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Sorry, guys... we have to push the show back again - one more week! Very, very sorry to keep you waiting!

Things have been crazy here; one of my co-workers was hospitalized, so I'm taking on his full-time hours plus my own, *and* our car was in the shop for the past 7 days, which meant I had to walk home. I've just been too exhausted to do anything but sleep by 9 or 10...

AND it's my mom's 60th birthday this weekend, so she's visiting for a few days and we don't have time to edit!

Pease fowgive? :puppyeyes:

Sorry, guys... we have to push the show back again - one more week! Very, very sorry to keep you waiting!

Things have been crazy here; one of my co-workers was hospitalized, so I'm taking on his full-time hours plus my own, *and* our car was in the shop for the past 7 days, which meant I had to walk home. I've just been too exhausted to do anything but sleep by 9 or 10...

AND it's my mom's 60th birthday this weekend, so she's visiting for a few days and we don't have time to edit!

Pease fowgive? :puppyeyes:

Happy birthday to your mom! Also, I'm very sorry to hear about your co-worker, I hope he/she has a swift recovery. It really sucks about your car, hopefully that'll be fully taken care of, if it isn't already.

If ya'll need anything, zircon's got my number.


I'm very sorry to hear about all the troubles... :( Hey Pixietricks please tell your mom congrats, even though it's a little late. Sixty is a major milestone no matter who you are! :) Yes, I'm still lurking and yes, I love the new VGDJ! I never gave up on you guys (and gal) on making a comeback and so you have!! Please keep it going and congrats on the marriage (I know that's a little late to, but better late than never I say...) :)


Here is my take on the whole situation.

Zirc and Pixie are extremely busy folks. They have a lot going on. Therefore aren't able to record as much as they'd hope to.

So I am branching out to create a new OCR Community Podcast. Me, Level99, and Epicenter are going to create a more laid back podcast for all to hear.

I am not going to leave VGDJ if it is to continue, but as of right now, no one from the Aversa side of camp has said anything to me on the subject matter.

With our first episode, we are gonna clean out the remix queue so that everyone gets equal airtime, as if they had just submitted their respective works.

Until one of the other two say anything on the subject, VGDJ is still alive.

I am going to do a sorta solo project with me and my mates. If they wish VGDJ to continue, I am still on board.

Much Love from The Brushfire.


I guess that doing VGDJ was easier back when Pixie and Zirc only had their classes to worry about. Oh, the hated realities of post-grad life. Sometimes I'd give anything to be able to re-live college and just worry about my classes and let campus life be my world again. Sigh...memorieeeeees[/Ren & Stimpy]

Sometimes the planets are just out of alignment.

In the meantime I shall eagerly await the next VGDJ (there is something to be said for delayed gratification).


Don't worry y'all, nothing bad happened to us, but the assumptions made so far are pretty much correct - it's not looking good in terms of our ability to keep doing the show. Jill's coworker has still been out of commission and probably will be for the forseeable future, and up until this week I was busy was GameX convention stuff on random nights. End result was that it was VERY hard to find a night where all three of us were free (mainly Jill and I - either I would be or Jill would be, but not both.)

So, don't count us out entirely just yet, but we gotta try to figure out how we can best work this into our (new) schedules. Oh, the convenience of having standard 5-day college weeks...

  • 2 weeks later...

Should life choose to take VGDJ away again I will miss it so much. The laughs that were, the life that was shared, the stingers that made me laugh so hard I almost feel to the floor! Life in the real world should always take precedence over internet life anyway.

Long live VGDJ! ;p


Even if it's down for a couple months, as soon as it's back up then I'll be there.

I might be an outlier, but I actually had more free time after college than during undergrad. That continued right up until starting grad school earlier this year (and still working full-time). ...now I got nothin'.

Anyway, yeah, I hope it comes back soon, and I hope y'all have the time to pick it back up soon. KF

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