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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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The three shiny legendary dogs of Johto are being given away again but this time over Nintendo WFC! If you have any fourth gen game, just use the mystery gift option to get:

- Raikou on Feb 7 - 13

- Entei from Feb 14 - 20

- Suicune from Feb 21 - 27.

These are identical to the Gamestop ones except for their OT trainer ID names will read WIN2011 instead of GMESTOP. North America and Europe. Again, if you transfer any one of these into Pokemon B/W you can activate a special in-game event where you can catch a Zoroark.


Old news.

Good thing I had that GameStop Raikou for you, huh? Oh wait, turns out you didn't really need it. :banghead:

Mind you, I still got the three Japanese ones, and the Suicune from Saturday before they stopped giving it away.

I still wish someone that gets the games early can test to see if the Japanese ones will work, and if it's a one-time event, or if it can be used three time with each Beast. Doubtful, but you never know.


Well, kind of. It turns out that any game that got the GameSpot/EB Games Beasts can't download the Wonder Card for this event. They count as the same, so if you already got your EB/GameStop ones, you can't get these ones.

I checked on my game a few hours ago, and it gave me a message stating I already have already received this event pokemon.

Well, kind of. It turns out that any game that got the GameSpot/EB Games Beasts can't download the Wonder Card for this event. They count as the same, so if you already got your EB/GameStop ones, you can't get these ones.

I checked on my game a few hours ago, and it gave me a message stating I already have already received this event pokemon.

Whew. I missed Suicune.


Okay, whoa.

If I'm reading this correctly, Snivy and its evolutions have an ability that reverses the effect of stat-altering moves. Which is to say that a move that's supposed to boost a stat will now lower it, and vice versa.

So not only does Snivy completely overturn the metagame by making every single buff move useless, but it can also spam Leaf Storm, a move that's supposed to be counterbalanced by the fact that it lowers your Sp. Atk, and get STRONGER?



Testing has shown it's not that bad. SE attacks still fuck it up good, and his movelist only has a few moves that that Ability would benefit.

Its beneficial moves, like Growth, are reversed as well, so all of its boosting moves are fucked over good. That means no Coil to boost Attack, Defense and Accuracy. All those moves are now useless, and it could use them a lot.

So really, it's not that bad. It can hit hard, but it's still kind of fragile. As a Serperior (final stage evolution), 75 base HP means that even with 95 base defenses, it's not going to stand up to much damage. STAB Ice Beam = GG.


Let's not overlook the fact that the Ability in question is a Dream World-only ability that is not on the starter you get from Juniper in a normal playthrough. Rest assured, the Snivy you get from her will have the crap-tacular Overgrow ability. :3


I haven't really looked into the whole Dream World aspect of the game. It seems odd and kind of complex. You have an account on some WiFi system and you se it entirely through your PC. Why couldn't it have been done entirely on your DS instead?

I guess we'll see when it goes online around late April or early May.

Oh, didn't you hear? The US Dream World system is going to start at least a month after the games come out. Add another for the trying to get it to work.



Someone please find this issue and scan it or something. I want to see if they included any pics of these designs.

Also, a cloned sheep was considered "controversial", but a cloned monster cat thing, fire-breathing hell hounds, gods of Time and Space, the anti-world and God of all Creation, not to mention cats having sex with whales, are all fine.

OK, Game Freak, if you say so.

Red, do you like movies about gladiators?

So I'm not the only one who has seen Airplane.

I'm thinking of getting a 3DS just for White/Black and the Ocarina of Time remake.


Oh, since there are multiple Celebi events this month around the world, here's a handy chart to tell you when and where you can get your own Celebi.


Each country has a link to its own official website detailing times and places, as well as how to get the event pokémon. Hopefully, this will help some of our members here out. Don't forget, this is a special Celebi, as it unlocks the rare pokémon Zorua in Black and White, and it the last Gen 4 event to take place. This may be your only chance to get one for who knows how long!


I heard on the WIRE that Black and White will be the first Pokemon main series games to be translated in-house by The Pokemon Company international. I'm a fan of how the previous games have been handled by NOA's Treehouse, so I'm kind of bummed. I guess we'll see how this new team goes over. Hopefully not another repeat of their shake-up of the anime. Apparently they have coined an official subdivision of Legendaries called "Mythical" Pokemon, to include Pokemon already introduced like Celebi.

As for the 3DS, apparently BW will feature some sort of enhancements. I'm guessing they'll have to do with the C-Gear and networking options.


Yeah, about that...


It's in Spanish, but the gist of it is "We're done with Gen 5 games, we're not working on a third version."

For more info, http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Third_version_to_Generation_V_to_not_be_on_3DS

Of course, the games are just coming out, so they wouldn't want to Osborne effect themselves. You know it's going to happen eventually.

Also, two movies coming out in Japan this summer? Might be some more event stuff in the future, but who knows if the rest of the world will get it.

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