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I wanted to start this thread so that people could share some of their favorite, not very well known games with the rest of us. Just give the title and system, and maybe a short description. I know that for me, I've played a few games that no one else has even heard of that I know and I feel that the game isn't getting the recognition it deserves. So let's start revealing those diamonds in the rough! Here are some of my favorite hidden gems:

Evergrace (PS2) - a free-range battle system RPG. Similar to Dark Cloud in that equipment slowly wears out and has to be repaired (although they won't break and lose stats or anything). Very mysterious, almost sort of spooky, atmosphere throughout the game. My favorite part of this game is that different equipment gives you different abilities, and not just the weapons, plus there's two character storylines. Downside? There isn't a lot of a storyline, and it can get a little confusing as to where to go sometimes. Also, the last boss sort of comes out of nowhere...

Threads of Fate (PS1) - Another free-range battle system RPG. Also features two characters, both with very different abilities. The boy focuses on physical attacks and has the special ability to transform into the monsters you've defeated and use their powers. The girl focuses on magic and is a bit weaker but has long range attacks. I never played through the girl's story, but the boy's was really good.

Starshot (N64) - 3D platformer (I think). Very comical and a blast to play through. The basic premise is that your character, Starshot, works for a "space circus" and has to find new attractions at various planets. The only real problem in the game is the lack of direction in the level's, which can lead to a lot of confusion as to where to go next. The game also presents a fair amount of difficulty in the last few levels (especially Earth), mostly in a good way, though. Never was able to beat the last boss...


Threads of Fate is relatively well known. It was developed and published by Squaresoft, and the only reason it didn't receive more attention is because it was competing with Chrono Cross. It does have a cult following, though, and I am a member.

I'm going to go with Toonstruck,

, and an

I've said it often enough, but Novastorm for PC-DOS. X-Wing / TIE-Fighter / X-Wing vs. TIE-Fighter for PC (even though they're Star Wars games). I'd say Monkey Island as well, but I'm certain too many people know of it for it to be considered a hidden gem. Spot for NES. Bushido Blade 1 & 2 for PS1. Trade Wars 2002 for BBS (or Telnet systems, nowadays). Longbow for PC (Sierra's Robin Hood graphic adventure game a la King's Quest V & VI). Worms: Armaggedon for PC (or XBLA, as Worms 2: Armeggedon).


It's tough defining what's lesser known on a gamer targeted site, but I'll give it a shot.

Crystalis (NES)

Little Nemo: The Dream Master (NES) - Also had a movie that I liked when I was young.

Shadowgate (NES) Point and click adventure game with a haunting soundtrack.

Landstalker (Genesis)

Aladdin (SNES) I realize that everyone probably knows the movie, but the game is actually good too.

Demon's Crest (SNES)

Soul Blazer (SNES)

Super Smash TV (SNES)

Dark Savior (Saturn)

Guardian Heroes (Saturn)

Legend of Legaia (PS1)

Legaia : Duel Saga (PS2)

Iji (PC)


Freespace 1 and 2 were both good games for PC. They went relatively un-noticed.

Sins of a Solar Empire for PC is a new one that not many people seem to have heard of, in spite of its great reviews.

The Worms games (especially Worms 2)

As for console games, Revenant Wings on DS was a great game that seems to have passed people by.

Professor Layton and the Curious Village/Pandora's Box were both great puzzle games on the DS as well that went relatively unrecognised.


Aladdin (SNES) I realize that everyone probably knows the movie, but the game is actually good too.

I definitely agree, though I didn't mention it since the movie is definitely known. However, a lot of the old Disney games, specifically for SNES at least, were actually quite fun. This includes Lion King and Mickey Mania. Some of the SNES Looney Tune games were pretty good too.

I don't think this one qualifies as a hidden gem as I believe it is fairly well known, but Glover (N64) is a really good game. You play as a glove and solve puzzles by using a magic ball. I'd say that's pretty funny. Plus there's a fat bird on swing that tells you cheat codes by squawking, burping, and farting. Classic. I've also heard that Glover was the inspiration for Master Hand, though I'm not sure how valid that is.

Along with that one, there is Chameleon Twist and its sequel Chameleon Twist 2 (both for N64). You play as a chameleon with a super long tongue that allows you to lick up and spit out enemies to attack, as well as perform various acrobatic technques. It's not too hard, which makes it a nice game to just sit down and enjoy.


Nightshade (NES) -- the best point-and-click adventure game on the system, including Maniac Mansion (though the PC version of MM is better).

