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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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It has the shiny Beast trio for download... with some minor tweaks.

It's a good way to get the really rare and obscenely difficult event pokémon. It does work, I've tried it out.

8-OWhy did I not know about this?

BTW, do Pokes obtained using this method go all "bad egg" on you if you migrate them to other DS games or the Wii? I don't use AR because I don't like to cheat, but there does come a point where I get pissed off because they make it so damn hard to get some of these beasties...


I've been with the franchise since generation one, and I'm actually quite stoked for the new generation. I've gotten over most of my gripes with the new gameplay elements, but I still have an issue with what I know about the Pokeshifter.

Honestly, it feels like the game designers were trying to fix something that wasn't broken when they replaced the Pal Park with this new feature. The Pal Park was a simple way to transfer pokemon to between generations and should've stayed imo. The Pokeshifter, on the other hand, is a timed mini-game that requires the use of a bow and arrow or some shit like that. I know that I'm talking about something that I won't have any real knowledge of until some point several weeks from now, but this is still a pretty weird thing for Game Freak/Nintendo to come up with.

BTW, I'm still scratching my head in regards to Isshu getting a new name for the English translation, but I've gotten used to the new name. It's an acquired taste, I guess.

8-OWhy did I not know about this?

BTW, do Pokes obtained using this method go all "bad egg" on you if you migrate them to other DS games or the Wii? I don't use AR because I don't like to cheat, but there does come a point where I get pissed off because they make it so damn hard to get some of these beasties...

From what I've read from other people that use it, as long as the stats that are randomly generated (or that you specify) are within the stat system, they are considered legit. Bad Eggs are the result of blatant stat abuse, like 999 in every stat, or having 31 IVs in everything (which is legal) but then throwing more than the 510 point limit (like 510 in each stat).

The data string for each pokémon you get from there is taken directly from the actual events, so they will be fine.

Honestly, (the Pokeshifter) feels like the game designers were trying to fix something that wasn't broken when they replaced the Pal Park with this new feature. The Pal Park was a simple way to transfer pokemon to between generations and should've stayed imo. The Pokeshifter, on the other hand, is a timed mini-game that requires the use of a bow and arrow or some shit like that. I know that I'm talking about something that I won't have any real knowledge of until some point several weeks from now, but this is still a pretty weird thing for Game Freak/Nintendo to come up with.

BTW, I'm still scratching my head in regards to Isshu getting a new name for the English translation, but I've gotten used to the new name. It's an acquired taste, I guess.

My guess is that the Shifter is another step in that whole "remake the series" trend they have been doing the last couple of generations (namely, the "reboot" of Ruby and Sapphire and remakes of RBY). Reusing the Pal Park system would go against that... which is weird, because they recycled the Battle Frontier from Platinum for HG/SS.

Fun Factoid of The Day: I have never owned any of the third versions of any Pokémon series. Yellow, Crystal, Emerald and Platinum. I've only played Crystal on an emulator, because I had some spare time and it was several years since I had played my Silver game.

Maybe whatever third version (if they make one, that is; they're doing a lot of things different this time around) comes out, I'll get that one. I guess I could wait another few years.


I can't figure out how to use it. My DS doesn't like my new router very much, so it's tricky getting that to work at all, and I can't get that website to work. The only pokedex entry I still need is Arceus, so if someone is willing to use that website to get an arceus and send him to me, I'd be very grateful.

Also, possible North America release date for Black and White. Emphasis on possible. It fits with past release dates, but placeholder dates are commonly used until official ones are set.

I was expecting a March release date, but April works too. I don't really care which of the two months the games come out in (provided they actually get released before May) as long as I can figure out when I can pre-order White.


I was kind of hoping for a March release. Why? 3DS. New game, new system. yeah, it wouldn't be a 3DS title, and thus, no 3D, but it's not without precedent. Nintendo of America seems to like aligning Pokémon games with new hardware.

For instance:

Pokémon Crystal was released in North America July 29, 2001. The GBA was released June 11, 2001. Yeah, a bit of a stretch, but it's close.

Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire were release March 19, 2003. The GBA SP was released March 23, 2003, not even a week later.

Pokémon Platinum was released May 22, 2009. The DSi was released April 5, 2009. Again, a bit of a stretch, but still not that far off.

Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver were released March 14, 2010, while the DSi XL was released March 28, 2010. Two weeks later.

I suspect that the Japanese release dates reflect this as well, but I've already spent too much time comparing the NA dates to bother with them. I wouldn't be surprised if they also showed a similar pattern.

I guess when the 3DS comes out, I'll have to settle for a new Mario Kart and Kid Icarus. Let's face it: it will be a very busy month until BW comes out.


OK, so I bet most of you know about the Shiny Entei, Raikun and Suicune event at GameStops (both Canada and US this time) in January, but did you know there might be an extra present for you as well?

Now, this is from a site that does deal with emulation, but they don't host ROMs themselves. I'm not sure if posting an image from such a site is against the rules. They have save games, but so does GameFAQs, and we don't get in trouble for posting anything from there. Hopefully, this isn't going to result in any kind of rule breaking.


Basically, someone got a hold of one of the carts that Nintendo will be sending to GameStops, and dumped the data. In it, there are the expected three shiny Beasts... as well as a shiny Celebi!?

The US has never had an official Celebi event (and Canada got even less than that, you fuckers), so this is a big surprise if it's true.


Don't know if everyone heard this as well, but the monkeys aren't the only ones with localized names announced.

Munna => Munna

Mamepato => Pidove

Shimama => Blitzle

Gigaith => Gigalith

Meguroc => Sandile

Hihidaruma => Darmanitan

Chillarmy => Minccino

Gear => Klink

Yes, Rape Ape is now Darmanitan.

But still Rape Ape.

Don't know if everyone heard this as well, but the monkeys aren't the only ones with localized names announced.

You're right, they were also announced on Monday, at the same time as the release date. But they were overlooked because HOLY SHIT RELEASE DATE!

Some of the new attacks and abilities were also named. Pigeon Heart is now Big Pecks, for instance. I recall someone here instantly liking the pigeon Mamepato (now known as Pidove), so that might be of some interest to said person.

Kind of sad how people were more interested in the release date than the names of pokémon they will be playing with for the next few years...

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