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Please tell me stage 3 is no longer covered in dev textures. Please.

You (should) never see dev textures on _b maps. The original nightfall was alpha grade, rushed out for the contest.

Stage 3 has been redone, and it's textured now.


A required update for Team Fortress 2 is now available. This is also an optional update for Counter-Strike: Source, since it fixes a bullet penetration problem on Linux servers. The specific changes are:

Server Browser

- Server browser now starts centered onscreen when it opens up.

- Filter panel now starts expanded, instead of hidden.

- Added a warning dialog that pops up to warn players joining games with more than the recommended number of players.

- Added a "max player count" filter setting.

- Renamed quick list checkbox from "Show Map List" to "Simplified List".

- Mouseover the checkbox now explains the simplified list in the status bar.

- Quicklist now shows the number of other servers running each map.

- Fixed a couple of bugs related to toggling the quick list, which were resulting in you needing to refresh again.

Team Fortress 2

- Added missing earbud particles for DX8 players.

- Added new ConVar mp_windifference_min to be used with mp_windifference.

- Added Engineer to the list of classes that can equip Max's Pistol.

- Rebuilt sound cache files that were out of date.

- Source TV:

- Fixed unlockable items not being visible.

- Stopped "player is carrying X" messages looping forever.

- Fixed overhealed particle effect being visible on your current view target when in first-person spectator mode.

- Changed in-game button colors to be less eyepoppingly bright.

- Improved Steam Web APIs for TF2 items (see http://www.teamfortress.com/)


- Fixed some graphical issues when alt-tabbing during a game.

- Fixed bullet penetration problems with Linux dedicated server.

- Removed an exploit that allowed people to change their names to something other than their Steam profile name.

Servers are being updated now. However, we took them offline as they will stop players who have updated from joining because of the weapon change.


The servers are dying on restart following the update. We're looking into this now.

Sourcemod (and reserved slots) are temporarily disabled until we find out what's causing things to crash.

Also, new Engineer item: Gold Wrench. Don't know if that's its official name or not, I just saw its model files during the update.

It's probably not good for server activity to shut it down while a game is going on with a moderate-yet-growing number of players, especially if they don't come back up immediately. Come on, guys.

The point is that it can't be growing because TF2 will block new players from joining because they have to update, and they can't join after updating because the weapon tables changed.

It's probably not good for server activity to shut it down while a game is going on with a moderate-yet-growing number of players, especially if they don't come back up immediately. Come on, guys.

especially since his habit is to do it without warning


We have identified the problem as the Arena Team size plugin. If it's enabled, the server crashes on startup. We have disabled it.

RED has been restarted, and I'm restarting BLU on map change.

especially since his habit is to do it without warning

I said on voice:

"Hey guys, looks like there's a new tf2 update. I'll go check it out and update the servers if needed"

Additional downtime was due to server segfaulting


- Added Engineer to the list of classes that can equip Max's Pistol.

Hey, am I the only one who noticed this and is happy about it? Having only one class each for the "exclusive" items was a bit of a drag.

I posted this in the admin group, but I guess I need to post it here too.

Please do not kick or ban Kagami. Kagami is the SourceTV bot.

Ooooh haha. We were wondering about that.

I posted this in the admin group, but I guess I need to post it here too.

Please do not kick or ban Kagami. Kagami is the SourceTV bot.

Hah, I was about to post here to ask about it. :tomatoface:

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