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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Everyone check it out. This is the greatest screenshot I have ever taken. God, I was lucky.


Yea, I'm playing as a sissy little white mage. Laugh all you want but it's me who's keeping you alive. You screw with the white mage, and you're not getting back up again.

Strange thing is, I've never done a healer in any game before. But I was able to level this one to 50 with almost full darklight gear (Relic + 1 on next monday). I'm surprised myself.

Edited by Thin Crust
You screw with the white mage, and you're not getting back up again.

Too true. There was always this unwritten rule in FFXI to not piss off the WHM. They may seem all holy and gentle, but they are a pain in the ass to replace, and they're not really obligated to heal anyone but the tank.

BLMs never had any party leverage in FFXI :[ Except when Escape or Warp II was needed.

  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, look at all the content they are getting us for 2.1 There's player and FC housing, Crystal Tower, Moogle king fight, Beast tribe quests, Treasure hunts, Hair saloon(with a lot of new haircuts) NOOOOOOO they brought back Hildibrand, OMG, the pharos. I loved that in FF12. Hardmode dungeons, duty roulette, extreme mode primal fights, new story quests...... This update is going to be EPIC


Lo and behold everyone, I just got another craft to 50..... and I hate crafting.

My classes are.

Carpenter - 50

Weaver - 50

Blacksmith - 50

Goldsmith - 50

Alchemist - 15

Armorer - 15

Leatherworker - 15

Culinarian - 15

Wow, I cant believe how expensive Fleece and Diremite webs are. Also, if you wanted to do the triple turn-in leve quest in Mor Dhona, you would need 108 fleece to make the 9 items. You save on leve allowances but you go through a lot of crystals and materials. But in any case I think armorsmith might be next because I already have a miner to help with that. Either that or leatherworker. But I'm nervous because in carpentry or blacksmith, all you need to do to get your materials is go gather them. But for leatherworker, you need to hunt them and get random drops. That doesn't seem like a good use of time when you can gather materials faster.


Just a good piece of advice for anyone who doesn't know it. The PS3 version of FFXIV is on sale for PS+ members for $10 right now.

If you own the PC version, have PS+, but do not own the PS3 version, you should buy it at this price. It adds an additional 30 days free to your account since you purchased a new version of the game, so you're effectively getting an extra month for $10 instead of the regular subscription price. (And the PS3 + PS4 versions of the game as an added bonus) You just have to make sure you log-in to your existing account from the PS3 to add the service.

I have tested this and confirmed it works. I can't find history anywhere that lists that the 30 days were added, but my next subscription renewal date did get pushed back a month as listed on the site. (And their FAQ confirms that buying the other version is supposed to include an additional 30 day trial, even against the same account)

  • 2 months later...

Well guys, I did it. I finally put the game down. It's been one heck of a journey and my thumbs will never be the same, but I'm glad it's finally over. I used my fortune to craft 50 2-star items for my free company, put all my crafting materials into the free company chest, converted all my crafting sets, and discontinued my subscription. The game is finally over. Let me tell you my accomplishments.

Every crafting class at 50 with fully melded AF gear for all of them. I could make any item in the game with a 100% chance of HQ.

Every gathering class at 50 with fully melded AF gear for all of them.

Full iLevel 90 White Mage with 3 pieces of allagan gear. and 3 other level 90 drops.

iLevel 74 Dragoon

All extreme mode primals defeated with healer's drops from each of them.

Story completed

All seasonal events completed

All treasure maps done over and over again.

Cumulatively made about 4 million gil through crafting.

Beaten coil turn 1-4

The only thing I wasn't able to do was turn 5. I created a static group of friends in my free company to take on coil. All of us used mumble and were ready to go. The first time we did it, only 1 other person showed up. That really was what made me quit the game. I went against titan extreme 100 times and only beat him 4 times before I got my healer's earrings. Not once did my free company of hundreds of people go with me. The community is what makes an MMO great. There isn't a single MMO out there that you should play alone and none of the members in my free company wanted to do this high level of play. Originally I was going to quit when the level cap was increased but that seems like it will be a long way off. In 2.2, they are going to be introducing higher level gear making all my hard earned level 90 gear out of date. And that just won't do.

