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Whatcha got against Chili there atmuh?

id rather not go down the list of things but instead ill just say itd be kinda silly to add him since hes not nearly as accessible as many of the other admins (being on irc and stuff) which is really what you guys would need

why dont you just make vimk an admin hes on his computer basically all the time

and really theres no reason why all these people complaining about some terrible horrible pubs when they can just call up a ban vote on them every time ive done that in the past its passed

This is Atmuh we're talking about. Need we say more?


signing your posts is really dumb we can read your username just fine


and really theres no reason why all these people complaining about some terrible horrible pubs when they can just call up a ban vote on them every time ive done that in the past its passed

I must call bull on your suggestion, Atmuh.

I have seen at least one of these happen when we had a particularly foul-mouthed jackass on the server, yet we did not have enough votes (or in one case, voters) to get him out. Granted, all the other players did vote. With their feet. This is precisely the kind of scenario we are trying to avoid here.

signing your posts is really dumb we can read your username just fine
If that's the case, get rid of that silly piece of graphics below your text. I can read your username just fine.



sounds like you didnt try it last night because it "apparently never works"

and sigs actually say something instead of just restating your name

signing your posts is really dumb we can read your username just fine

Someone who refuses to use proper capitalization and punctuation forfeits the right to complain about something as insignificant as a person signing their posts.


thanks for your opinion!!!!

except there have been plenty of instances in which people have signed their posts and it was the opinion of the majority that it was incredibly annoying


itd be kinda silly to add him since hes not nearly as accessible as many of the other admins (being on irc and stuff) which is really what you guys would need

I'm not that accessible right now because I have no need to be. I have AIM, YIM, MSN, Skype, Gtalk, and IRC. As I'm not an admin, you guys don't need to know my names on them unless I tell you. Not publicizing access != not having access.


thanks for your opinion!!!!

except there have been plenty of instances in which people have signed their posts and it was the opinion of the majority that it was incredibly annoying


Wait, wait wait. Hold up. So the "opinion of the majority" matters when someone's verbal (er, typal?) tic annoys you but doesn't make their message any more difficult to read, but doesn't count when the rest of us are annoyed by your apparent inability to use the shift or punctuation keys, which makes your posts harder to read.


Following Friday's update, my computer seems to be incapable of playing TF2 without crashing and giving me a BSOD. I've tried updating my drivers, a system restore, uninstalling and reinstalling TF2, and getting the whole shebang looked at by a third party. I'm all but certain it's a driver issue, but I cannot think of anything else to try short of reinstalling the OS from scratch. (Which won't be hard, just tedious and annoying as hell.)

Needless to say, I will be unavailable ingame for a while. I can still use the other computer in the house for more standard internet browsing though.

Following Friday's update, my computer seems to be incapable of playing TF2 without crashing and giving me a BSOD. I've tried updating my drivers, a system restore, uninstalling and reinstalling TF2, and getting the whole shebang looked at by a third party. I'm all but certain it's a driver issue, but I cannot think of anything else to try short of reinstalling the OS from scratch. (Which won't be hard, just tedious and annoying as hell.)

Needless to say, I will be unavailable ingame for a while. I can still use the other computer in the house for more standard internet browsing though.

did you try lowering the graphics settings (although i think you played on lowest already)

did you try lowering the graphics settings (although i think you played on lowest already)

My graphics settings are normally high, so I tried that. It crashed the instant I clicked the "Advanced" button under Video Options, followed by a BSOD.

I haven't tried since.

EDIT: Going to copypasta my more detailed post from the Steam forums in case it helps someone here.

Let me begin this by saying that before the May 21 update, I was able to play TF2 without any problems.

Following the May 21 update, I cannot play TF2 for more than 5 minutes or so before it crashes, usually so badly as to create a BSOD. If I'm lucky, it will merely crash to desktop, but this is rare. I first noticed the issue when I entered "map plr_pipeline" in the console to check out the map changes and the game crashed soon after. Once, it crashed the instant I tried to look at my advanced video options ingame. Although general computer performance is spotty as it recovers from a BSOD, it seems that only TF2 causes it to crash like this. Normal use, such as internet browsing, works perfectly fine.

