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In short:

1) Hellbringer (Zero) almost single-handed puts up solid fight against entire enemy team for 60 mins.

2) Maliken (Leo) farms the most disgusting build the entire time. And unleashes it over a slow 30 minute roll.

3) ???

4) Profit.

In short:

1) Hellbringer (Zero) almost single-handed puts up solid fight against entire enemy team for 60 mins.

2) Maliken (Leo) farms the most disgusting build the entire time. And unleashes it over a slow 30 minute roll.

3) ???

4) Profit.

3) Relyance manages to roll Zero's entire team easily with his torturer 4x (harkon's blade ftw), but because they had so much gold from farming earlier, they are able to buyback infinitely anyway.

Matchmaking isn't without their flaws - Warcraft 3's had plenty of issues too, and let's not get into the matchmaking found in games on the 360 and the PS3. It's anything but a perfect experience.

Oh, I know. I just can't see it being any worse than now, unless S2 completely botches the delivery.

3) Relyance manages to roll Zero's entire team easily with his torturer 4x (harkon's blade ftw), but because they had so much gold from farming earlier, they are able to buyback infinitely anyway.



God, I love playing Moonqueen. She's not a great carry by any means (I'm having trouble outDPSing the enemy team's carries even when I'm fed/farmed like hell and have items like Shieldbreaker, Wingbow and Symbol of Rage when they're still building their Wingbow), but her midgame ganking power is just ridiculous, and a well-timed ult can turn an early teambattle into a genocide.


by the way, my new build for torturer is thus:

boots -> HotBL -> enh marchers -> 2 scarabs -> 2 greater arcanas -> Nome's Wisdom -> Harkon's Blade -> Heart -> OMFGRAPE???? -> blink for lulz


^agreed, if you're getting your ass kicked just buy fortified bracers instead.

I never really buy HotBL, even on heroes that I see other people getting it on. I have no trouble farming neutrals with zephyr with just a shield and two trinkets (to build into shaman headdress later on), and when I see people getting it on heroes like Pestilence or Predator it makes me want to cry. For tanky heroes like lego and armadon I still think bracers are a better and cheaper option for the raw HP boost (as well as giving other stats), whereas Headdress gives enough regen. I've seen people get it on defiler as well, which, I guess, is their way of dealing with the big nerfs to her core items (e.marchers, sac stone, behemoth's heart), but I think there would be other viable alternatives.


I really wish people would stop griefing at me or at all when they're losing. Sometimes I just want to play a game in silence cause it's so irritating. Makes me want to go back to WC3 to play that side-campaign where you were Rexxar I think and it was Diablo-esque.


Ah I missed Tensei's edit. Arma doesn't get vanguard ever. He gets hood. Lego does tend to get Vanguard even at the pro level. He's a special case though because he's trying to get hit by a lot of things and reduction from each attack will produce more effective HP than raw HP would. Only heroes who are trying to get hit on purpose by many sources should be the ones getting helm or blade mail. Everyone else is wasting their time and gold.


Ugh, again I reiterate we have a soft-ban on Tempest for inhouse games. I vote Jera should be added to that short list as well, but we'll see. Tempest is simply too powerful and too hard to counter for players of our average skill level.


From my point of view, I hate kids who tend to be tryhards all the time. Sure win if you want but don't be stupid about picking your heroes. That doesn't prove you're good enough to be in the same competitive ring as me. It proves that the hero can make up for your flaws. Beat my substandard hero with one of your own. This comes up all the time especially in inhouses were the lower ranked players want to show their stuff so they pick the winning lineup where the vets on both teams just pick to have fun. If you happen to enjoy the power heroes then fine do whatever. I'd honestly rather be more laid back in games so people rage less and so I don't get back into my competitive swing because it ate away at my life. I played so much and raged at so many people for not doing things right. You know it's a bad sign when you think that a team of five of me could have won the game instead of your current clanmates.

From my point of view, I hate kids who tend to be tryhards all the time. Sure win if you want but don't be stupid about picking your heroes. That doesn't prove you're good enough to be in the same competitive ring as me. It proves that the hero can make up for your flaws. Beat my substandard hero with one of your own. This comes up all the time especially in inhouses were the lower ranked players want to show their stuff so they pick the winning lineup where the vets on both teams just pick to have fun. If you happen to enjoy the power heroes then fine do whatever. I'd honestly rather be more laid back in games so people rage less and so I don't get back into my competitive swing because it ate away at my life. I played so much and raged at so many people for not doing things right. You know it's a bad sign when you think that a team of five of me could have won the game instead of your current clanmates.

Yes... exactly. For example in the last game we played, we frustratingly lost (I think - I had to go by the end) to a team with Tempest, played by Hemo. I was Magebane. We were wiped or nearly wiped in about three teamfights by Tempest's ult. Other than that though I didn't see him playing particularly well - no amazing usage of other abilities, no brilliant escapes or positioning... just standard portkey or juke in and ult. Yawn. Had he been playing, say, Wretched Hag, I think I would have overpowered their team more easily.

The problem with Tempest is that he is simply too damn powerful. ALL of his abilities are amazing, I can't say this enough. He is one of the best junglers in the game. He can push towers better than perhaps anyone else (at very little risk to himself.) He has a massive, scaling AOE damage spell. He has an instant ranged nuke/stun. He has huge mana gain. He has the best ult in the game (or one of them.) Can you counter him? "Sure, just know where he is or stun him." Durr. The same can be said of literally any other hero. NO hero has foolproof ults or escapes, so that isn't really a good argument.

Look at Chronos. He is the hardest carry in the game, an incredibly weak character in early and even midgame. His "gamebreaking" ult is quite similar to Tempest's, but I would argue it's worse since it affects your teammates as well (and is thus harder to use, position), doesn't do damage to people in it, and basically has no utility besides allowing YOU to auto-attack. Compare that with Tempest's ult which combos perfectly with every other AOE in the game, does damage AND comes on a character far better than Chronos in overall utility.

The guy is just bullshit, and I hate losing to him because I never know whether I lost because of Tempest (probably the case), or whether my team was outplayed. Saying there are counters is NOT a good argument to not ban him. Every character can be countered, some more easily than others. Tempest is hard to counter compared to others, and this is not offset by anything.

On a side note (tiers) I'm increasingly unimpressed by Legionnaire. Is this guy really worth picking? He has one ability that is practically deadweight, his taunt doesn't last that long, and his damage doesn't scale. Furthermore, his ult just steals kills from your carries, giving him money that he doesn't need (there is never ANY reason to attack Legionnaire in any teamfight - he can't do anything if he blew his taunt, as his auto-attack is pitiful, he has no stun/slow and no abilities to help the team.) His only role is that of an initiator, but honestly, he provides so little utility beyond that, that I think he really only deserves B-tier. Zero, what do you think?

Another side note: Panda's new Flick is broken. It's way too strong. It disjoints/cancels spells being cast (including SS ult), it can be used on characters to follow their jump/blink, it goes through any kind of magic immunity or protection and effectively acts as a 1-1.5s stun. And now it has RANGE?! I died to it several times earlier. Panda at the moment is just too strong with this. I can dominate with him in almost every game as is, thanks to his amazing damage scaling, and once he farms Runed Axe he is an AOE farming machine that has no mana problems. I even use him to initiate!


I discovered something interesting about Tempest's ult via the official forums.

Get a tablet of command. You can use it at any time and it cancels Tempest's ult when used on him. Although people probably haven't thought of that because it's not an item normally used.

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