Devyn Posted November 11, 2010 Posted November 11, 2010 The real question is, would you rather her spank you with her whip or with her bare hands? I would take her bare hands. Quote
The Author Posted November 11, 2010 Posted November 11, 2010 The real question is, would you rather her spank you with her whip or with her bare hands? I would take her bare hands. Grappling beam. Quote
Overflow Posted November 11, 2010 Posted November 11, 2010 The game is good. I'd say it's borderline great. Of course, as a metroid game, it's below average. As was said, the metroid series has been consistently excellent, so a mere good or great game is a disappointment. No, the varia suit thing doesn't really make sense. Yes, I think that the military bonds thing does make sense. I used to go to a martial arts class when I was in junior high, and I just recently met my old instructor again, whom I haven't trained under for some 6 or so years. Even though it's been that long, I would never DARE address him by anything other than "sir" or "Instructor Rob", and if he told me to give him 20 in the middle of a mall, you better believe I would do it. And that's only a martial arts class. I can't even imagine the loyalty someone would feel towards an old CO (Assuming, of course, that CO was a good one and not a jerk. Also, Samus realizes in hindsight that Adam's decision regarding Ian was the lesser of two evils and was the logical choice. Clearly she feels much more confidant in his authority than she did when she left the GF.) Quote
EC2151 Posted November 11, 2010 Posted November 11, 2010 I know a pal on another forum (a Metroid forum I go to, ha), who himself has a friend in the military, and that military person says that while following orders on duty is important, a soldier would not nor should not really wait to receive orders for something very basic and life-preserving- soldiers have to react to a lot on the fly, and the orders don't always make it on time, you see. The Varia and Grapple really don't make a whole lot of sense no matter what. And the fact that Samus slavishly disallows herself their use is kinda creepy if you look at Samus and Adam's relationship. In fact, in the game itself there is little shown that portrays Adam in a positive light. All we know about him positively is what Samus says about him. Which is also pretty creepy. I've tried to interpret things in the way that Adam, because of the Ian incident, is as emotionally messed-up as Samus is, but I really shouldn't have to try to justify what I see as generally poor writing. Like I've said in pages past, Sakamoto is not that a good writer, or at least he has FAR over-estimated his capabilities as this game shows. He is darn well capable of making a good game (hell, in some cases a near FLAWLESS game), but I think it a bit hubristic to appoint himself sole writer, director, and producer and do such (what I would call) a botch job. --- I still need to get around to finishing a second playthrough, but Dynamite Headdy, Phantasy Star II (aka why am I still playing this damn fucking game the game), OCR projects and school research have really eaten up my time. Maybe sometime around Thanksgiving I'll play through again to enjoy the gameplay with skipped cutscenes. Quote
EC2151 Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Why didu gameu serru no werru? I don't really think that story qualms really played a part in this one... Metroid fans will buy any Metroid game (present), and people have bought games that have been critically lashed far more for their (much poorer) storylines. Quote
Thalzon Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 It didn't sell because it's got a 79 on metacritic. It may as well have been consistently rated 1/10 at that score. Quote
Brushfire Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 They won't, not by the end of the year in America, and now they're trying to figure out why. OOH OOH PICK ME I AM EVER SO SMART!! Quote
Overflow Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Well, you know, if Nintendo really decides that the Metroid series is not profitable or that the interest in it has dropped, then they wouldn't hesitate in holding off on another Metroid game for a long time (Another super metroid to prime drought, if you will), or may even consider axing the series altogether, resigning samus to Smash Bros character status. I know Reggie said he wants the metroid games to continue, but really, how much power does NOA have? Even with Reggie at the helm, I can't help but feel that NOA is just a little boy tugging at the shirt of goliath Nintendo of Japan. Quote
Brushfire Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Nintendo should sell it to an American dev team. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Nintendo should sell it to an American dev team. Nintendo should have made it more like Magna Carta 2 Now THAT's a great game Quote
Brushfire Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Nintendo should have made it more like Magna Carta 2Now THAT's a great game Quote
Brandon Strader Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 but seriously.... it was. Metroid Prime 3 was a little boring as it went on. I haven't played Other M yet and I've heard a lot of bad things about it around here. Magna Carta 2 though, was great. Quote
Overflow Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 That's disgusting. And I've never even heard of Magna Carta 2 before this thread. Quote
Brushfire Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 Magna Carta 2 is up for an OCADemy award for Biggest Piece Of Crap of 2010. Sadly, it won't win due to coming out in 2009. Quote
