The Author Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Maybe, just maybe, my prayers have been answered and I will finally get a dragon shrine remix... A man can dream... Quote
OceansAndrew Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 thoughts: - the game looks way exciting, i'll be picking it up for sure - whining about the character redesign is petty and off-base. The new characters look way better than the old. Better proportions, cleaner lines, more practical clothes, no more smashed face, FTW - the original story was very generic with the exception of the ending, so if they can improve the journey, i'm all for it - it sounds like they'll just be doing sound upgrades for the soundtrack, and i'm cool with that - i like the battle system ideas Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 I'm not sure if this can be called a "remake" at all - if it's a new story and completely new battle system, it's more of an "inspired by" than a port or remake. Still, looks exciting. Spiritual Successor? Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 proportions, cleaner lines, more practical clothes, no more smashed face, FTW Generic anime look, FTL. And with that, I stop talking about it. Quote
Meteo Xavier Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 It looks fine, quit being elitist. Quote
Theophany Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Wow. This looks cool. Way different from the original Lufia 1 & 2, but those battle sequences and the new imagery with the revamped music sold me. As much as I love the old series, the turn-based combat gets pretty damn boring if you're not fighting an interesting foe like Gades, and the idea of going through endless battles for experience points is one of the weakest aspects of RPGs in that style for me. It never used to bother me, but now it actually keeps me from progressing in RPGs I try to play. A new approach could make the game a lot more fun... though you might lose certain aspects of the original, you can always go back and play the old ones. Quote
zircon Posted November 25, 2009 Posted November 25, 2009 Generic anime look, FTL.And with that, I stop talking about it. As opposed to the original game, which was also a generic anime look, except super deformed. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 12, 2010 Posted October 12, 2010 So I got the game and all I can say from the first 5 minutes of the game is what the fuck am i playing? Quote
DragonAvenger Posted October 12, 2010 Posted October 12, 2010 Well, hopefully after you put your brain back together you can give us a little more info on the game. I've been interested to see how this would come out. Quote
EC2151 Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 My problems from just LOOKING at this game: -SE does it again by giving everyone possibly the worst design aesthetics possible. Everyone has that incredibly gay and stupid "Square Enix" look, which sucks for Lufia, where all the characters had that charming Chibi look about them. No, here we get retard goth Tia and faggot Maxim. Way to be, Natsume, Taito, and Square Enix, or whichever one of you morons thought that 'updating' the artstyle so that every single game you make looks the same was a good idea. -Why does Artea have a gun? Why does Tia use a bag o' tricks? Why is there pink hair dye? Why does Artea have a gun? Seriously. What the fuck. -Let's take out fun turn-based combat and have everything be a one-on-one boring action game! That's a great idea right? Way to be modern SE-fail thinking. -Hey let's change classic medieval setting into steampunk because steampunk is so much more edgy kawaii desuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Ugh. I know that it's pretty much useless to complain, but sometimes these "remakes" look like they try as hard as possible to suck all the cool stuff from the original. Jeeziz, this don't even look like a Lufia game. And hey, c'mon, why the hate for Lufia: The Legend Returns? : ( At the least, you can't say the game had an amazing soundtrack. Quote
Charlie's Angel Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 Its not like the new game replaces the old one and they just disappear. If they did I could see why people would get so upset for remakes time after time, but mostly they just trash it before even playing it and seeing for themselves if theyt like it. Quote
Gario Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 -Let's take out fun turn-based combat and have everything be a one-on-one boring action game! That's a great idea right? Actually, I'd say the whole 'Turn-based' thing is one of the weak points in the original two games, myself. Not everyone thinks that changing that mechanic was a bad thing, at all. When I play this one, I suspect I'll need to play it without constantly comparing it to the original one and see how it stands on it's own merit. If all people are going to do is point out how the remake is different and get upset about it then yeah, the game will inevitably suck (since really, you should go out and play the old game if you wanted to play the old game ). Since Arek is the one who's actually played it, I'm curious what he has to say, myself. Quote
EC2151 Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 I forgot to add that I will indeed just stick to the old game (and the GBC one SCREW YOU ALL). I just want to bitch about bad SE/Natsume decisions. Like pink hair and goths. Mainly because I hope the more general discouragement that stuff gets, maybe the COMPANIES WILL FINALLY STOP DOING IT. And I think Lufia II's Turn-based combat was great- the IP stuff was fun and the different abilities and weapons kept things always interesting. Quote
