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OCR Meetup: Las Vegas, August 2010: **PICS PAGE 43-44**

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Hey guys, it was a great time. Thanks for coming and hanging out. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did!

Pics are on pages 43 and 44 onward!

The attendees were




Matt P.

Long Dao




Level 99



Jeff Ball






Brandon S






Atomic Fog

Ghetto Lee Lewis

Ghetto Lee Wife


Happy Birthday to:

Stevo, Phil, Andrew, Ellie, Long, and Eric!

There in spirit:

Also Happy Birthday to Jordan who couldn't make it, and wish you were there to Nekofrog, Jade, and Rama who all planned on going until the last minute :( And Taucer, Val, Liz, and Abadoss that really wanted to go... Maybe next time guys!




Very excited about this. Let's do something as big as possible. I talked to a lot of people at MAG like Amy and Vinnie, and BGC who also sounded interested. Let's get Dave on board and have our own OCR summer con in Vegas :D. I'll do whatever I can in my power to help something happen on my old turf. I may be able to help with lodging and rides.

Ari was talking about using allegiant air. But they are limited. I usually go with southwest who is amazing. bt plan to book your tix now and it should be farely cheap.

If you look for the right deals on hotels you should be able to find Vegas strip hotels for like 39 bucks a night. Also keep in mind that food there is pretty cheap. We had many a 2 dollar breakfasts and 7 dollar filets with microbrewery beer. Def try to stay on the strip if you want the right Vegas experience.

Plan early guys and let's do this :)

also we're celebrating katie's bday as well since it's so close

A summer meet up I'm definitely interested in. It was pretty hard to find someone to get ride to the Northeast, but to the west might be different. I'd definitely be interested in putting up my share if someone wants to split hotel accommodations.

You're not invited.


Very excited about this. Let's do something as big as possible. I talked to a lot of people at MAG like Amy and Vinnie, and BGC who also sounded interested. Let's get Dave on board and have our own OCR summer con in Vegas :D. I'll do whatever I can in my power to help something happen on my old turf. I may be able to help with lodging and rides.

Ari was talking about using allegiant air. But they are limited. I usually go with southwest who is amazing. bt plan to book your tix now and it should be farely cheap.

If you look for the right deals on hotels you should be able to find Vegas strip hotels for like 39 bucks a night. Also keep in mind that food there is pretty cheap. We had many a 2 dollar breakfasts and 7 dollar filets with microbrewery beer. Def try to stay on the strip if you want the right Vegas experience.

Plan early guys and let's do this :)

also we're celebrating katie's bday as well since it's so close

Dude, if Amy, Vinnie, BGC, and DJP come, I think I will faint. :D

When is Katie's birthday? I'll add it to the details above.


Well, my birthday is actually in September, on the 18th. However, my brother, if he came (which he might, he seems to tag along to these meetups with me a lot lol) His bday is August 9th. So maybe we could throw something for him.

I would suggest we do Wes, about the 21+ thing, unless someone can really convince us otherwise? You can't gamble, you can't drink... What are you going to Vegas for?


Oh I should also mention - I probably will prefer to stay in a hotel - I'd like the comfort of being in a nice room, bed...plus I may also get some special benefits (I'll have to look into it in detail).

Can someone break down the Vegas hotel casinos in terms of niceness?

Oh I should also mention - I probably will prefer to stay in a hotel - I'd like the comfort of being in a nice room, bed...plus I may also get some special benefits (I'll have to look into it in detail).

Can someone break down the Vegas hotel casinos in terms of niceness?

Where else would you stay? What kind of hotel are you looking for?


Against my better judgment, I'm seriously considering. It's difficult because I was planning to take off of work for all of July, but it's possible I'll be able to get away with going for the weekend without taking off any days (I don't work on Friday), and if the airfare/accomodations aren't too expensive... yeah, I think this may actually be doable.

What are some of the proposed activities? I don't have much interest in casinos/gambling, and have some amount of interest in seeing shows. (Those are 2 out of the first 3 things that come to mind as definitive Vegas activities.) But srsly even just hanging out together not doing anything in particular I think would be an awesome time, so whatever activities end up happening I'm sure will be super. :-P


Might be fun to get to hang out with ya'll, names to faces, etc. I'm sure I could drive down from Sacramento for a few days. It's far enough out that I shouldn't have an issue getting the time off.

Plus I have family in Phoenix and in Winslow, so you never know. I could take a week off and split it between places. :)

If you can add me as tentative, that would be great. I'd like to come. I just need to figure out the financial end of it...

I hear ya buddy. I want to be listed as tentative too, because I don't have even the founding elements of any concept how to get to and function in Las Vegas. If I can get a ride and some people to share a room that I pay my share for, awesome. Otherwise I don't know how I would do that.


About the Hotel, we are not exactly sure which one we will pick, but we have a lot of time to decide. We will try to pick one that is cheap for everyone but nice as well, as well as convenient to get around the strip from.

Last time we stayed at Imperial Palace because of the easy location in comparison to the rest of the awesome casinos and hotels.

This year we may do the same but it really depends on tastes and prices, etc.

WE ALSO REALLY PREFER to stay in the SAME HOTEL so people don't have to go around DRIVING in Vegas traffic to pick people up. Let's not be more spread out than we have to be.

Against my better judgment, I'm seriously considering. It's difficult because I was planning to take off of work for all of July, but it's possible I'll be able to get away with going for the weekend without taking off any days (I don't work on Friday), and if the airfare/accomodations aren't too expensive... yeah, I think this may actually be doable.

What are some of the proposed activities? I don't have much interest in casinos/gambling, and have some amount of interest in seeing shows. (Those are 2 out of the first 3 things that come to mind as definitive Vegas activities.) But srsly even just hanging out together not doing anything in particular I think would be an awesome time, so whatever activities end up happening I'm sure will be super. :-P

Well, I'm thinking of booking rooms in the next week or so - if you and Vinnie want, I'd be willing to split a room 50/50 (half for both of you two, half for me) if you want to make things doable. Granted, it'll possibly be cheaper to find a room without me, as I'm shopping around on American Express - I'm thinking of August 12 - 19th for me. If you're up for it and agree on the room to search for, I'm all up for it!


I agree on the 21+ thing. There's just not much to do since you have to be 21 to gamble in that state anyway. I guess if a group of minors wanted to come, they could get their own hotel room and hang out at the huge Dave & Busters, but they'd have to come with the understanding that they would be excluded from many activities.

When we went to Ashley and Justin's wedding, we all stayed at the Imperial Palace. It's right in the middle of the strip so it's well within walking distance of many of the hotels and food, and we paid $20/night. The rooms weren't that large or great but we certainly got what we paid for. I vote for IP again simply because it was super affordable. Of course if people want to stay across the street in a more luxurious hotel like the Bellagio or Cesar's Palace, it's still very close (literally across the street). Bally's and Flamingo are also very close.

I like the idea of being able to plan out exactly who is coming and group them up with people who have cars, that way no one is excluded from any activities - which is unavoidable at Mag.


Add Neko and I to the list, please! He's hoping he can get leave to be able to take the week off and go, but even if he can't, I'll go alone. Should be a great time! I'll be sure to get a wheelchair for the whole week, so I'm not ruining my feet, and it'll also be warmer than it was in December! Yay!

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