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MEETUP! 6/27-BALTIMORE / Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY

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Hey, all, just talked to Larry, he says he's still gonna buy group tix but won't be able to make it there himself.

If you haven't already bought tix, hold off a little longer.


Scratch that. We don't have 15 people, so no group rate.


I think I'm gonna back out; I won't have much time to hang out before/after the concert, and if we're not all going to sit together, I don't think it will really be worth the expenditure for me.


Well it IS just orchestrated final fantasy music I'm sure a torrent of the performance will be up within ten hours after the show...

Hell, it's not like this could be your one and only chance to see it live. *shrugs*

Well it IS just orchestrated final fantasy music I'm sure a torrent of the performance will be up within ten hours after the show...

Hell, it's not like this could be your one and only chance to see it live. *shrugs*

Honestly, with all the official concerts I've been to and heard, I've heard very few official live orchestra arrangements that are as good as the sort of stuff that gets posted every week here. Which I can get for free.


I may or may not still be going; if I haven't said anything by Wednesday assume I'm not going.

I just...you know...really prefer doing things like this as part of a group, it totally improves the experience.


So it turns out that, even while my friend is still going, we had to do this trade-thing where I get a better seat but am sitting by my lonesome. Sucks the group tix didn't work out, and that it looks like everyone's bailing, but for those that do go, I hope to see you there!

Got your PM Ferret; yeah I can give you a ride if you're still going.

Buuut...if everyone's backing out, I may follow suit. Let's see if I can get tix next to OCR people.

Brandon & Jose, mail me ASAP. larryoji@ocremix.org

Sorry about being MIA on tickets, but not enough people were locked in, so that's OK. The group rate is only a couple dollars less, so don't feel like you missed out on the sale of the century (which was a cool game show, BTW; I'm dating myself). I'm not able to go myself because I got called down to Atlanta for a job interview this past weekend and am there until about July 1st.

That said, I'm not in a position to be the one organizing things, but will help where I can. We still have a good group looking to go, and I encourage y'all to make it out, because OCR & MAGFest are doing the meet-and-greet at the venue before the show and will be hanging out!

EDIT: Dave (who is posting below) smells.


I'm still gonna be there, so y'all punks backing out can suck it :-o

We need to show up at 6PM to run our table in the lobby... I was planning on catching an early dinner/late lunch prior to that, preferably at tir na nog or houlihan's but I'll be flexible based on who shows up. I don't have a specific time frame in mind yet, but I guess that'll be the gathering spot.

I'm bad at organizing meetups and Larry bailed last minute like the pansy-ass mofo we all know him to be, so do not expect organizational greatness and you will not be disappointed!


Figures. I wanted to go to this so very badly, but alas, I forgot about it during my recent move into the apartment I'm living in now. On top of that, I've also got plans with my dad. Well... Someone take loads of pictures!


Okay, fine, I'm in. If people know where they're sitting already I'll try to get my seat as close as possible. At least there's gonna be pre- and post-show stuff...right?

BTW Harmony you up for ferrying my ass around?

Okay, fine, I'm in. If people know where they're sitting already I'll try to get my seat as close as possible. At least there's gonna be pre- and post-show stuff...right?

BTW Harmony you up for ferrying my ass around?

Yep, but I'm hanging out with Dave 'n crew for dinner and the pre-show stuff so you'd have to get picked up much earlier than before. Cool?

Whatever people decide on, for before/after stuff, I'd like to join for what I can. I checked and I couldn't get a time for how long the beer tour I'm going on in the afternoon runs, but it'd be great to meet up at a place like houlihan's. That is, if y'all want this crazy cracka acting up :tomatoface:

Anyone wanna go to Max's on Broadway in Fells Point after?

By the way do you have to pick up the tickets from anywhere in particular or can you print them out or what?

This is important.

I'm 99% sure that you can just pick them up at will call once we get there like any other BSO performance...but there's always that 1% chance that I'm totally wrong on that.
I'm 99% sure that you can just pick them up at will call once we get there like any other BSO performance...but there's always that 1% chance that I'm totally wrong on that.

Yeah, I'm pretty positive that you'll get them at will call, unless you did the "print your own tickets" option.

4 PM at houlihan's is a little early, I'd probably show up closer to 4:30 or 5, but I'll message you on facebook, Harmony. Last time I was at houlihan's was at 2:30 AM on a Monday, after my first drinking binge in Fells Point ever, so this'll be nice.

Can't wait!


Dom here, FYI lots of random Magfest crew going. We have a table for both OCR and Magfest, and check THIS OUT, on an email to the main BSO list they pimped both of us out:

http://baltimorebarcams.com/magfest/mag8/promo/distant worlds/distantworlds.htm

Due to having an Otakon planning meeting all day before I can't make any meetups beforehand (this is my OCR+Baltimore curse) but after possibly? I'll just figure it out there.

Also reminder about two other big things coming up: We're hitting up 3 videogames live shows in DC then 2 days in Pittsburgh (July 10,11,12), THEN we're running Jamspace at Otakon again, plus having 4 bands out there play - This Place is Haunted, Armadillo Tank, Rare Candy, and Random (Megaran9 guy).

So much crap so little time. Anyway, see you guys there.



Hehehehe. Indecisiveness rocks. If I'm reading this map right, Rear Orchestra is the area marked AA-HH. It's actually cheaper than Terrace Center but I'm not going to be able to see as much, probably. Should I go for it anyway, or spend an extra $8 for a better view?

Hehehehe. Indecisiveness rocks. If I'm reading this map right, Rear Orchestra is the area marked AA-HH. It's actually cheaper than Terrace Center but I'm not going to be able to see as much, probably. Should I go for it anyway, or spend an extra $8 for a better view?

I went to a Play! A Video Game Symphony concert at this hall on July 18, 2008, and since I ordered early, I was fortunate to be able to get good seats six rows from the front. One thing I was surprised about was how long that hall actually is. The seats in the back are REALLY far from the stage.

Play! does not rely on visuals as much as Distant Worlds does. While Play! has its screens on maybe 20% of the time (and often the video only focuses on Arnie Roth and/or the performers), Distant Worlds plays game video continuously. You need to be able to see the video at times - for example, when they "play into" a battle for Final Fantasy 8.

If you sit in the rear orchestra, you'll be far away from the stage, and the performers will look like ants. However, you will be looking up at the screens, so you can lean back and enjoy the visuals like in a movie theater. You might not care that you can't see the orchestra much, because you won't have time to look at it. If you sit up top, you'll have a better view of the orchestra, but you'll be looking down at the screens. You can see an example of this top-down view at

. In either case, you do not want to buy tickets that sit you at an angle greater than 45 degrees from the center, where you will miss much of the humor and emotional because you can't see the video.

In conclusion, this is a video-oriented concert, much more so than other shows. You should make your decision based on where you can see the screens and whether you prefer to look up or down at them. $8 doesn't seem to me to be worth much consideration whichever way you decide, because you'll probably spend $40 in gas, car wear and tear, and parking anyway.

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