twilightsquid Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 Were the original Lufia titles good? The only one I ever played was the GameBoy Color title, which I personally enjoyed. If the game looks interesting, I'll give it a try. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 So far the combat is the only good thing about this game. DO NOT GO IN THIS GAME WITH ANY THOUGHTS OF LUFIA II ON YOUR MIND. The beginning of the game throws away any feel of this being like Lufia II. I mean seriously, Gades in the opening movie screaming to the world that he's gonna destroy it cause he feels like it is just....bah. There is no build up to the Sinistrals at all here. They fucked up Maxim hard. He is now a generic anime-esque gung-ho brash hero. He seriously says in one of the beginning lines "I'm gonna kick Gades butt!". I know it is Natsume who translated it to make him say that, but considering where and when he said it, I am certain the original Japanese script had him saying something similar. Character relations are all out of whack. Lexis is now immediately with Maxim in the beginning of the game and lives in his town and knows him and Tia. The world hears about Maxim being the "hero" needed to defeat the Sinistrals after Iris tells him. His mission right now is to travel the world and recruit heroes to join him. gahghaghaghahaghaghhgaghghahsdghasdhfsdfasdfeasasdfeasdfadefsjklufjasekljaklsfjklsdjf more later my head hurts Were the original Lufia titles good? YES EDIT: Worst fuck up of all? NO CONVERSATION WITH AREK IN THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME. i swear if he doesn't show up in the game at all i will rage so hard also the world doesnt really know just yet that hes a hero but everyone in his hometown does and hes like YEA MAN IM GENERIC ANIME HERO IM TOTALLY GONNA KICK HIS BUTT CAUSE IM COOL MAN COOL i hate you new maxim oh god i hate you Quote
EC2151 Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 post Goddammit you bastards YOU DID IT TO ME AGAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNN THEY SHOULD HAVE JUST MADE A NEW GAME IN THE LUFIA SERIES NOT DO THIS Quote
Charlie's Angel Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 If they made a new game in the series, wouldn't it also come off like this? Isn't that the whole problem? I'm sorry this is just an area I personally find fascinating. Quote
EC2151 Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 No, it would have been like "Hey cool, an action adventure Lufia game! Hopefully this'll be better than the GBA version!" "Whoa, Sinistrals are in this one? That's cool! Can't wait to play!" YOU DON'T CHANGE AROUND THE STORY OF AN ESTABLISHED AND WELL-LOVED GAME ON TOP OF CHANGING ALL THE ORIGINAL DESIGNS INTO BLAND SE SHIT. ESPECIALLY IF SAID CHANGES ARE WORSE THAN THE ORIGINAL!!!!! > : ( I mean, if it was a new game, I could be like "yeah, the hero's kinda dumb, and Gades is retarded, but I'm still ok with this" But going from Arek's impressions alone, I'd be reacting thus "B- b- bu- That's not Maxim! That's not ANYONE FROM MY LUFIA!" You don't remake a game to make characters lamer. Something Square Enix has never grasped (FFIV DS cough cough). And hey, I bet the ultimate insult will be Arek being the final boss, and instead of being neutral like he was in the original, he'll be like I SENT THE SINITRALS TO TEST YOU OH HO HO. And then Maxim will have a lame "IFTHIS IS WHAT GODS ARE LIKE WE DON'T NEED YOU ANYMORE" speech; commence fighting Arek. I mean, with the title "Curse of the Sinistrals", i can SO see it happening. Which would suck, big-time. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 And hey, I bet the ultimate insult will be Arek being the final boss, and instead of being neutral like he was in the original, he'll be like I SENT THE SINITRALS TO TEST YOU OH HO HO. And then Maxim will have a lame "IFTHIS IS WHAT GODS ARE LIKE WE DON'T NEED YOU ANYMORE" speech; commence fighting Arek. I mean, with the title "Curse of the Sinistrals", i can SO see it happening. Which would suck, big-time. That would make me rage even more-so than him not being in the game honestly. EDIT: Tia is really annoying and Maxim pretty much has the personality of a younger SNES Dekar. This is really starting to get to me. I actually like Lexus, but I think it is only because he is the most like his original character so far, and that really isn't saying much. ALSO WHY IS IRIS IN OUR TEAM *npc* WHEN SHE IS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE HI IM IRIS IM WEARING A DRESS KBAI IM GONE CAUSE IM REALLY ERIN AND AM DOING OTHER SHIT Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 15, 2010 Posted October 15, 2010 The puzzles are very Lufia-esque and fun. Selan is really fun to play as. Natsume did a great job with Dekar's lines. Lexis is Doc Brown. This game has redeemed itself for the most part. EDIT: I can't be the only one who bought this. I know most waited for comments about the game, but I thought there would be at least one other person besides me who bought it on release. Quote
Cyril the Wolf Posted October 15, 2010 Posted October 15, 2010 I was going to, but I've been having severe money issues as of late. I hope to purchase it sometime next month Quote
EC2151 Posted October 15, 2010 Posted October 15, 2010 Sorry Arek, but I saw too many changes to convince me to buy it. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted October 15, 2010 Posted October 15, 2010 I have this problem of buying anything Lufia related no matter what. I thought RoL was pretty darn bad, but I bought it played the shit out of it anyway Quote
OceansAndrew Posted October 15, 2010 Posted October 15, 2010 im going to buy it regardless of your raging, I just need to beat the last boss of FF13 Quote
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