Clash at Demonhead (NES) -- amazing action-platformer with map system. Only downside is that getting the good ending is largely luck-based at the very end (get a password before the last boss).

Seconding Demon's Crest (SNES) but don't forget the prequel, Gargoyle's Quest 2 (NES).

A new game that isn't getting enough attention: VVVVVV, which is incredible...check it out!

I definitely agree, though I didn't mention it since the movie is definitely known. However, a lot of the old Disney games, specifically for SNES at least, were actually quite fun. This includes Lion King and Mickey Mania. Some of the SNES Looney Tune games were pretty good too.

I don't think this one qualifies as a hidden gem as I believe it is fairly well known, but Glover (N64) is a really good game. You play as a glove and solve puzzles by using a magic ball. I'd say that's pretty funny. Plus there's a fat bird on swing that tells you cheat codes by squawking, burping, and farting. Classic. I've also heard that Glover was the inspiration for Master Hand, though I'm not sure how valid that is.

The Lion King and The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse were both excellent.

Along with that one, there is Chameleon Twist and its sequel Chameleon Twist 2 (both for N64). You play as a chameleon with a super long tongue that allows you to lick up and spit out enemies to attack, as well as perform various acrobatic technques. It's not too hard, which makes it a nice game to just sit down and enjoy.

I loved the games, but hated the camera angles.


Little Nemo: The Dream Master (NES) - Also had a movie that I liked when I was young.


I loved that game. Surreal and beautiful. It was also hard.

I submit the side-scrolling space shooter/RPG Sigma Star Saga for GBA. It had some flaws, but a compelling story and I thought it was a really novel idea. Also, the isometric puzzler Spindizzy Worlds (Amiga/SNES) was really hopelessly addicting, but hardly anyone seems to have played it.

Also, the isometric puzzler Spindizzy Worlds (Amiga/SNES) was really hopelessly addicting, but hardly anyone seems to have played it.

fucking yes part II!!!

I remember playing that game with only a boost button, no break/stop button on my joystick, if I recall Easydizzy was beatened'd, Spindizzy was a little more then impossible... oh and I never used the camera rotation option... lol didn't' know what keyboard key that was.

I was quite addicted to the boulderdash amiga clone Emerald Mine (II). Sooo happy when I found someone emulated that and like 4 other games and ported it to PC :3

Also Tetris Attack

Web-five for awesomeness. I recommend Zombies Ate My Neighbors(SNES) as well as IQ: Intelligent cube(PS) but good luck finding it.


Well, how about:

Okage Shadow King- Very traditional RPG that doesn't take itself too seriously. Character designs look like they've been ripped from a Tim Burton film

Mark of Kri- What you get when you mix Disney like animation with some of the most visceral finishers in a video game.

Skygunners- Cute, steampunk-like aerial shooter kinda like starfox. An Atlus title that I think had a doujin made of it.

Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete- Actually may not be that hidden, but I played this before Final Fantasy VII and still consider it my favorite role-playing game.

Ys: Oath in Felghana- Even though I'm already a huge Ys nut, if you can get a copy of this one on the PC, its the best one in the series. A reimaginating of Ys III: Wanderers.

Vib Ribbon- OMG Soundtrack awesomeness!!

Journey to Silius- See above comment.

Gungrave- Probably one of the most overlooked arcade shooters I can think of. Oozes style. And its impossible not to get pumped when the first thing that flashes across the screen of each stage is "KICK THEIR ASS"


Mischief Makers


I loved the Beastector.

Well, how about:

Gungrave- Probably one of the most overlooked arcade shooters I can think of. Oozes style. And its impossible not to get pumped when the first thing that flashes across the screen of each stage is "KICK THEIR ASS"

Ever heard of the anime?


If you do check it out, I recommend you start with episode 2. 1 kind of starts things off on the wrong foot and is pretty much repeated as a later episode when it makes more sense to have it. The series is mainly a big back story of the games(From before he becomes Grave, though it ends differently). Same guy that did Trigun too.

But since this is hidden game gems and not hidden anime gems,

The Lone Ranger for the NES was surprisingly good for being a series adaptation.

fucking yes part II!!!

I remember playing that game with only a boost button, no break/stop button on my joystick, if I recall Easydizzy was beatened'd, Spindizzy was a little more then impossible... oh and I never used the camera rotation option... lol didn't' know what keyboard key that was.

All right! *high five* Finally, someone who appreciates this game. Fortunately, I had the ability to brake, but I played the SNES port, which is kinda broken, so...

Also, apparently ZAMN is available as a Wii Virtual Console game? Why was I not informed!?

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