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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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Anyone else think it looks like the wolf from Coop's sig?

If he was anorexic and more hairy maybe lol.

I only pick on you because you are so extreme, if you were a 100% positive about it instead I'd be asking you why you behave like a unicorn on a sugar high or something. :P

There are people out there that make the FF7 fanboys look decent.

I like to pretend people like that don't exist. >.>

Edit: This may be why I have no real thoughts on the upcoming sonic game, the franchise has gone so bad for me that I'll just ignore it for the most part until I hear something good about it. That way I don't have to expend energy on being irritated by it. XD

You shouldn't do that. It makes it all the more terrifying when you actually encounter one...

... like the one standing RIGHT BEHIND YOU!

Lalalala I can't hear you! *sticks fingers in her ears and hums*

Anyway I'll undoubtedly buy this new pokemon game, gen 4 didn't crush my enjoyment of the franchise yet (it and gen 3 has actually been growing on me the past year or so oddly enough).

I am slightly saddened by the timing, but I'll sort that out later. (wanted to get HG/SS to play with my guy, now we aren't sure whether to wait for the new gen or get HG/SS, or try to get both).


Updated first post to remove all the speculation, and out the actual info. Not that anyone will care...

Any way, you can still get HG/SS. A lot of people think it's the best generation (a whole other argument, save it for somewhere else, please), and if you liked the GBA remakes of Red and Blue, then you might enjoy HG/SS. It has the most complete pokédex (as in, you can actually find the most pokémon without having to trade for them all). Something like 95% can be found in either game, with the rest being easily found by trading with other people.

I plan to skip it, because I'm not too keen on yet another remake, and it doesn't really add anything I'm interested in. But you, you might like it. Besides, it will still take at least six months for the rest of the world to get it, so you'll have that much more time to play it.

Also, an interesting quote from the director on the show from today:

The game mechanics will be so different, that you'll say "this is a main series Pokemon game?!"

When the director is saying things like that, it might be worth something. Of course, past experience has taught us that companies like to hype their own stuff, so here's a grain of salt for you to take.


No, the usual time difference between the Japanese release date and the rest of the world's release date is about six months.

Factor in that this game is (tentatively) coming out for the end of this year, and then the release gap, that's about 16 or so months before we would get it.

It's not like they can just hit the translation button and puff! There it is. Nor do they bother with simultaneous localization at Game Freak. Mario Sunshine has only a months difference between its Japan and US releases, but that was a rare instance. I honestly can't thin of any other games that had such close release dates in different regions.


Yeah I really wanted HG/SS before, but now that a new game is announced it is starting to rank low on my "do want" list. I wasn't particularly interested in FR/LG when they came out, HG/SS just looked like an excellent opportunity to play the new games with my newly converted guy, since all he's ever played is the original Gold Version last year.

Right now the one thing making it likely that we'll still buy HG/SS is downloadable content since Nintendo seems to like the whole "get it now or never" idea. (Also good point about that 6 months thing).

I don't really like to spec all that much, but I do wonder if there are truely significant change in game mechanics if that will make it possible to trade from gen 3/4 to 5 or not.

No, the usual time difference between the Japanese release date and the rest of the world's release date is about six months.

Factor in that this game is (tentatively) coming out for the end of this year, and then the release gap, that's about 16 or so months before we would get it.

It's not like they can just hit the translation button and puff! There it is. Nor do they bother with simultaneous localization at Game Freak. Mario Sunshine has only a months difference between its Japan and US releases, but that was a rare instance. I honestly can't thin of any other games that had such close release dates in different regions.

I misunderstood who you meant by "you" in

But you, you might like it. Besides, it will still take at least six months for the rest of the world to get it, so you'll have that much more time to play it.
I don't really like to spec all that much, but I do wonder if there are truly significant change in game mechanics if that will make it possible to trade from gen 3/4 to 5 or not.

The move from 2nd gen to 3rd gen was kind of odd. They redid the stat system, which included increasing IVs from 16 to 32. They also included Natures, which were a separate stat, and couldn't just be derived from the existing stats of a pokémon (like Hidden Power, gender and shininess was in 2nd gen).

Also, there were issues with connecting the cables from the Color to the GBA. Apparently, they used different voltages for transferring data along the cable.

