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If you want to know somebody whose lives have been changed even more by OCR, you should talk to JillnAndy.

It isn't just Jill n Andy, fyi. I listened to bLiNd's music for 6 years before I met him in person. Now he's my husband. Talk about a future mate in front of your face the entire time. :P


Friends (and enemies) have been made through this site...

Although I don't really think of myself as having any enemies, jut people I've walked on a few too many times. Yeah, you know who you are and yeah, I'm sorry but all in all I think I've had more good times than bad since I joined up in 2003...


hmm for me i will say OCR has made me into a better producer not to mention i can honestly say it got me 2 close friends (bLiNd N Jade) who i keep in contact with regularly.the 2 of them have really impacted my life in a totally positive way if it wasnt for them wow i dunno man. I look up to bLiNd a lot no wait the both of them because theyre are married and they are one. so yeah :tomatoface:

hmm for me i will say OCR has made me into a better producer not to mention i can honestly say it got me 2 close friends (bLiNd N Jade) who i keep in contact with regularly.the 2 of them have really impacted my life in a totally positive way if it wasnt for them wow i dunno man. I look up to bLiNd a lot no wait the both of them because theyre are married and they are one. so yeah :tomatoface:

LMAO You sound like me now... "We are one." :P You're so cute, Jewb.




How OCR Changed my life. Well got me introduced to some stellar games, and people, for starters. it also has brought my love of games and music into one... Another thing, its just fun to play games as a community. Probably the best thing OCR has done for me, is telling me what the fuck MAGFest is, and the fucking awesome people getting me there, and giving me a place to stay. Hell yeah guys. It has alos inspired me to learn to arrange and compose electronic music, along with working towards goals of ReMixes

the 2nd best thing is meeting these people, the people whom I've play games with, helped me with my music stuff, everything. Then theres the people who support me when I feel like poopy.

Thank you OCR :nicework:


OCR changed my life by getting me into arrangement and electronic music. OCR also got me interested in a lot of independent artists and their orginal music and now I have an awesome collection of music, especially stuff that goes well with videos/movies/presentations I make. All the forums also makes facinating stuff to read and can teach you a lot. I originally found OCR from a google search on super metroid music 4 years ago. After I heard that first song I was hooked, A few years later I'm a member of the forums and trying to do my best to promote OCR wherever I go. Overall OCR got me into real good music and there are some great people here, defenitely worth while.

I met ... many of my closest friends (through OCR)

I've never really hung around deeply enough in the community to really connect with a bunch of people. When I was living close to Toronto it was easy to go to a couple of the Toronto meetups (and those were really fun) and if I was still in that area it wouldn't be much of a stretch to head to Maryland or New York or Boston or wherever the east-coast people are.

Now I'm Victoria and it's far from everything. Who ever heard of a "Vancouver/Seattle" OCR Meetup? I sure haven't.

I wouldn't go anyway, I haven't quite reaquianted myself yet. I disappeared in about 2006 or so and now it's 3 years later and I come back and everyone's married and all kinds of people I used to talk with have disappeared and I don't really play console games anymore :P

But even though everyone's remote, I still think that distance DOES have a huge impact on whether you connect with people. That and I'm also kind of quiet and conservative to start with.


One of the problems I've had with a lot of online communities (and people in general) is that lack of interest diversity. I'm not exactly one of those people who gets interested in one thing and suddenly that becomes the center of my life. In the geek realm, I find that a lot of people are like that and I just don't enjoy surrounding myself with that type of crowd. Even though I'm fairly new to OCR, I'm starting to see that it's a pretty diverse group who has a large handful of common interests...not just one.

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