I have tried several fixes. My drivers have been updated, uninstalled and reinstalled, and updated again. I have uninstalled and reinstalled TF2 from scratch. I got a third party to uninstall and reinstall the drivers for me in case I did it wrong the first time. The problem persists, and next in line is wiping my computer and reinstalling the OS and everything else.

Barring some sort of catastrophic computer failure that I don't know about, the most reasonable explanation I can think of is that something in the May 21 update is blowing up when it encounters Nvidia cards. I have no evidence for or against this claim, but it seems supported by the fact that as far as I know, only TF2 is making my computer crash like this. (I have not had the courage to try L4D or the SDK.)

Has this happened to anyone else? If so, is there a solution? If not, is there hope that a future update will solve this? Is formatting the hard drive and reinstalling the OS too drastic?

Computer Specs:

Windows 7 64-bit


Intel Core2 Duo CPU P8400 @ 2.26 GHz (2 CPUs)

Nvidia GeForce 9800M GTS, Version


Best medic right here, and wow I was on a roll being on top of the scoreboard but then BAM in the middle of fighting on dustbowl I get dropped due to slot reservation.


Paranoid: I have not had that problem happen to me, and I have about the same specs, only I'm running a C2D E8400 and I only use ATI hardware.



I'd check sound drivers, wierd as that sounds, and also, power down, pull a stick of ram, power up, start the game, see what happens. If it crashes, power down, swap ram, try again.

Have you got any other intensive program you can run to check if it's your system or the game?

My graphics settings are normally high, so I tried that. It crashed the instant I clicked the "Advanced" button under Video Options, followed by a BSOD.

I haven't tried since.

EDIT: Going to copypasta my more detailed post from the Steam forums in case it helps someone here.


TBH I'm fed up with dealing with this and would be quite content to hand it off to some computer repair shop to see what they can do. I'm going to take to Staples, of all places, tomorrow. (They're the same people that I had look at the drivers to make sure I didn't screw them up, and they fixed an older laptop of mine that had seemingly died completely, so it's not totally baseless.)

Re: Intensive programs, all I've got are various games (TF2, L4D, Source SDK) and maybe Sony Vegas. Problem at this point is getting the computer past the login screen though. Thank god our house has several computers in it.



did you try rolling back your drivers a few months back

also oh god dont bring it to a repair shop youre gonna get ripped off horribly for the money youd pay them just get newer hardware (starting with the video card)

TBH I'm fed up with dealing with this and would be quite content to hand it off to some computer repair shop to see what they can do. I'm going to take to Staples, of all places, tomorrow. (They're the same people that I had look at the drivers to make sure I didn't screw them up, and they fixed an older laptop of mine that had seemingly died completely, so it's not totally baseless.)

Re: Intensive programs, all I've got are various games (TF2, L4D, Source SDK) and maybe Sony Vegas. Problem at this point is getting the computer past the login screen though. Thank god our house has several computers in it.

The game login screen? or Windows?


also oh god dont bring it to a repair shop youre gonna get ripped off horribly for the money youd pay them just get newer hardware (starting with the video card)

I have to agree with Atmuh. Most computer repair places are paid to sell hardware and not fix computers. Approach that idea with caution.

Did you check the integrity of the game cache? It's under properties when you right-click TF2 inside of Steam.

Have you tried disabling any custom content that you are using? I know that you have some custom HUD elements. Other things you can do.

  • Rollback drivers (Atmuh
  • Update drivers (Still not working?)
  • -autoconfig in advanced launch options (sets visual settings to default)
  • defragmenting the game cache
  • Check for Windows updates. There was an update for my PCIe firmware a few months ago and that's where memory cards sit.
  • Check your internal temperature
  • Check the error message from you BSOD and Google the results.
  • Have you tried filing a Steam support ticket? It's a long shot.
  • Turning off windowed mode

I have to agree with Atmuh. Most computer repair places are paid to sell hardware and not fix computers. Approach that idea with caution.

Not just the matter of being snookered into buying hardware, I am far more concerned about my privacy. I have heard at least one case where a customer put surveillance software on their computer when they sent it in for repairs--and was abjectly shocked to learn what the techs did with the computer. Needless to say, the customer sued.


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