But since the new games are going to be on the same system as the current games, and may even have access to the GBA games (even HH/SS have GBA slot support), I can't see any reason why there wouldn't be any way to trade/transfer from 4th gen.

Unless they're going to completely retcon the series, and eveything, even the old pokémon, are being removed permanently.

Nah, not that. Too big a change, and there are lots of favorites to be lost.


Yeah but that's just it, when they say new mechanics, I worry that may include how stats and stuff are done, which is where I worry that they may not be tradeable. Of course maybe they will who knows, I don't know what these mechanic changes will effect or not.

Also random useless information. I got finally an opportunity to sort of see what generation of pokemon people tend to prefer. And it would seem (with a sample of 1800+ pokemon and growing) that all the gens are fairly even. (gen 1 is 10% more popular than the other 3 though).

Yeah but that's just it, when they say new mechanics, I worry that may include how stats and stuff are done, which is where I worry that they may not be tradeable. Of course maybe they will who knows, I don't know what these mechanic changes will effect or not.

Fun fact: take a 1st gen pokémon (say, a Pidgey) from Gold, give it an item, and then trade it over to Red. The data that the pokémon is made up of will include the data for the item. In Red it won't be there, but trade it back to Gold, and the item will still be attached!

Why? Because pokémon actually have a lot of extra little bits of data in them. Most of it is for stats, moves and its item, and its personal info (like origin, date found, etc), but there is still a fair bit of "junk" data. They used this in the old games to determine if a pokémon from Red would be male or female and shiny or not when it was transferred over to Gold. They also used it to generate Hidden Power TMs on Abras when they were traded over. It even altered the data of the Abra so that you couldn't use it to get lots of Hidden Power TMs by trading it back and forth.

It's entirely possible that they could do the same thing with current pokémon and just apply that junk data to the new game, making your old pokémon not only still viable, but maybe special or useful for whatever new features they will put in.

Also random useless information. I got finally an opportunity to sort of see what generation of pokemon people tend to prefer. And it would seem (with a sample of 1800+ pokemon and growing) that all the gens are fairly even. (gen 1 is 10% more popular than the other 3 though).

Link, please? I'd love to see the stats on each one.


I'll PM you some info, entries are still allowed for another week so it's not really done.

Some people ask me why I go through the trouble.

It's because I have for several years now wondered if there is any gen that is more popular than others. The only thing missing from being able to get this information is what gen each entrant played first. Which I think I already know a way of getting that info.

I proudly represent those people, except I believe that it only goes up to gen 2 :)

Hey, bro, represent. ;) I actually gave my Sapphire away because I was so underwhelmed. And this from the guy who logged over three hundred hours on Gold.


Or maybe it will suck balls and begin the ending to the video game series of Pokemon, much as I love the series, the games, and even the card game once upon a time...Pokemon is on a steady decline. The Card Game sales died first, then the series went downhill, and the games are probably on a steady course...although convincing Nintendo and GameFREAK that they are dying is like talking to a wall, especially since the card game, the series, and the games continue to this day.

Or maybe it will suck balls and begin the ending to the video game series of Pokemon, much as I love the series, the games, and even the card game once upon a time...Pokemon is on a steady decline. The Card Game sales died first, then the series went downhill, and the games are probably on a steady course...although convincing Nintendo and GameFREAK that they are dying is like talking to a wall, especially since the card game, the series, and the games continue to this day.

And yet D/P had the best launch of any of the games in the series, and any DS game, Platinum apparently did even better when it was released.

So whether it's going downhill or not, it's making money so Nintendo will keep publishing games for it.


Yeah, I was no fan of Ruby/Sapphire, but I loved the Diamond/Pearl entry.

I bought that the weekend it came out, and friends in the clubs I went to bought DSes just to try the new Poke'mon game. It brought a lot of people back, plus new blood. I don't think I had that much fun playing a new Poke'mon game since the first, nor ever will again now that I'm abroad and working.


I'm pleased with the designs of these new ones(at least the two 'official art'-looking ones on the top look badass. The other ones looks kind of goofy.) Though there seems to be an unsettling amount of "OMG WTF" from every pokemon community under the sun. I suppose it's to be expected when most people can't get over the 2nd generation being the best one yet (and it was, don't get me wrong).

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