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I'll be there if I'm welcome! Thanks for the invite, Brushfire.

For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Epicenter, a long-time OCR-goer but first time poster. Some of you probably know me from OatmealCon-- er Otakon 09 and the listening party. Thanks for giving me a good excuse to get the hell out of Jersey for a weekend.

Shall I bring the vintage games? I picked up such a ridiculous assortment of retro Japanese games/systems when I was stationed there, I may as well share.

Also willing to bring food. I can cook just about whatever anybody wants, so ideas are welcome.


Thanks for offering! I think Andy and I will just take care of the food ourselves, though; assuming we're all meeting in the city first, you don't want to have to be carrying around a buttload of stuff. ^_~

We'll probably do what we normally do and ask everyone to chip in a few bucks (estimating $3-5) to help cover BBQ costs. :>


Aw man, I'd definitely be up for going all the way up to Philly if it were another weekend. That day's the day before a major holiday, so... I'm going to be occupied that weekend. Sorry.

Maybe another time. Last time I went up to Philadelphia it turned out to be a lot closer than I thought--just 3 hours or so (I could also pick up anyone along the way from DC to there). KF

We'll probably do what we normally do and ask everyone to chip in a few bucks (estimating $3-5) to help cover BBQ costs. :>

So not only do I need to bring arcade money, gas money, stripper money, and a house warming gift, now I have to bring 5 bux too?







I wasn't too sure if I should edit my last post or make a new one. In any case, I think that I will be able to show up for the meetup. I might have to leave around 7-ish or so. I'll bring my camera and hopefully take some good pictures. If anything should happen, I think I have zircon's number still from the last Philly meetup so I'll let him know.


I am intrigued by this "arcade" prospect. I haven't been to a quality arcade since Japan and Brush, I doubt you have been either.

Btw still offering to make beef barayaki for everybody provided youse guys can get some top round beefs and freeze it and I can bring all the other essentials in de car. (Brush insisted)


if this goes as the last philly meet-up did, you can either show up at andy and jill's place, or 30th Street Station in the city. either way, i believe we are all going to meet at 30th Street Station, mingle, and go from there.

of course, andy and jill are free in intervene and tell me i'm wrong or something, but i think this is how it's gonna play out


Well the wife just informed me that I have a charity football tournament to attend on saturday so if I am able to come it wouldn't be till later... but the tournament is to raise money for cancer research so I can't complain.

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