Now that I'm done, I have a massive backlog of games to play. I'll be starting with another playthrough of Deus Ex Human revolution and I can't wait till Uncharted 3 comes in the mail.

Out of curiosity, is anyone else still on ARR?

  • 3 weeks later...

But there's a difference for me though. I don't like MMO's. Every MMO ever created is a terrible game if you don't have a community to adventure with. I already said goodbye to the Distant World free company. They left me with a foul taste so I wouldn't go back to them.

And the second thing is, I hate the grind. I got 12 classes to lvl 50 and I did enough grinding. The reason I did this game was because I wanted to experience the community of an MMO. did a really good job at making it appealing enough to try a game and since I'm a console gamer with a long history of final fantasy, this was the perfect game to try it on. I'm happy with the experience I had with this game, but it's time to leave it behind.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I finally picked up the game! I have a small group of friends who play on Bryhilder (too lazy to look up correct spelling)

Piff Pelviscrush is my little Lalafell. My brother's going to be a giant Rogueden (again, too lazy) and we're going to travel the land together. The Pelviscrush brothers will be known but not feared, for we are a silly people.


Cool. Let me give you a couple pointers to get you started.

1. Never ever kill trash mobs for exp. There are more than enough ways to get exp and that way is slowest. When you go to do your level 1 class quest you are given a hunting log. That is a great way to start getting experience. There are also levequests you can get at the adventurer's guild, and FATE grinding. These 3 things are the earliest ways open to you to get started.

2. Your starting class determines the city you start at. You are going to be stuck in that region until your lvl 15 story quest. Make sure you two pick classes that start in the same city. Archer, lancer, conjurer starts at Gridania (like Rivendel). Thrumaturge, gladiator, pugilist start in Ul'Dah (Desert industrial city). Arcanist, Maruader and future class Musketeer start in Limsa Lominsa(pirate town on the water.)

3. When you level your first class to 10 and you complete your lvl 10 class quest, you have the option to switch classes. For example, I played a conjurer (white mage) but thurmaturge (black mage) has an ability that you learn at lvl 26 called swift cast. When I am a white mage in a big battle, you can't stop for 8 seconds to cast raise so you use the cross class ability swift cast to instantly raise. Being able to level up any and every class you want is one of the games greatest strengths.

Let us know how you do and if you need any help.


Thanks, Thin Crust, I'm liking Arcanist so far, and my bro wants to be a Marauder so that's perfect.

Cross class sounds cool. My plan is to skimp on gear until I reach the level cap. I don't have all the time in the world and want to play very efficiently. Thanks for the EXP tips, I need to level up as quick as possible.

Very, very different from FFXI so far, but I've barely scratched the surface.


Woah, they introduced Rogue and Ninja as the new class and job.

This is an interesting move for me because we already have 2 melee DPS classes. How can they mix it up enough to warrant another one? Musketeer sounds like a better choice because there's only 1 ranged physical DPS class which is bard. And that one is more of a support role anyway.

On a side note, does anyone have any good stories about an experience with this game yet? I'll tell you one. I was either crafting or gathering (don't remember which) in the north shroud when I had just switched classes back to my main (white mage) I was still at next to nothing HP/MP when I drew aggro from a group of high level mobs. I did my best to combat and run from them casting sleep, regen, fluid aura(spell that pushes enemy away) and I could tell that I was down to the wire. There were still 4 of them left and there was no way I could manage to win even with my iLevel 70 WHM just because all my abilities were on cooldown and I was at zero HP/MP to start. Just when I was about to give up, right out no where, a chocobo leveling party swooped in and insta killed all of the remaining mobs. I just stood there dumbfounded at what I just witnessed.

Your turn!

  • 3 weeks later...
I got this game. What server are most OCR people playing on?

I'm on Faerie; Kanthos Rhodes. I'm still fairly new to the game (L26 Lancer); I just picked a server that had a pretty high population.

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