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"I like Street Fighter too, but I really hate Zangief" Lupe Fiasco

In SSIV he was worse. The computer kept spinning pile driving me every chance it got. If I was in a corner it would do it two times in a row as soon as I got back up. :banghead:

Anyways, I can't wait till this game comes out.

So Super Street Fighter IV is going to add 10 new characters, and who is everyone online gonna pick?


Actually i will stay with Cammy for the most part even though i win and rank up better with Ryu. I just find her more fun to play. Probably going to play with the new characters and see how i do with them.

Saw this video, found it pretty interesting


nice Video yo but we all know Sagat damage has been tone down. but from the bolgs i've been reading Balrog has not been changed. AT ALL:grin:

I think i am 50/50 against Balrog, i never really saw him as over powered. i have gotten my ass kicked by a really good balrog but i tend to do decent against most. I need to start playging again and get some practice in before the release


I think my picks will stay thesame. My main is Abel, and second is Guile (who seemed to be getting more powerful). Guy and Cody are my favorite picks from the Alpha series, so i'll be sure to give them a try. And Yuri......yes, Yuri. Tae-kwondo is my favorite sport, so i was obligated from the start to give her a whirl.


One of the weakest aspects of my Ryu game was his ultra, i was never good with projectile ultras that leave you open if you wiff. I'm MUCH better with special attacks that can capitalize on catching your opponent off guard in the up and close, and with his new ultra being his classic uppercut, i predict my Ryu game will improve substantially.

Zangiefs new Ultra is the best looking one ive seen thus far, as he was my main before, i'll be playing him plenty.

Out of the new characters, Makoto is definitely my top pick. I hope they do her Focus Attack well, its the one aspect that will probably make-or-break her for me.

So, after playing SSF4 last weekend, I am definitely maining Juri and Guy. Those two were so fun to play as.

i thought that everyone hated guy for some reason or another

though i give you props

So, after playing SSF4 last weekend, I am definitely maining Juri and Guy. Those two were so fun to play as.

you lucky Asshole. i know you played with Chun il how was she? i bet she sucks :<

I hate people from CA. Just throwing it out there.

Seriously though Arek, how was Hakan playwise? Did you get any time with him?

Hakan is a lot of fun. From what I have seen, he is one that focuses more on grabs and heavy hits rather than combos. Think of him as a more fun Zangief.

PS- This had nothing to do with me being in CA. It was an invite only thing. Many top players were denied the ability to join in. Can't really say more on it until the game drops.

Hakan is a lot of fun. From what I have seen, he is one that focuses more on grabs and heavy hits rather than combos. Think of him as a more fun Zangief.

PS- This had nothing to do with me being in CA. It was an invite only thing. Many top players were denied the ability to join in. Can't really say more on it until the game drops.

Once you can say so, you'll have to let us know how you got access then. You're about the same skill level as the rest of the frequent OCR players last we played. Sweet for you that you got to see it early though.


after giving it much thought i might actually pick this up for the 360. I have more friends who play the 360 version so i might cave in and get it. I am buying a stick to so i have to hurry and decide while i can still get a good price on them

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