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Jabond, your submission should be in an Mp3 format. If you win, your original composition should be in midi format. You can sub your Mp3 file without a problem :).

I've got something in the works, so hang tight ProtoDome - you'll have at least one submission (two with JaBond, three with Setokaibarocket). We will presevere!


Well, I made a remix =) Just one problem (Brace yourselves for a long-winded and rather improbable story xD) :

After 'finishing' the mix (Well, not perfectly finished, but in a state where you could call it so) I rendered it to mp3 and put it on my PSP (For some reason I like to test it on my PSP). This was like a week ago. Some time between then and now,my laptop died. It completely spazzed out xD But at least I still have the MP3

Soo, I'll get to my problem now - My mp3 is 7.5 megs, the upload limit for the competition is 6 megs, I can't re-render it in a lower quality due to a dead laptop, the deadline is in around 2 hours.

So, I'll try and find some easy way to compress it, maybe with reaper or something, but might not make the deadline. It wasn't particularly good anyway. Oh well, may the best remix win (Assuming anyone actually submits anything)

*edit* Well, that was easier than I expected. The lower quality makes it see kinda muffled and wrong to me, but whatever. I'm gonna upload now, though don't expect anything amazing. (In fact, expect something below mediocre xD)


Well Jerry, you could upload the music on another site (such as box.net or something) and one of us could compress the Mp3 file down to an acceptable size. Just be sure to do it within the hour! Wait, you've fixed it, nm :P

Got mine up, Proto - there's now at least two settings of your song (and probably three, with Jabond).

My mp3 is 7.5 megs, the upload limit for the competition is 6 megs, I can't re-render it in a lower quality due to a dead laptop, the deadline is in around 2 hours.

The system doesn't enforce that limit, so in cases of extenuating circumstances you can upload a little more than 6 megs (though I don't recall where the hard limit actually is). But I do appreciate you making the effort to comply with our 6 meg guideline nonetheless.

Also, /voted



I think the actual contest guidelines say the limit is 8 megs, but the compo site doesn't want more than 6, so if Jerry could have gotten around that he would've been okay.

Of course, keeping it under 6 megs is a pretty good habit, all around, so... yeah.


Oh, cool. I thought the hard limit was 6. Now I know it isn't,I can bend the guidelines in the future ;)

And /voted =] I am allowed to vote, right? I remember reading on the comp homepage that I can vote (As long as I don't vote for myself), though I can't find the page anymore, so I'm inclined to believe that it might have been a dream xD

Edit: *Facepalm* Found it. Who'd have thought that you could reach the homepage by clicking the big banner that says "Original Remix Competition"? xD


Holy crap! I won? Damnit, it thought Gario's was way better xD

It was kinda repetetive I know, I intended to go back and add stuff and change it up a bit, but due to the unfortunate (And rather 'convenient') Laptop complication, alas I could not. (You may be glad to know that my laptop has made a reasonable recovery)

(Oh, and in response to the "Where's the panning and soundscapes" comment in the votes, I kinda went overboard with the file compression to fit the apparent 6mb limit, and seemingly the mild lfo on the lead, slight panning, and kinda-dynamic effects seem to have been lost - or at least dulled beyond recognition. Oh well.)

So, I'm supposed to make some kinda midi for the next competition now right? So, um... being a complete newbie to this place, what exactly is the system here for doing this? (And any standards on length, content, etc.?)

*edit* Oh, and now that you (Protodome I believe) mention it, I hear the slight mario reference, assuming you mean World 1-1 from super mario land on the gameboy. It wasn't intentional though.


I believe you can make your original midi any length you want. Probably wanna keep it around 3 minutes or so. As for content, it could be any style or genre. Just make sure your ending product/source is a midi file for the rest of us to remix. :)

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