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So-called blink + ult heroes are amazing at turtling which just helps promote the whole "turtle up and let your carry get farmed"-meta, which is boring to me (and actually benefits heroes like Chronos and Zephyr). S2 already said they'd be focusing on bringing in strong gankers (as opposed to carries and initiators) with the new heroes, so NA is a pretty distinct possibility.


Heroes of Newerth won an award at GDC these last few days, and it just so happened S2Hunter was demoing the game in a booth. I hung around for a bit to see him instapick Scout in a Single Draft game and harass the hell out of a Pesti/Soul Reaper lane (with DSham on his side.) Fun times.

Heroes of Newerth won an award at GDC these last few days, and it just so happened S2Hunter was demoing the game in a booth. I hung around for a bit to see him instapick Scout in a Single Draft game and harass the hell out of a Pesti/Soul Reaper lane (with DSham on his side.) Fun times.

Haha, that's awesome. IIRC Hunter is the owner of the x6 (formerly known as We Heart Pigs) clan, which is the first and only sponsored HoN clan at the moment. That's my useless trivia for the day. :<


at first I thought that I was bad at this game

then I thought that the people saying Chronos is OP were retards

now I realize that it is both

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