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First time playing FFIV, and it's on the DS.

Level 75 Cecil.

I'm on the moon. My lunar whale disappears from the world map... and I can't get it back. I don't have a back-up save...

... that drew my ire.


Glitched save file or something? There's probably only a byte or two that say where the Lunar Whale is on the map; a single bit being off could make it inaccessible or not shown on the map.


I wouldn't call it an aw s**t moment like has been discussed so far, but World 6 fortress on new super mario bros. wii certainly gave me pause.

Then there was the time I died to the first goomba in the very first level. THAT was an aw shit moment.

Glitched save file or something? There's probably only a byte or two that say where the Lunar Whale is on the map; a single bit being off could make it inaccessible or not shown on the map.

It could be, my FFV for PSX went back in time and did a total Back to the Future II timefuck so I'm hardly one to judge, but I'm surprised a game as recent as FFIV DS would do that.


Man I hope I remember, it's been about 8-9 years.

At some point during World 3, after the Void had swallowed up a bunch of towns, I had a disc error or something happened, and when I reloaded the game, I noticed that the towns were back. I stopped in to a bunch of them and I ended up back in Tycoon Castle.

I still had about 3 or 4 characters (I forget exactly), so I was pretty creeped out to see the Waltz was still going on, without Faris and/or Reina in attendance. The game recognized they were in my party, but... the dance was going on anyway.

At some point I remember I triggered something and that first part of World 3 where I didn't have Reina and I had to go do stuff anyway... and that was still weird because I still had the stuff from doing it before, but I had to do it again... it was just total timefuck.

Last thing I remember was beating the Pyramid again and the boat coming, but I didn't fight the demon in the forest and so I didn't Reina back and I never found the boat.

To this day, I've never seen anything like it as glitches go.

It could be, my FFV for PSX went back in time and did a total Back to the Future II timefuck so I'm hardly one to judge, but I'm surprised a game as recent as FFIV DS would do that.

Corrupted savefiles can happen to anything. Bad sector on your PC's hard drive, dirty connector on your DS cartridge, no storage media is 100%% permanent and guaranteed as long as it's in use.


Ages and ages ago when my brother and I were playing through Pokemon Red and Blue, we were working to get all 150 LEGITIMATELY WITH OUT CHEATING.

We got 147 on Red. The three remaining Pokemon were Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur. We decided to erase our file on blue so we could start from the beginning and get a bulbasaur.

Deleted the file on blue, got bulbasaur, got ready to trade. He pulled out Red, turned on his gamebody and... the save file was gone. The save ram battery died; our copy of Red could never keep a save file after that.


Kind of a reverse moment - when I first started playing Mega Man I never knew you could use the weapons of the defeated robot masters. When I discovered it by accident I muttered in disgust at my obliviousness.

Ages and ages ago when my brother and I were playing through Pokemon Red and Blue, we were working to get all 150 LEGITIMATELY WITH OUT CHEATING.

We got 147 on Red. The three remaining Pokemon were Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur. We decided to erase our file on blue so we could start from the beginning and get a bulbasaur.

Deleted the file on blue, got bulbasaur, got ready to trade. He pulled out Red, turned on his gamebody and... the save file was gone. The save ram battery died; our copy of Red could never keep a save file after that.

That one nearly made me cry.

Ages and ages ago when my brother and I were playing through Pokemon Red and Blue, we were working to get all 150 LEGITIMATELY WITH OUT CHEATING.

We got 147 on Red. The three remaining Pokemon were Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur. We decided to erase our file on blue so we could start from the beginning and get a bulbasaur.

Deleted the file on blue, got bulbasaur, got ready to trade. He pulled out Red, turned on his gamebody and... the save file was gone. The save ram battery died; our copy of Red could never keep a save file after that.

i have stories for this thread but on this note i got all 150 legitimately in red

i'm very proud of myself for this to this day

How the hell did you do that? You can't LOSE the Lunar Whale.

Well, that's what I figured, too. I disembarked the Lunar Whale and explored the moon a little bit, saved my game, and then went back to where my airship was supposed to be (confirmed by its icon on the map on the bottom screen), but it was no longer there. I started freaking out and wandered the entirety of the map, but alas, there was no Lunar Whale. The mini-map even stopped showing the ship icon after awhile.

I reset and have re-loaded the game many times to no avail. I looked online to see if there was a remedy to my problem, but I read that a few other people had the same problem and that there was no fix. It's a bad glitch... and yeah, I'm also surprised that it would happen on the DS.

oshit, you're darke's brother?

...wasn't that big of a secret there, Gollgagh...

Well, that's what I figured, too. I disembarked the Lunar Whale and explored the moon a little bit, saved my game, and then went back to where my airship was supposed to be (confirmed by its icon on the map on the bottom screen), but it was no longer there. I started freaking out and wandered the entirety of the map, but alas, there was no Lunar Whale. The mini-map even stopped showing the ship icon after awhile.

I reset and have re-loaded the game many times to no avail. I looked online to see if there was a remedy to my problem, but I read that a few other people had the same problem and that there was no fix. It's a bad glitch... and yeah, I'm also surprised that it would happen on the DS.

I believe you. That's really surprising. I guess you'll have to just start over.

The Moon would've eaten you alive anyway. Probably better you stopped there the first time around.

the kind of night where you use jokes that everyone stopped laughing at thirty years ago?

Well, if you found out your insane FFV save was actually STILL on your memory card 8-9 years later, I'm sure you'd go batshit crazy on take it out mildly on the first person you came across too.

Seriously, I remember deleting that save and I JUST found out its still on there. How the fuck is still on there?


A recent one for me.

Playing Dragon Age, I'm on the final boss of the Dwarven deep roads. I've been getting my ass handed to me all day long, and I finally, FINALLY manage to win the battle through a large amount of luck and extreme effort. As the cutscene begins after defeating the boss...BOOM. BSOD.

Reason #148345 why nobody should use Vista, ever.

Well, if you found out your insane FFV save was actually STILL on your memory card 8-9 years later, I'm sure you'd go batshit crazy on take it out mildly on the first person you came across too.

Seriously, I remember deleting that save and I JUST found out its still on there. How the fuck is still on there?

hahaha wow


Modern Warfare 2.

Tried landing a Nuke killstreak (25 in a row).

Had the Hardline perk, making it require 24 instead of 25.

Died after 23. By a noobtube, no less.

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