun on this, I can't ignore the fact that my 360 has been great to me since I bought it back in '07. Whereas Sony has been claiming that each new year will be the year of the PS3, it seems that they usually fall flat and it's the year of the 360 all over again while Nintendo is off in sales land time after time.

I hate to say it, but if the 360 had been brought out without the severe hardware issues and had MS come up with a great marketing strategy for Japan, I doubt Sony would even still be in this race.


Well, 2009 is almost half over; if it's going to be the year of the 360 it needs to get started. Sony's been pumping out consistent exclusives every month. There are too many AAA games coming out for the PS3 consistently to definitively say 2009 is Microsoft's. There are some great exclusives coming out for the 360, but not nearly enough to outshine the other console entirely.

This article is mostly conjecture and speculation. Plus half of his guesses involve release announcements which wouldn't really apply to 2009 anyway, even if some his guesses were true. No sources either.

And I lol'd at trying to guess what Kojima is going to do. :D Trying to understand that man is silly.

I would argue that if there is going to be a year of the 360, it probably won't happen in 2009. It would be more likely to occur in 2010 if it even happened... honestly though, both Microsoft and Sony are getting their stuff together at this point in the console race. Both are releasing good content and while Microsoft is doing well in sales, Sony's releasing a lot head turning games lately.

Honestly, I don't think we'll be able to say 2009 or 2010 is the year of the 360 or PS3.... just because they both have a lot going for them right now. I don't like wild guesses. I read a few of the articles on this site before, and he was making wild guesses just like this, months before.

The same site a year ago was claiming how GTA5 was going to be a PS3 exclusive, which is completely ridiculous. I really wouldn't take anything this site says seriously unless you can find confirmation on other places on the net.

Ugh, man I can't keep reading. There's nothing wrong with a little speculation, but this article is drowning in it. I recognize that he's obviously done research on the matter, but when he doesn't provide any links or evidence to back up his claims and then he starts making claims based on his own speculation, the thing starts reading like TL;DR forum post.

Even better when he backs up his speculation chains with a link to his own articles, presumably filled with more of the same. :<

yeah, it's all really speculative. i like articles that explore possibilities, though, and his reasoning for most of his ideas are relatively sound. there was a Wii version of this about four months ago that i read that was actually really cool - similar stuff, but not quite as large as this was.

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