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Pokémon Black/White: V-Create Victini on Nintendo WiFi until Dec 31st!

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So I picked this up, after not having touched a game since Ruby. Went with Black because it was cheaper (Buy.com, saved like $2).

I've never really gotten into the competetive portion of the game, so all of that stuff about IVs and such is pretty new to me. Is it hard to learn/implement or is it worth looking into?

Another question, Aside from free wifi hotspots is there a way to connect to the nintendo wifi without setting my router to WEP? I have a USB wifi connector, but since I'm running Windows Vista (64x) that's not really an option (which kinda pisses me off btw). I think I've exhausted my options, so I'm just looking for some kind of work-around.

Also, I'm not overly impressed with the starters this time around. Snivy seems like a limbless Treecko and we get another fire/fighting starter (yes, I know this has been beaten to death, but I wanted to get a few licks in).

IVs and EVs are completely unnecessary to completing the main story. You only need to think about them if you plan on battling other people, and even then they don't matter much if your opponent doesn't care about them either. They're easy enough to pick up though, if you're into micromanagement.

I picked Snivy for my starter, and while he's not winning awards for highest attack power, he's incredibly fast and bulky. It gets Growth to boost both offensive stats anyway, and later on Coil for Atk/Def/Acc boosts. Easily my favorite starter this gen.


Anyone else disappointed with how GameFreak is handling competitive play? It's really a lackluster in this current Gen. However, I do love that EVs can be still trained at level 100 since they are calculated after a battle instead of during a level-up.

Anyone else disappointed with how GameFreak is handling competitive play? It's really a lackluster in this current Gen. However, I do love that EVs can be still trained at level 100 since they are calculated after a battle instead of during a level-up.

It's for this very reason that I'm considering opting for Pokemon Online once they set up Gen 5 data. It's too much a pain to set up competitive play otherwise.


Awesome! It turns out that black and white CAN go online through WAP security when played on a DSi! I don't think any other DS games can do this; they all require WEP or the USB adapter! I hope they do this for whatever new DS game come out form now on.

i wanna make my boldore evolve but i can't get online with my internet security at college and don't have any friends who play pokemon

Unless you can meet up with some one outside of the campus, what you can do is go outside of campus, to a starbucks or something and we could do the trade.

All you'd need at most would be the ds and some way to chat on irc while outside.


Anyone mind discussing Battle Subway strategies?

I'm considering running singles, using a Tyranitar followed by an Excadrill with Sand Rush. Problem is, I don't know if the AI has EV'd pokemon. If they do and I run a max attack Excadrill with some defense EV's (in case of priority fighting moves), I'll get owned by any opposing Excadrills with any investment in speed.

Can anyone confirm?

Anyone mind discussing Battle Subway strategies?

I'm considering running singles, using a Tyranitar followed by an Excadrill with Sand Rush. Problem is, I don't know if the AI has EV'd pokemon. If they do and I run a max attack Excadrill with some defense EV's (in case of priority fighting moves), I'll get owned by any opposing Excadrills with any investment in speed.

Can anyone confirm?

The Gen IV Battle Frontier pulled from a premade database, choosing higher tier Pokemon as you got longer winning streaks. These Pokemon did have EVs, in addition to non-neutral natures. I can't remember if the EVs were always in a 255/255 spread or if they got more creative, but I'm certain Smogon has the data somewhere.

I'm inclined to believe the Battle Subway is the same. If this is the case, it's only a matter of time before someone hacks the game and pulls the data if it hasn't been done already. Once that happens, you can consult it yourself and see if there are any Jolly 255 Speed Sand Rush Excadrills you need to worry about.

Anyone mind discussing Battle Subway strategies?

I'm considering running singles, using a Tyranitar followed by an Excadrill with Sand Rush. Problem is, I don't know if the AI has EV'd pokemon. If they do and I run a max attack Excadrill with some defense EV's (in case of priority fighting moves), I'll get owned by any opposing Excadrills with any investment in speed.

Can anyone confirm?

Pretty sure the AI has EV trained pokemon to some degree, but it has NEVER happened that my max Speed EV Adamant Excadrill was run out by an opposing Excadrill.

I've gotten 35~ win streaks with a team made up of Tyranitar, Excadrill and Garchomp, but it tends to be shot down by water types with priority attacks like Aqua Jet a lot (Empoleon, Feraligatr, Blastoise all give it a lot of trouble)

I think the most balanced team with sandstorm would be Tyranitar, Excadrill and Jellicent, since Jellicent (with water absorb) blocks fighting, water and fire attacks, and can wear down opposing water types with toxic.

Grass Types would theoretically be a problem but they actually rarely make an appearance, and tend to go down quickly to Fireblast/Icebeam on Tyranitar.

E: Or just throw a Choice Band on a Garchomp, and Outrage/Earthquake your way past anything.

Has anyone had luck finding a Dream World Pokemon through GTS? I want to know if it's possible. I'm assuming it should be, but I'm not getting one yet. :(

It's basically a crapshoot since you can't see the abilities before trading. The most surefire way is probably to trade with people from Japan, but even then there's really no guarantee that the pokemon will have a dream world ability.

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