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pregame mayhem is incredibly old at this point anyway

Because standing around spawn waiting for the round to start is so much more interesting.


I find it amusing the lagger the server gets for other people the better my ping gets for no good reason. I still get server freeze but suddenly my ping instead of being 180-200 it's 130-140.

Like when I first joined the server :D

Because standing around spawn waiting for the round to start is so much more interesting.

with the waiting for players time at the default time theres barely any time to wait around


I would call pregame mayhem anything but interesting

switch to soldier > spin around firing rockets > success

I usually spend most of it just taunting because seriously

with the waiting for players time at the default time theres barely any time to wait around

Speaking of which, I just bumped the waiting for players time back down to the default.

I would call pregame mayhem anything but interesting

switch to soldier > spin around firing rockets > success

I usually spend most of it just taunting because seriously

More like go heavy > spin up and sit on the cabinet > success.

For my part, it depends. If the gates will open I like to go spy and sneak out into the map for some peace and quiet. If they don't, I pick a random low-health class and try to avoid dying as long as possible.

Tangentially, I wish friendly fire was a native option like in TFC. Griefing potential aside, it would change the game in a lot of interesting ways, not the least of which would be working properly with all weapons.

Oh well.

For my part, it depends. If the gates will open I like to go spy and sneak out into the map for some peace and quiet. If they don't, I pick a random low-health class and try to avoid dying as long as possible.

Oh well.

Demoman Stickies win Pregame Mayhem. 3 stickies down, kill everyone in spawn.


Good thing 3 stickies take so long to plunk down. Also, groupthink; when you see that many death notices in common, the odds of all of you deciding to murder the demo at once are very high.

Also also, on the off-chance anyone doesn't check their tf2 feed on steam, the soldier exists. Be afraid.

Good thing 3 stickies take so long to plunk down. Also, groupthink; when you see that many death notices in common, the odds of all of you deciding to murder the demo at once are very high.

Also also, on the off-chance anyone doesn't check their tf2 feed on steam, the soldier exists. Be afraid.

Most are too busy trying to insta-respawn to notice.

Good thing 3 stickies take so long to plunk down. Also, groupthink; when you see that many death notices in common, the odds of all of you deciding to murder the demo at once are very high.

Also also, on the off-chance anyone doesn't check their tf2 feed on steam, the soldier exists. Be afraid.

Saw that...about an hour ago, actually. Epic beyond words.

The Medic isn't as perfect a match though as far as facial structure is concerned.


if powerlords going to go ahead and turn fixed spreads off without asking anyone can we at least discuss whether or not people want it on and obviously you know i do

I don't. There's no need to treat this like some tournament server; a little luck makes things more interesting.

That's what crits are for. Random spread is just dumb.

I mean really, it hardly affects the gameplay for people who can't aim anyway. So why shouldn't people who can aim be slightly rewarded.

the game must be boring for luck to be required to spice it up

"Mama wants new shoes! Gimme a 7! Gimme a 7!"

While crits are random, there IS a tiny bit of skill in them in that the more damage you have done in the past 20-30 seconds the higher chance you'll have for getting a crit (from the base 2% to a whopping 10%, I think).

That's what crits are for. Random spread is just dumb.

I mean really, it hardly affects the gameplay for people who can't aim anyway. So why shouldn't people who can aim be slightly rewarded.

I enjoy having random spread off simply because it reduces the power of the shotgun at ranges it should be weak at. With random spread on the user simply has the ability to use the shotgun at range with more effectiveness. If random spread is on I will happily use it to my advantage. Who doesn't love dying to a Scout from Sniper range? I just don't think its fair that I can snipe better due to random spread and crits than a class dedicated to sniping.

Hey yallz. I'm a tf2 noob. How do I go about getting invited to the Steam group and what is the difference between the two? Thanks

First of all, welcome to the game.

The OCR Steam group is private and by invite only. I'm not sure how you would go about getting invited. Public groups on Steam can be joined by anyone. There is a button at the right side in Steam that allows you to join these groups.

Since you are new to the game feel free to jump onto the OCR servers. It is an alltalk server meaning both teams can freely communicate via voice chat with each other. It is also a very friendly server with active admins and a number of helpful people. Feel free to ask around. I doubt anyone will give you a hard time.

You can also change your ingame name under Steam by going into Setting and clicking on the Friends tab.

While crits are random, there IS a tiny bit of skill in them in that the more damage you have done in the past 20-30 seconds the higher chance you'll have for getting a crit (from the base 2% to a whopping 10%, I think).

except if youre more skilled you dont need the crits to begin with

if powerlords going to go ahead and turn fixed spreads off without asking anyone can we at least discuss whether or not people want it on and obviously you know i do

What makes you think it's off? Have you checked recently?


"tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads" = "1" ( def. "0" )

game notify replicated

- If set to 1, weapons that fire multiple pellets per shot will use a non-random pellet distribution.

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