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I can't wait to see a good Carl player, that puppet thing gets pretty annoying at times when i play against the computer. If you're in between both of them you are pretty much screwed. But yeah it seems like everyone is playing Ragna, Jin, and Noel. I think these are pretty easy characters to fight with when I first played it. I still haven't played enough to figure out which character I want to main with. I've only played everyone about 3-4 times. I'm thinking I want to main with Litchi or Rachel for now though

Btw. I have the PS3 version but I share it with my brother, our PSN: shimstyle.

I'm sucking horribly with Litchi now. If I can't get any better, I may switch to Carl. It'll be just like the Ice Climbers!


So I just got done playing some BlazBlue with Newt...and proceeded to get my ass whooped something like 14-80. I only had 2 wins until like it was 2-30 or something like that - Nu just raped me hardcore before I started figuring things out, and stuck with just Noel. I'm loving how accessible the game is though for a fighter, and yet contain depth. It's very similar to the Street Fighters of yore in that respect. Several of the characters are kinda tricky to use from what I can tell without looking at the command list & practicing like Rachel though.


I will tell you right now anyone on this website that plays 360 would get murdered (and brutally frozen) by me. I am IMMORTAL with Jin Kisaragi. xD

I should start playing hard modes on the game, I'll do that later...

So I just got done playing some BlazBlue with Newt...and proceeded to get my ass whooped something like 14-80. I only had 2 wins until like it was 2-30 or something like that - Nu just raped me hardcore before I started figuring things out, and stuck with just Noel. I'm loving how accessible the game is though for a fighter, and yet contain depth. It's very similar to the Street Fighters of yore in that respect. Several of the characters are kinda tricky to use from what I can tell without looking at the command list & practicing like Rachel though.

Don't worry it just takes practice... go in training mode, look at the command list. Also, set up a level 100 CPU of the character you're using. If you can use your character, you can beat your character (well actually by that time you can beat anyone)


Yeah, I love being zoned by a non-stop barrage of swords from V-13. It's like fighting game designers are right there with me on this.

No seriously, Seth and Alpha-152 aren't this damned bad. Maybe Rugal, but I hate King of Fighters anyway. This is beyond retarded.

Does anyone here use Jin?

Jin's the Ken of BB online last I've heard, as well as Noel being quite popular.

Also to those that have been playing online either on the PS3/360

Any one been seeing this flowchart for Arakune in gameplay lately..?


Jin's the Ken of BB online last I've heard, as well as Noel being quite popular.

Also to those that have been playing online either on the PS3/360

Any one been seeing this flowchart for Arakune in gameplay lately..?


I think don't Jin and Ken are comparable... they have different moves and work in totally different ways.

Ken throws hadouken and shoryuken one after the other

Jin freezes the opponent and slashes him away. comboing tatsumakis and hadoukens.

I suck at this game. So bad. :<

I do too. Let's cry together.

No but seriously, just hit the training mode and familiarize yourself with the systems in the game and what your character of choice can do, then you'll eventually get better.

I'm actually pretty decent with Noel now. I might give Tao, Bang, and Litchi a shot eventually.

Wait... People actually use Arakune?

Also, I'd love to see a flow chart for Hakumen, which is becoming the Sagat of BB.

If by Sagat you mean bottom tier, then yes, so nothing like Sagat. Also from the tier perspective, I'd say a fair number of people play Arakune- seeing as he's in the top 3 (along with Nu and Rachel).

I need to get better at my combo execution though, and i haven't even started using roman cancels the way I should..

How has everyone's online experience been? I've been having lag issues with every match except those against bahamut if/when I can actually join a game.

I think don't Jin and Ken are comparable... they have different moves and work in totally different ways.

Ken throws hadouken and shoryuken one after the other

Jin freezes the opponent and slashes him away. comboing tatsumakis and hadoukens.

He's talking about how often they're played online I think.


Well the way I see it is:

"Who cares?"

They're characters, no matter how many people play them they are meant to used. Anyways, I guess Jin is like a Ken...

When you get to where you find your self getting pissed off or bored just seeing Jin all the time and seemingly following a flowchart that arguably works no matter how annoying or "cheap it seems...

You'll care alright, you will care

Personally though I'm having some good fun with Rachel along with Tager; but god damn Tager is probably the "chunkiest" fighter I've ever used and feels like it too...



Al right, I feel like I'm finally starting to get the hang of Litchi. I'm still a long way from doing her 20-hits and the other fancy stuff, but I'm not totally terrible anymore.

But man, why are there SO many Noels online, and why are they all so spammy? It's worse than Kens in SF IV. But at least I haven't had any lag problems at all


I finally tried the online play yesterday as Jin. I had maybe 5 or so matches. Two of the people sort've seemed to know what they were doing. There was one Arakune player who obviously had the basic strategy down, he just couldn't execute it properly. I'm glad that the online play isn't all a bunch of high-tier fighting game players that rape me like the local fighting game tourney guys. I'm happy to remain a mid-tier fighting game person who doesn't want to put forth the time to bump up to the tourney level. BlazBlue seems like it will be a bit easier to be really good at since it doesn't have Force Roman Cancels like Guilty Gear that require 1/60th of a second timing depending on who you main. Also, the characters just have a lot less moves to deal with, thus limiting what you have to practice at.

