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Legend of Zelda Oracle of the Sun - Final Arrangement EQ/Mastering opinions...advice

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Just Wondering if you guys think this arrangment of the original Zelda Theme is worth cleaning up and finishing...it has a nice feel but I am looking for some outside opinion.

Zelda Remix by Sweendrix (part 1)


I'm looking for feedback on the mood/tone of the Zelda remix that I posted...this is basically an "idea track" that came out somewhat descent though I know it needs some work. (I have more experience with high end video than high end audio, but i'm making progress)

What i'm looking for is opinion about the mood that i'm trying to set...rather than being upbeat and uptempo like the original, the arrangement that i'm stiving for will be very smooth, flowing, and dynamic...is this the wrong direction?


Hey, man. This is definitely worth finalizing! I loved the more slow, drawn-out, and epic feel it had. Also, I loved the switch between distortion guitar and clean guitar -- it was more than appropriate! In my opinion, the best parts were the times in the song when you played alternate harmonies, straying from the original melody -- especially when you added the slow trills on certain notes. It's stuff like that in which a masterpiece is created. Good work! My only advice would be adding either a key change, or (if you feel it needs to stay in its original key) invent a new chord progression that still fits the changes in melody you created. For instance, the middle part with the clean guitar -- take that time to get a little "too" creative with the chord progression and I think you may very well make it splendid -- in an epic, Zelda way. ;)

- Good luck on finalizing it, bro! =P

- Word.

- J-Pfleg


I would definitely like to hear how you progress on this one. I agree with everything J-Pfleg said with one exception. There's a repeating point in your melody that doesn't seem to fit together well with the note being played in the bass part

and maybe a couple other spots. It doesn't make me wince or anything, just bothers me enough to be a distraction.

I agree that the middle section with the clean guitar needs some extra spice. As it is, it goes a little long without much variation.

Overall, I'm liking it and looking forward to seeing what you do with it! Good job!


I like! A couple thoughts...

I've heard a couple different Legend of Zelda overworld remixes with electric guitar before. So, this isn't incredibly ground-breaking. Which doesn't diminish the quality of your arrangement, but makes it a little more difficult to get people's attention, if that's what you're after.

Also, I am curious what "part 2" is and why the beginning and ending of "part 1" were so abrupt. Especially the beginning, what with it being the first part and all. I am not loving the current fade in that you've got. For one, I find volume fade-ins kind of a cop-out, better in my mind to set up your instrumentation that not as many parts are playing at first — this will create a more natural fade. Also, your melody starts before the volume has come all the way up! Not good IMO.

The transition between distorted and clean guitar is great; not just that it happens, but how you pull it off. I like it.

The clean guitar section is a little boring. Particularly between 1:20 and 2:00, where we have almost a full minute of... background? I couldn't discern a viable melody in this section.

The actual melodic part on the clean guitar is also lacking. It repeats a couple times, and every time sounds more or less the same. In fact, it only sounds truly different from the original LoZ melody in one spot — right around 0:40, I believe (and this part in each repetition). I get what you're going for here, making it more smooth and laid-back, but the lack of variety makes the 0:40 "new sound" just seem, well, wrong. Almost like that note got hit on accident.

I encourage you to play around with this improv-wise... assuming you have an actual guitar, sit down with it, play through the main form a couple times, and then just experiment. I think a second theme is just what this piece needs to punch it up.

Keep us posted on your progress with this! I like your concept, and I think it will be great when it has been tweaked a bit.


Thanks for the advice...it's a work in progress...to date...I have probably spent less than two hours on it. I plan on adding harmonies to the clean guitars, but i'm not quite sure what direction I want to go with that quite yet. As for the repitition in this part, I'm actually trying to capture the original feel of the game, which drove my mother nuts as I was a kid, because it constantly played the same throughout the game, but with part two will come an explosion of energy and changes, sampling various melodies from all of the games, as well as plenty of original thoughts and ideas. The reason for the abrupt cut-off at the end is simply lazyness. I've got the entire arrangement on one track and I didn't want to put 14 and a half minutes of ideas on youtube, so I just cut it. If you listen carefully...you can see a little bit of the direction that part two is gonna go, as for now...it's just not ready to be heard.

