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Fuck me sideways that's an incredible deal. The only way I could swing it would be to wrangle my parents into buying my Christmas present now, but I'll have to see what I can do.

yeah, I know! I just saw this today and was kinda ticked that I just paid $250 for Kontakt 3 alone a couple of months ago. I wonder will Guitar Center's 4th of July 15% off coupon apply to this as well, making it an even more amazing deal?

Where does one get one of these Guitar Center coupons? Do they have them at the stores?


I'm not sure about the 20% coupons, but my hunch would be yes, they'll have them at various times. We're still in a recession, and that means they're more inclined to offer better sales and make less profit than have people talk themselves out of buying anything at all because they can't get the deal they'd like to.

No, they typically don't have coupons in store, they usually go out in the buyers guide or sale promo cards that they mail out. And there's usually pretty good sales on July 4th. If you notice everyone else has a coupon but you don't, just find a sales guy and tell him you forgot it or that your girlfriend/wife/mom/dog threw it out/ate it and they'll probably honor it anyway. If not, go find a different sales guy and so on and so on :)


I was disappointed to see that the 20% coupon for black friday was reduced to 15% last year, which didn't make sense to me because, as you said, the larger discount may have increased sales. Marketing economics are a complex beast though, so I'm not entirely sure it would have worked in GC's favor.

In addition to the mailing alerts on coupons and stuff like "the list" sales (great deals to be had there too), you can sign up for the e-mail coupons by either buying something from their online store or (I think) a simple no-purchase-necessary registration.


my only reservation about this promotion is knowing how old the software is. It's been awhile since they updated the product lines in this bundle... The marketing cynic inside me half expects to see "BRAND NEW!! KOMPLETE 6 with all new instruments!!" In 2-3 months, with a nice $1000 upgrade price from Komplete 5.

They may very well be clearing out the old to make room for the new, but it is a nice price for what they're selling...

my only reservation about this promotion is knowing how old the software is. It's been awhile since they updated the product lines in this bundle... The marketing cynic inside me half expects to see "BRAND NEW!! KOMPLETE 6 with all new instruments!!" In 2-3 months, with a nice $1000 upgrade price from Komplete 5.

I have no problem with that, as I know that these plugins sound great and older plugins mean less cpu use, generally. The newest one of the bunch is Massive, and that one's supposed to be quite the cpu hog already.

I just don't see the point in getting a new pc every two years to enjoy the newest stuff on the market, which seems to be the trend.

But man, I feel soo conflicted right now. I already own Kontakt and bought Battery a couple weeks ago, and when it comes to synths, I usually have a 'less is more' mindset.

Then again, I still remember the enjoyment I got out of FM7 in my noob/warez days. What a beast...and FM8 is supposedly a great improvement.

Guitar Rig, Absynth...awesome gear, no doubt. Generally,it's a mixture of stuff I'd be sure to use a lot and some bonus stuff that might come in handy.

Atleast I'm glad that I didn't learn about this deal, like, a day before it's over, so I got some time to think and demo.

Does anyone know about NI's policy towards selling registered products? Or maybe selling unregistered single plugins from Komplete? I'd hate to sit on redundant copies or pay ludicrous license transfer fees.

Even if they're selling new versions soon, everything here is awesome. $400 for Kontakt alone would probably be worth it, but throw in all that other stuff and it's just gold.

They're not, as far as I know. Last time I spoke with their rep, NI had no plans for a Komplete 6. Their main focus right now is on Kore 2, and developing soundpacks.

It's a good theory. Kore integrates all of the plugin engines into one, so it boosts the browser to the max. If you're looking for say, a monophonic analog synth that has a dark, fat sound, it pulls presets from all the otherwise separate plugins. You can even do this with stuff like Zebra - import your own patches into the database and categorize them so that they'll show up in your criteria search.


you know my friend just gave me like 5 dvds worth of this native instruments komplete thing. I have no clue how to use any of it in fruity loops 8 because i am a total retard. All i want is vox continetal samples. Im not sure if b4 II will give me this. :|


I'm not impressed with my local Guitar Center's handling of this momentous deal. I was there on Saturday and there was no mention of the deal on any of the zillion sale fliers pasted around the store. Komplete was also not on display at all. I was there with a friend to buy it and they had to go to the stock room to get it.

That wasn't cool, but maybe it was some odd oversight. However, I was there again yesterday and Komplete was prominently displayed at the old price of $1000. No mention of any deals. I asked a salesguy and he had to look it up to make sure that it actually was $400.

For folks who work on commission, they sure aren't trying that hard to pull in these particularly easy sales.

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