Hilarious shit to do as Jin to piss people off. Keep doing his grab. They'll be frozen each time and totally open. Note that this is trivial to break out of (just shake out of the ice or do a grab cancel), but I love doing bullshit like this to piss my opponent off. I did it 7 times in a row yesterday to someone for a laugh. I like to imagine the guy screaming "GOD JIN IS SO CHEAP!!!!" on the other end, when if he knew what he was doing he could fuck me over in retaliation.

When you get to where you find your self getting pissed off or bored just seeing Jin all the time and seemingly following a flowchart that arguably works no matter how annoying or "cheap it seems...

You'll care alright, you will care

Personally though I'm having some good fun with Rachel along with Tager; but god damn Tager is probably the "chunkiest" fighter I've ever used and feels like it too...


Actually I won't care. Jin or no Jin, V 13 or no V 13 YOU CANNOT BEAT ME IN THIS GAME... MWAHAHAH

No but seriously I don't care who I fight... whoever it is JUST FIGHT THEM.

I finally tried the online play yesterday as Jin. I had maybe 5 or so matches. Two of the people sort've seemed to know what they were doing. There was one Arakune player who obviously had the basic strategy down, he just couldn't execute it properly. I'm glad that the online play isn't all a bunch of high-tier fighting game players that rape me like the local fighting game tourney guys. I'm happy to remain a mid-tier fighting game person who doesn't want to put forth the time to bump up to the tourney level. BlazBlue seems like it will be a bit easier to be really good at since it doesn't have Force Roman Cancels like Guilty Gear that require 1/60th of a second timing depending on who you main. Also, the characters just have a lot less moves to deal with, thus limiting what you have to practice at.

Hilarious shit to do as Jin to piss people off. Keep doing his grab. They'll be frozen each time and totally open. Note that this is trivial to break out of (just shake out of the ice or do a grab cancel), but I love doing bullshit like this to piss my opponent off. I did it 7 times in a row yesterday to someone for a laugh. I like to imagine the guy screaming "GOD JIN IS SO CHEAP!!!!" on the other end, when if he knew what he was doing he could fuck me over in retaliation.

Haha you think grabbing with JIn is fun?!

You haven't seen ANYTHING. XD You should see me on arcade mode I just keep spamming freeze combos and special moves! I couldn't even tell if I was on Hell Mode seeing as the enemy couldn't even so much as even walk without gettin' slashed.


I like to add that people seem to forget that, not including Tager, you can double jump; and in Rachael's case her Drive Silpheed can act as a third jump for her as well as a launcher.

edit: I also say you lie neb :<

I like to add that people seem to forget that, not including Tager, you can double jump; and in Rachael's case her Drive Silpheed can act as a third jump for her as well as a launcher.

edit: I also say you lie neb :<

I'm seriously not lying I am really good with Jin and arcade mode on hell didn't feel hellish at all. (Well except V-13 with her stupid swords that pop up behind you. Took me 5 continues to beat her) You normally see people just spamming the freeze button and the right stick for easy schmeasy bashing but I actually figured out Jin's combos and his strategy.

EDIT: w00t at Octorok (+200) forum status!!!

what happened to GG? Arc systems lost the rights to keep making them?

That's a hard question to answer. It has something to do with the fact that Sammy and Sega merged and Sammy had the rights to publish GG. Ishiwatari (creator of GG) has implied that that's the reason Guilty Gear 2: Overture didn't feature most of the GG cast, and instead only had the few characters Arc System Works has the original rights to (which means Sol and Ky I guess). However, Ishiwatari has also stated that he plans to continue Guilty Gear in both 2D and 3D forms in the future. Some people think that ArcSys is waiting for the publications rights to expire and when that happens will get back to GG.

Honestly, I'm kind of relived that BB is a restart that clears the ground a bit. GG XX Accent Core is super-complex and super-technical. I'd expect GG XXX to only be MORE complex and MORE technical. BB with it's smaller cast and less shit to have to deal with (Force Roman Cancels) has a much lower barrier to entry.

I'm seriously not lying I am really good with Jin and arcade mode on hell didn't feel hellish at all. (Well except V-13 with her stupid swords that pop up behind you. Took me 5 continues to beat her) You normally see people just spamming the freeze button and the right stick for easy schmeasy bashing but I actually figured out Jin's combos and his strategy.

EDIT: w00t at Octorok (+200) forum status!!!

Arcade mode isn't a good standard for rating yourself.. case in point: i'm fairly mediocre with nu, and i went through hell getting almost all perfects (got hit in 1-2 rounds).


So just yesterday I managed to get to play with someone on OCR (or was it his brother?) and I'd have to say I thought I did well considering the connection was choppy for me at best. Sure I lost but it felt different from a regular loss.

He didn't hold up well with my simple combos but soon as I hesitated/lagged I was fucked. :lol:

Still learning though and I hope to face him/her? again. :)!!

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