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OCR Meetup: Las Vegas, August 2010: **PICS PAGE 43-44**

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You're coming off as kind of selfish, you know. You're acting like the only thing anyone is going to do the entire trip is go to strip clubs and gamble and be drunk the entire time.

That's going to be a big element of it, but not the entire thing. It is Vegas, after all. There is a lot to do. A lot of people have never been there and aren't going to want to spend most of the time at Blind and Jade's house playing video games, no offense. That can also be an element of it, but come on.


Its pretty clear we got 2 groups, the sober I just want to meet people group and the gambler/beer/tits group. So a schedule will be good when we all want to hang and rape IHOP or whatever. im looking forward to this, i havent had much of a group bday celebration since I was like...5

Its pretty clear we got 2 groups, the sober I just want to meet people group and the gambler/beer/tits group. So a schedule will be good when we all want to hang and rape IHOP or whatever. im looking forward to this, i havent had much of a group bday celebration since I was like...5

And other then those 2 celebrations, including Stevo's, wouldn't make me selfish. This meet-up has nothing to do with me.

And other then those 2 celebrations, including Stevo's, wouldn't make me selfish. This meet-up has nothing to do with me.

Although you've consistently tried to make it about you. Good job. No one has any problem with going to your house (soberly) and obeying how you want us to behave, but you've tried to make it sound like that's the entire purpose, to come out and see YOU. It's not. It never was. It never will be. The purpose is for OCR people to come out and have a fantastic time in Vegas, doing whatever they want to do (legally), or NOT doing what they DON'T want to do. And that's all fine.

But please don't take this as me being hostile to you, I'm not. I'm just trying to get my point across, and no hard feelings are meant whatsoever.

You're coming off as kind of selfish, you know. You're acting like the only thing anyone is going to do the entire trip is go to strip clubs and gamble and be drunk the entire time.

That's going to be a big element of it, but not the entire thing. It is Vegas, after all. There is a lot to do. A lot of people have never been there and aren't going to want to spend most of the time at Blind and Jade's house playing video games, no offense. That can also be an element of it, but come on.

We never intended that fool

We just said while you guys are getting ur chemical fixes we will do something like hang at our place and goof off with games and what not. Vegas is much more than beer/gambling/tits anyway. You need to have CASH to really experience the thrills. There are rollercoasters everywhere, and tons of really good shows that run 50-100 a person, but thats just the strip. The population here is 2+ million and I am pretty sure they dont all live on the strip bro

Although you've consistently tried to make it about you. Good job. No one has any problem with going to your house (soberly) and obeying how you want us to behave, but you've tried to make it sound like that's the entire purpose, to come out and see YOU. It's not. It never was. It never will be. The purpose is for OCR people to come out and have a fantastic time in Vegas, doing whatever they want to do (legally), or NOT doing what they DON'T want to do. And that's all fine.

But please don't take this as me being hostile to you, I'm not. I'm just trying to get my point across, and no hard feelings are meant whatsoever.

just shutup dude


There will be designated times for us to meet up at Jade and Blind's home. What you choose to do with the rest of your time is up to you. You two are feeding off eachother, be patient and kind. This is going to be a great meetup, and I don't want anyone to have any hard feelings toward anyone else there.

Although you've consistently tried to make it about you. Good job. No one has any problem with going to your house (soberly) and obeying how you want us to behave, but you've tried to make it sound like that's the entire purpose, to come out and see YOU. It's not. It never was. It never will be. The purpose is for OCR people to come out and have a fantastic time in Vegas, doing whatever they want to do (legally), or NOT doing what they DON'T want to do. And that's all fine.

But please don't take this as me being hostile to you, I'm not. I'm just trying to get my point across, and no hard feelings are meant whatsoever.

I'm not the one trying to be a troll and looking like a moron. You need to shut the hell up.


I hope to goodness I can make it down. It is definitely in my calendar and I will be looking up flight packages this weekend.

As for the direction this thread has been taking, it is pretty clear that people are going to do what they want to do, which everyone seems to agree on. Lets leave it at that.

Thanks a ton to Jade and Jordan for offering their hospitality and quazi-hosting what is turning out to be a very large meetup, I am very eager to make it down and finally meet all of you!

Although you've consistently tried to make it about you. Good job. No one has any problem with going to your house (soberly) and obeying how you want us to behave, but you've tried to make it sound like that's the entire purpose, to come out and see YOU. It's not. It never was. It never will be. The purpose is for OCR people to come out and have a fantastic time in Vegas, doing whatever they want to do (legally), or NOT doing what they DON'T want to do. And that's all fine.

But please don't take this as me being hostile to you, I'm not. I'm just trying to get my point across, and no hard feelings are meant whatsoever.

You should hold it back to, because in this thread you were the main one to instigate things too and have been way out of line yourself. I think you owe apologies or at the very least do need to shut up here.

Look everyone, as I've and a few other people have said, we need to know more specifics about people coming before we can determine things, but it's perfectly ok if we split off for some things! There's no need to argue when it comes to this! We can still do some stuff together as a big group like shows and some meals, but we shouldn't view this as a "everyone has to do x, then x, and go to x" all in a fixed schedule with people having reservations about doing certain things being "forced" to go or whatever. People need to respect this about some people (and the 18-20 crowd are restricted just by their age anyway).

Things need to be fleshed out still. But I'm going to say this - if Nekofrog or anyone else is more interested in stirring stuff up without provocation, then I personally will only be interested in hanging out with a certain small group because some people aren't mature enough to try to have discussions on planning without interjecting with childish one-liners or forceful coercion in trying to get people to do certain things when they don't want to.

