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FAC - RESULTS ARE IN! Fan Art Competition 26: Marvel vs. Capcom

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Give me an extra hour or so!!! Didn't realize this was even running still!

Edit I:

Damnit... I'll post it when its done later, I can't finish this and be happy with it in 20min :(

Edit II:

Yeah this is far too messy for what was intended. Sup relyanCe, hopefully I'll increase the art count for next month by +1.

Give me an extra hour or so!!! Didn't realize this was even running still!

Edit I:

Damnit... I'll post it when its done later, I can't finish this and be happy with it in 20min :(

Edit II:

Yeah this is far too messy for what was intended. Sup relyanCe, hopefully I'll increase the art count for next month by +1.

BAH. Just got back from the airport. Deadline is midnight pacific standard time. So if there's anyone on these forums still interested.. you have just over an hour left,


SORRY FOR NOT BEING AROUND, been on vacation without internet for a while. Happy to see that the regulars in the comp were so on top of things, answering questions and keeping the thread alive. Because of some problems on my end, I'm not going to be able to post the entries until sometime tomorrow (the evening on the west coast maybe). Again, sorry for being afk this month! From what I see in my inbox, this month had a good turnout and great entries, so thanks for that guys.




Question about number 5, The Coop:

It was the smiley, wasn't it??

And great entries all around, they've inspired me to finally start mine.

...tomorrow. Get ready for Wolverine vs. Hsien-Ko and spidey-Megaman!* How did Megaman beat Spider-man you might ask? Umm... I guess he beat Bathtub-man first. Darn slippy sides...

*T'was was my original plan, I'm totally not stealing from entries 1 and 7!

BALLLSSSSS!!!!!!!! And I litterally finished mine 3min ago :( Wish I knew this was up and going...

Here's mine:


I'll def hit up next month's comp... unless the theme blows chunks!

Question, Did you do this off of photos?(i am assuming you did) Also,if it is, is this considered an acceptable entry? I only ask because i did an entry with a similar idea but wasnt acceptable since the original drawings of the characters were not mine. Which is acceptable, i only ask for future reference if Photos are usable instead of drawings. Does that make sense?

This was my original entry idea:



It looks to me like Cottus&Gyes did the vector art himself (whether or not he traced it directly over the photos), while yours (despite looking awesome) seems to use the original art more directly (edited only through filters as opposed to manual vector drawing). But I'll wait for official word on whether Cottus&Gyeseses's would have been acceptable or not.

It looks to me like Cottus&Gyes did the vector art himself (whether or not he traced it directly over the photos), while yours (despite looking awesome) seems to use the original art more directly (edited only through filters as opposed to manual vector drawing). But I'll wait for official word on whether Cottus&Gyeseses's would have been acceptable or not.

actually i converted the original artwork into vector art, each character is 3 separate layers of edited vector art. But i understand what you mean. I completely understand why mine wouldnt be accepted, like i said, i was wondering more about Cottus for future reference in case i decided to do something like that. i love doing stuff like that.


I really debated whether or not I should chime in on this, as it could open a whole host of canned worms. Talking about what is and isn't original has lead to so many arguments in the past, and hurt feelings as well. But...

DJ Mighty- The problem with going that route, is that it's hard to call the end result original when it's using another person's pre-existing photos and such as its base. Even when you add layer upon layer of effects, filters, lines, shading and such, it's still really just a tweaked version of what someone else made.

I believe by "original", bonzai! means work you made from scratch on your own, without recreating what others have already done (be it in drawings, photos, paintings, etc.). Images like the one you and Cottus&Gyes made, while nice, don't really fall into the realm of original work. Not because effort wasn't put into it, but because of the source of the images within them.

If you both drew up your own takes on those characters in your compositions, then it could be considered original fan art, as it would no longer involve drawn over or filtered movie posters, screen grabs, and the like. But as it is, I don't think they can be called original works.

They're kind of like remixes in a way. You take a source tune, and reinterpret it. The end result is a remix, and not an original song. Well, that's more or less what you guys did, just in a visual fashion rather than an aural one :-)


Oh snap! Lots of stuff going on with my art work. Here is exactly what I did to create it. . .

I found pictures of actors from Capcom and Marvel related movies (obviously) and made them into a collage via cut and paste instead of creating new poses. Knowing I was short on time, I decided to scan my collage in and "vector". M.Bison (Raul Julia), Guile (Jean Claude Van Damme), Ironman (Robert Downy Jr.), and Cyclops (James Marsden) along with the yellow background all have their own layers (each character has 3 seperate layers one for white, red, and black) and I eye-balled the Cyclops laser beam. Hopefully this clears the obfuscation on what exactly I did.

So where the uncertainty comes in is with the pictures themselves I would assume and for that I would greatly appreciate it if Bonzai could chime in on a ruling.

I do appreciate the compliments even if it is decided as non-legitimate.


Wall of text. . . eww

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