I appreciate you guys taking the time to listen to it and give me your thoughts. I'm taking them into great consideration. I'm a newb audio producer (background is video/graphics) and I have much to learn.

the arrangement that i'm stiving for will be very smooth, flowing, and dynamic...is this the wrong direction?

Nope. This is the right direction at the right time. There are several Zelda overworld WIPs out right now (and many ReMixes), but this is the most stylistically divergent.

the best parts were the times in the song when you played alternate harmonies, straying from the original melody -- especially when you added the slow trills on certain notes. It's stuff like that in which a masterpiece is created. Good work!

I totally agree. In that regard, this is on par with djpretzel's take on the Zelda Lullaby (in my opinion). More creativity, while remaining close to whatever source you choose, is something very special in a mix and really helps it stand out.

Looking forward to updates. Any way you could post a downloadable version?


I appreciate the view and the listen. I'm sure that I will get around to finishing parts 1 and two over the next couple of days and I'll be sure to post a descent quality mp3 on mp3.com.


I gotta say, this is awesome. I always kinda chicken out when it comes to remixing the big themes everyone knows.

I haven't really messed around with this theme too much, but being a guitar player i do know how to play the theme. I'll have to sit down and play around with the theme and see if i can't help you out with part 2. I think part 1 sounds exquisite so far! :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Looking for some feedback on this section...it essentially ends "part 1" of the zelda trilogy I am working on. Im essentially trying to create a story through the music and this section is "The Twilight Trail" which starts with a keychange from part one and is essentially a bridge to part two

I would like feedback on the transition at the end of this section as it transitions into a softer more melodic movement.

I would also like any feedback on the feel of this section...I'm aiming for very dark and mysterious...

Specifically starting from 1:40...I'm not revealing the next section yet...but it will touch base one Gerudo Valley after a long metallica like harmony sequence...(think of the breakdown in Master of Puppets)


I'm close to finishing this first movement of the Zelda series that I am working on and am looking for any advice prior to submission. I'm a relative amateur when it comes to professional level audio mixing and most of my background is in video/animation. I would appreciate any feedback on this mix which will help me polish it before I submit.

The Legend of Zelda: "Oracle of the Sun" (Rock Remix)



I really like what you've done with this. All the "in-between" sections are great like at 3:00. Outside of those, I feel like the melody is repeated too many times without any variation.. take a few liberties!

When you get into the underworld theme, it sounds terrific but then gets a little predictable again. Try some screaming guitar ad lib after the build-ups at 6:05 or 6:25. Hope this helps you out!


As a lurker for a long time I saw the invite to comment on the WIPs. I've found a great deal of good stuff here and signed up finally to comment on this.

I really like the Overworld stuff in the middle. It seems to me to be somewhat Pumpkinesque. Similar to the things off of pisces iscariot. Seems there's a bit more of some flamenco-ish influence. I like it. The only thing that doesnt change is the beat. I think once you get the tweaks down, you should mute some of the snare or kick and dimute the percussion during the quiet time. The time signature seems well placed but it is very repetitive. The beat and time can be the same but substitute some quieter percussion. Softer high hat and brushed snares rather than hard ones, almost remove the kick and either leave that open with the beat or replace it with with something more mellow. Then work it back into the dungeon phase and rock it out. This is a really good mix.

I am by no means a composer, gave it up years ago but i am always inspired by the work done here. Please continue to inspire and maybe I'll do one of these some day.

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not the best at mastering, but I'll see if I can't come up with something here.

I want to hear more pop on your Latin percussion, it'll help if you bring out some dynamic contrast too. (just don't overdo it)

I really can't hardly hear any kick on your drum set. When I can pick it out it doesn't have any body to it. Bass drums on a set (usually) sound almost like a very low tom when they're played quietly. (depending on how it's muffled) Jazz or easy listening kits have very little muffling so you get a longer sound with more tone and less thump.


Is this working better?


I'm not the best at mastering, but I'll see if I can't come up with something here.

I want to hear more pop on your Latin percussion, it'll help if you bring out some dynamic contrast too. (just don't overdo it)

I really can't hardly hear any kick on your drum set. When I can pick it out it doesn't have any body to it. Bass drums on a set (usually) sound almost like a very low tom when they're played quietly. (depending on how it's muffled) Jazz or easy listening kits have very little muffling so you get a longer sound with more tone and less thump.

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