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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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I suspect that we will all want the three starters at some point, so I'm going to try for a female starter. That way, I can breed up some eggs and give them away to everyone here that doesn't have said starter. DIBS ON FIRE PIGGY. I hope someone else will do the same so we can trade them around, like some sort of communist forced-breeding ring.

Gotta breed them all!


Hopefully after I beat the game with one of the games, I can get the other and start trading over eggs I make with the 1-4th Gen pokemon I import and trade over from the beaten game, I'll be willing to trade the eggs from the oldies if anyone wants. Or ditto.

EDIT: Can someone hook me up with an extra Shiny Raikou? I missed out on it. I'm willing to trade you for something.


I call Smugleaf. I'll use my pimpin' Ditto and get everyone an egg ;)

Seriously, my Ditto was level 20 or so when I caught it. It's now level 58 from breeding in the daycare o_o

I also have all the starters from all gens, and have many newly hatched ones I can spread out. I can also give 'em the PokeRus if you so desire ;)

EDIT: Can someone hook me up with an extra Shiny Raikou? I missed out on it. I'm willing to trade you for something.


The Japanese movie event one, identical to the GameStop one, is on there.

If you don't want to use that, there is the other two later this month and next month. Trust me, they aren't that good. They have completely random stats, and their moves aren't anything too special. And you only need one of the three, not all three, to get the Zorark event in BW.


I'm starting to get psyched about this now, and I'm wondering what the chances are that they'll make a decent Wii game to complement the new gen. Battle Revolution was an incredible letdown, and that makes me worry that maybe they'll consider the console attempts a lost cause.

Not that many of these new pokes will look that great with a graphical upgrade. Probably worse, actually.

I'm starting to get psyched about this now, and I'm wondering what the chances are that they'll make a decent Wii game to complement the new gen.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! (T'was mildly amusing)

We've been wanting a proper console Pokemon since RBY.

Look forward to something infinitely more realistic, like the 3DS-exclusive Gray Version and the Ruby/Sapphire remakes.


The RBY success was a lofty height that needs to be reached again; Stadium kicked ass.

Maybe instead of even fooling around with the Wii they'll make the next battle game a 3DS exclusive. That wouldn't be too bad. It would probably ensure they put more effort into it, at least.


Two news bits for all of us non-American members.

First, Norway! Guess what? You get a Celebi event next month!


Canadians! If you live near Burnaby, BC or Mississauga, Ontario, you can play the demos of Black and White in mid February.


Yeah... sucks for those of us that live in any other part of the country. Enjoy your slightly earlier access to the games.


As soon as we get the games, we get a special event! Liberty Island is an in-game location that house an in-game event to get Pokémon 000, Victini. The event will be done over Nintendo WiFi, so you just have to download it to your Pokémon Black and White games.


Basically, it's this generations Mew and Celebi. 100 in each stat, learns powerful moves, isn't found normally in-game without a special event.. oh wait!

No details on what you have to do or how far you have to be in the game to access it, but it's likely to be set for once you get to Castelia City, seeing how it's the closest city, and is the natural connection point to Liberty Island.

I think we're going to have a lot of Victinis on our teams now.


Huh. The first time I saw that Pokemon I thought it was this gen's bidoff or something. Or maybe the cute cuddly mouse creature that is (generally) electric.

I don't know about you gents, but I'm going to do to Victini what I do to all my legendaries and banish it to the very last PC box. Never to see he light of day again. In pokedex numberical order!

I take it you mean National Dex order, not Regional Dex, since he's #000 in the Unova Dex...

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