I've been planning to go to Vegas sometime to hang out with fellow friends on OCR for about 3 years now, ever since Salty and I talked about doing it in #ocremix. The last thing I want is to have plans soured because people want things to be all about how THEY envision it for EVERYONE. Let everyone speak their mind and decide mutually amongst a group how to do things like some of us have said. If you can't add to this, then keep other crap out. If you have something personal against someone, discuss it in private.

Don't ruin it for the rest of us.


For the record, I have no problem hanging out at casinos. I'm easily enthralled by flashing lights and noises, plus I would be happy to hang with the OCR crew in general, so it's no problem. I might be willing to try my hand at some light (VERY light) gambling as well, since the last time I went to Vegas I was under 21.

Also, I wouldn't be adverse to being a designated driver, particularly if I drive myself. Even if I wouldn't be going to clubs, I can drop by and pick people up from them. It's no issue.


What I'm thinking of doing when figuring out rides and cars, is having everyone fill out a short survey of if they're ok with gambling, nudity, drinking, or chilling out and playing video games, and split up the rides according to that. I don't think it's too necessary to discuss what we want to/don't want to do as far as those things go in the thread since it seems to be flamebait.

I'm not the one trying to be a troll and looking like a moron. You need to shut the hell up.

Excuse me? Did you not read my last sentence? I'm sorry I was trying to be rational and reaching out to both my side and yours, I guess you couldn't handle anyone doing anything that you didn't agree with.

I currently have Southern Comfort which is my favorite. But if you want to buy alcohol, you're welcome to. Just drink in moderation.

And to answer Jay's and other people's concerns - I'm sad this topic has become "let's do crazy ass things on the strip the entire trip just to have a wonderful time" - We're totally not into that. We'll hang at the Strip, but there's nothing to fucking do there other then sightsee, which I would love to do with Bahamut and the others. lol I haven't done the whole Chinatown or Strip experience so it'll be fun while taking photos and going to the kool shops - but I have no interest doing adult activities like clubs.

Call me a nerd, but I rather be home playing video games then going out drinking or gambling.

heh heh I wouldn't dream of doing heavy drinking in your (or anyone's) place.

The Strip is not all strippers and adult debauchery, it's pretty fascinating just to walk around because there's so many huge hotels with cool themes. Even under 18s can visit a lot of these places as long as they're not playing slots or taking drinks.

It would be nice to have a few trips to the strip, do a dinner or an afternoon together, leave the evenings to those who want to go out and party or whatever, there'll be plenty to do for everyone.

Closer to the date I think that "groups of people who want to do X" lists are a decent idea - like if Bahamut wants to go to shows, he can help a group of people get out and do that, and so forth.


Look, this whole fighting back and forth is pointless and goes against everything a meetup should be. We're all here to have fun. We are also our own individuals and are free to go do whatever the hell it is we're all going to go do. It's Vegas. There is plenty out there. Of course, some of us are going to want to go do more adult things, but to each his own. We mean no disrespect and we're not about to come to your house drunk, Jade, or upset anyone. We're all wanting to go and have fun and hang out with people and do things we can really do a lot of in a place like Vegas.

And I totally get that Stevo was wanting to spend his birthday out there this year. That's great. It's just that Ari was asked at MAG by Stevo and Jay to plan this out since he did such a great job planning out my wedding/meetup in December. While it might have been talked about in August, now comes the actual PLANNING part, and this is where we really need to iron stuff out.

So, please, can we just get along and figure out how to make this trip as awesome as it possibly can be? I'm not into drama and hard feelings or anything like that. Everyone just needs to let people be as they will. I'm ready to plan a great trip, and I totally agree with starla's list idea.

Excuse me? Did you not read my last sentence? I'm sorry I was trying to be rational and reaching out to both my side and yours, I guess you couldn't handle anyone doing anything that you didn't agree with.

The rest of that post was way out of line though. That's what I was talking about.

Jade should apologize after you do, but it's not too hard to see why she acted that way given that post. You can't go on a tirade about something pretty irrelevant on her (and accusations that she hasn't been even given the time and chance to defend against since some of it is vague), and then say it wasn't meant to be an attack. That's a pretty unwarranted attack, no matter how you slice it. That's not an olive branch.

Please everyone let's keep this drama to a minimum :-( .

The rest of that post was way out of line though. That's what I was talking about.

Jade should apologize after you do, but it's not too hard to see why she acted that way given that post. You can't go on a tirade about something pretty irrelevant on her (and accusations that she hasn't been even given the time and chance to defend against since some of it is vague), and then say it wasn't meant to be an attack. That's a pretty unwarranted attack, no matter how you slice it. That's not an olive branch.

Please everyone let's keep this drama to a minimum :-( .

It wasn't an attack. It was pointing out the childish behavior that she had exhibited in this thread. It goes back to even when this thread was made, the thread title, and the fact that it wasn't supposed to be made until March at the earliest. But oh, well.

It wasn't an attack. It was pointing out the childish behavior that she had exhibited in this thread. It goes back to even when this thread was made, the thread title, and the fact that it wasn't supposed to be made until March at the earliest. But oh, well.

Ok and? Let me lay it out - so you decide it's the best thing ever to go ahead and stir stuff up with a tirade with something you really can't draw that conclusion from just because you don't like her thread title and her saying stuff, even though she said absolutely nothing wrong in the thread itself until you spouted out with that post, and then just because you didn't like her thread posting time?

Sorry, but your reaction was most certainly not justified there.

You can keep denying your pivotal role in how you acted, or you can man up and stop stirring drama. What are you about? Yourself or everyone else here? Seems like you're more interested in demonizing her than you are in keeping this friendly/drama-free. Do you deny this?

If you really want to say something to her about how she acted - PM her directly/talk it over with her. But by going on the attack here first without even giving her an opportunity to fix it up or whatever is disgusting, and there's no excuse.

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