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Meetup in Raleigh, NC Oct 17th-18th (bring blankets/sleeping bags)

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Not that I mind that much or anything, but this this IT? I don't see a whole lot of people caring about this meetup.

I'm entirely cool with just a few people coming, it's just I'm surprised that there isn't MORE people interested. Unless they're just pming Taucer.

Maybe I'm getting a bit impatient. But yeah, your neighbors can get over it. I wanna ROCK THE HELL OUT (if you got any brutal amps that is).

I'd totally LOVE to do a metal jam to

or this. I have the odd feeling none of you guys really wanna ROCK though, so I'm fine with Chrono Cross acoustic stuff all day :D

Also, LuckyXIII, your idea of win in a meal is astonishingly similar to mine.

Well, that's the kind of food my friends and I generally ingested at RPG sessions and while I don't want to enforce a nerd stereotype, we would all be hanging out b/c of our love of video games - even moreso: video game music.

Alternately I'd be happy to bring some hummus and pita bread instead. :)

As far as jamming, I have no instruments but am a percussionist at heart and - I just remembered - I have a set of harmonicas!

I ain't comming if I can't jam. And don't worry about the neighbors GT, we'll invite them over...I'll bring egg shakers for them to play with.

Ahaha, he beat me to it!

Yeah dude, seriously, just tell 'em about it before hand and invite them over. If they're too lame to realize "Hey, he's having a house-warming party, and there's going to be lots of out-of-state friends coming over, and most of them are musical" and they aren't down with it then screw them. They sound like the kind of people I wouldn't respect enough to worry whether they like me or not. :)

Seriously though, I don't see us getting that loud/rowdy, and they'd have to be the utmost of d-bags to not be ok with us jamming at a welcome party on a weekend.

Also, I've got a cabasa!


If you like throwing parties, that sounds like a reasonable plan to me. I had to not invite some friends just because I didn't want to have TOO many people show up. That sucked, but a second party would have fixed that.

It's gonna be more expensive on your part though :(

No but seriously, if there are going to be a bunch of gymnasts there, I expect to see some live, improv tumbling to our inevitable jamtasticness.

Unfortunately, that's unlikely to happen, as most of the other coaches who can still do anything are underage and therefore will not be invited.

Actually, I think I'm leaning towards having two separate parties

Actually, I think I'm leaning towards having two separate parties

Why, are you afraid we'll scare them away with our vast video game music knowledge and sheer maddening jamma-sauce skills? Well, you may be on to something there, then...

I could care less, as I'm down with either seeing familiar faces and meeting a few new people from the OCR scene, or hanging out with all plus coworkers. If I were in your position, however, I'd probably throw two separate parties as well.

We're eagerly awaiting a tentative date, good sir!

I will be moving in to my new home later this month, and I would love to have a housewarming party OCR-style. If I were to hold a meetup at my place in southern Raleigh in late sept/early oct, how many people would be interested in comming?

Sure, if I miss the other.

EDIT: for those thinking about bringing gifts:

Don't. Bring food instead.



Woah woah woah, seriously? Dude, I frigin' live here. Heck yeah I'd come... assuming it doesn't happen to interfere with a marching band event or practice. Then that'd suck for me. Sundays are nice for me personally, with the exception of October 4th... of course, it's not like I call the date of this or anything, just saying.

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