liquid wind Posted November 13, 2010 Posted November 13, 2010 I don't really think that story qualms really played a part in this one... Metroid fans will buy any Metroid game (present), and people have bought games that have been critically lashed far more for their (much poorer) storylines. I'd disagree, Super Metroid and Metroid Prime could easily both be in my top 5 games ever but I didn't buy this seeing the general direction it was going in after reading a lot of reviews and watching someone livestream it for 3 hours. it's unfortunate if the low sales cause nintendo to stop making metroid games, but it would be just as bad to me if the game had sold very well and they continued bastardizing the series, sometimes you're better off leaving it alone(hey there, FFVII spinoffs) Quote
JCvgluvr Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 Announcement that M:OM isn't selling well, and that makes Reggie sad. No surprise, here. Metroid didn't need a JRPG story, or forced, extremely obvious linearity (which lasts until the end of the game). Now the sales reflect this. Get rid of Screwyoumoto, and let's get a good Metroid game, next time! Quote
Bacon Boy Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 I think I might be one of the few people in the world to actually like this game. However, i was majorly disappointed with the lack of music. Most of it was just ambiance. Some music in the battles, but no real world music. This had me majorly put off with the game. However, the difficulty level for the hard mode is extremely difficult imo. One energy tank and 10 missiles... Quote
EC2151 Posted January 31, 2011 Posted January 31, 2011 I thought I'd bump this with a little pertinent info: DKCR has sold 4.2 million copies (and has yet to be released in Europe) Kirby's Epic Yarn sold 1.2 million copies. Metroid: Other M has sold roughly 300,000 in the US and 74,000 in Japan as of now. Part of me wants to say "This makes me a sad panda," while another part is like "good, this damn crap deserved it and I hope Sakamoto learns his lesson, that hack." I guess I'll have to rescind my previous statements: looks like bad press really DID do a number on this one. I mean here I thought people would by a semi-marketed game no matter WHAT the reviews/general opinion, but now I'm not so sure. And the fact that DOA is having Metroid Other M stages just makes me... sick. Quote
Turtle Posted January 31, 2011 Posted January 31, 2011 I died a little inside when I saw the Other M DoA stage. Almost as much as I died inside when I saw the scene that takes place in that area in the actual game. Quote
Mirby Posted January 31, 2011 Posted January 31, 2011 But having Ridley scrape your opponents' faces against a wall is soo... well, stupid. Also, I haven't played this, but I do know that Samus' portrayal of PTSD was accurate, and I'm glad that they used the Metroid manga as inspiration. Quote
Turtle Posted January 31, 2011 Posted January 31, 2011 I'm rather decidedly unglad that they used the manga for inspiration. Especially considering Western audiences can't be reasonably expected to have read it. Quote
Bleck Posted January 31, 2011 Posted January 31, 2011 Other M is a good game, as far as the gameplay goes. The music, cutscenes, writing, acting, and plot are all absolutely terrible. Also, I haven't played this, but I do know that Samus' portrayal of PTSD was accurate Samus having PTSD is inaccurate in the first place. Did you know that Super Metroid immediately precedes Other M? Do you remember how Samus not only kills everything on that planet, but also blows it up? Without so much as stopping to breath or bat an eyelash, let alone have a panic attack after seeing Ridley? Samus has killed Ridley four, possibly five times by the time Other M even starts the opening credits. She's already gained an almost legendary reputation amongst highly trained soldiers (a character in Metroid Prime 2 refuses to believe she even exists). She is without a doubt one of the most powerful human beings in the entire galaxy. Two of the mostpowerful entities in the galaxy, the Space Pirates and the Federation, spend most of their budgets trying to replicate the technological and physical prowess that she shows in every single mission that she undertakes. This is the most powerful woman that any form of media has ever shown. Ever. Her suddenly having post traumatic fucking stress disorder is not goddamn accurate. Quote
The Author Posted January 31, 2011 Posted January 31, 2011 Other M is a good game, as far as the gameplay goes.The music, cutscenes, writing, acting, and plot are all absolutely terrible. Samus having PTSD is inaccurate in the first place. Did you know that Super Metroid immediately precedes Other M? Do you remember how Samus not only kills everything on that planet, but also blows it up? Without so much as stopping to breath or bat an eyelash, let alone have a panic attack after seeing Ridley? Samus has killed Ridley four, possibly five times by the time Other M even starts the opening credits. She's already gained an almost legendary reputation amongst highly trained soldiers (a character in Metroid Prime 2 refuses to believe she even exists). She is without a doubt one of the most powerful human beings in the entire galaxy. Two of the mostpowerful entities in the galaxy, the Space Pirates and the Federation, spend most of their budgets trying to replicate the technological and physical prowess that she shows in every single mission that she undertakes. This is the most powerful woman that any form of media has ever shown. Ever. Her suddenly having post traumatic fucking stress disorder is not goddamn accurate. I keep saying it: place this game before Metroid 2 and you have a good game plot wise. Heck, place it between 2 and 3 and you still have a good game plot wise. After 3 and you run into some issues. (And well after 2 means after Prime, and well, I still think Prime should have been Ridley free but whatever...) Quote
Imagist Posted January 31, 2011 Posted January 31, 2011 but b-b-but bleck she's clearly bottling up all those emotions that can't be healthy Quote
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