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Metal Gear Solid Philanthropy is out. Grab it, share it, spread the word!

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Here's something I've been waiting for ages, and been following since it began.

Originally started as a small project in 2004, it eventually evolved into a 70 min movie.

Made by an italian crew going by the name of Hive Division,

MGSP it's a fan movie based on the legendary serie created by Hideo Kojima.

These guys made due with nearly no budget, and even managed to get Aoiffe Ferry,

the songstress of the intro and end theme of the original MGS, to sing for them.

The movie is now complete, and is ready to be shared with the world.

I encourage everyone (not just MGS fans) to give it a shot, you might enjoy. ;-)

Watch and download it here: MGS Philanthropy.

Apparently they might also need support to finalize subtitles in japanese and chinese.

If you can help, see here.


Holy Crap!!

I never knew they were still making this!

I saw the trailers AGES ago but since there wasn't anythin since I figured they abandoned the project - guess not lol

Should be an interesting watch :)


Wow, I totally forgot about this until just now. I remember wondering if they were ever going to finish it. Glad to hear the project endured, and even more impressed they got that vocalist.

Edit: My only concern is that the Italian accents are a little hard for me to understand.


My g/f and I just finished watching it and we were both BLOW AWAY by how good it was. For working with no budget and working on it in some form for almost 5 years, MGS:P was truly awesome! The quality of the work really shown thru in all aspects...the locations, the effects, the music/voice-work...everything was extremely well done.

I'm gonna be seeding this thing to the MOON ^_^ Here's hoping Kojima gets a look at it.


Finally I've just seen it, and frankly, this was well worth the wait.

Considering it's a non-profit movie, made by fans on their spare time,

with very few tools at their disposal to begin with, It's impressive to say the least.

I hope people will enjoy it for what it is: a great fan-tribute to Kojima's work.

Production wise, it's a very solid product, action-packed, with stunning visual effects and epic soundtrack.

Everything you would expect from a Metal Gear movie adaptation.

It has plenty of references to the game that I'm sure fans of the serie will enjoy too.

But imo, any videogame enthusiast will find it enjoyable.

Apparently, this was scheduled to be a trilogy, since synopsis for two sequels were already written.

For now, this is just the first chapter, but depending on the reaction from the public and media alike, it may continue.

I'm especially interested in how Konami will react to it.

I really wish them the best.

If you want to see what a good videogame-to-movie adaptation looks like, this is it.

Grab it here if you haven't got it yet, and spread the word.

  The Pezman said:
Torrent has no seeds, and download button is broken.

Fail. ;(

As indicated in small caps on the site, the other download links are 'imminent'.

Also, the torrent has nearly 80 seeds. I know, I'm one of them.

There's approximately 12 instances available. Stop lying please.

Just be patient, like everyone else. Thanks.


Any idea where you can stream it online? Cause the link on the site doesn't seem to work - it goes to a screen saying 'uploading please wait' but nothing happens :puppyeyes:

Anywhere else - its taking a while to download the torrent (ETA - 'Several Weeks'!? WTF! how can people have seen this film already!? WHERE!!!!?)


I'm not trying to stir up anything but it DOESN'T WORK.

The one stream link they give us - does fuck all! (I've had a 'loading

please wait message for about 6 hours now)

The one download link that works - is to a torrent that has a download speed of about 1.5kbs - ETA several weeks

Does anyone know ANYWHERE that you can actually watch this online - link?

(And its not a problem with my net cause all my other torrents download quickly and so does everything else)


Youre connection must be trippin'. I d/l'ed it in 1.5 hours last night when it had only 2 seeds, and I've been uploading at 250kbps all night long. There's now 194 seeds and 1912 leechers.

I'd say try again :)


Like i've said its not my connection because everything else is find and I've tried doing the torrent several times - still a really shite speed.

Why can't they just upload it somewhere on the net ( cough *youtube* streaming or sneeze *megaupload* to download it quickly from...

And why doesn't the link on th official site not work when it says it should?


It might be overloaded... afterall, it's a 2.33GB download...

You won't really find a "fast download" for this one - just use torrents (and my personal choice for the torrent program is uTorrent). For me, it probably won't be done for at least 5 more hours, but considering the size of the file, that's fine for me.

It may not be instantaneous, but give the torrent a few hours and find something else to do.

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