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If you can really move built sentry guns, that would be crazy.

I've proposed this as an idea between several of my friends. It would fix the problem with engies being _very_ immobile and requiring a ton of effort to tear down in one location and build all the way back up in another.

My idea, though, would have been for the engineer to have a backpack of sorts and the buildings to still be in working order during transit.

EDIT: I am currently unable to access the "watchmaker" link at the bottom of the Engineer update. I just get a "The specified profile could not be found." error. Is anybody else getting this problem?

If you can really move built sentry guns, that would be crazy.

Me and I think Clefairy were rambling about a "backpack" unlockable a while back. It would replace the shotgun but allow the Engie to carry something on his back, while still fully operable.

Buildables would slow you down depending on what it is and what level it is, too. Level 3 sentry? You're a walking megatank that's slower than a Heavy.

Also, I found these while I was at Anime Expo last weekend. Thought I'd like to share.


If you can really move built sentry guns, that would be crazy.

One of the servers I visit from time to time allows this (plug-in or something) and it really does change the way the game is played. On top of that, the map (only one map on the server) doesn't prevent you from building in the spawn, so you can build a level 3 in front of the supply cabinet, pick it up and run into battle with it.

you are a bad engineer

Q_Q The idea was just that the buildings themselves don't move (without the aid of a server plugin) which makes the overall Engineer's footprint fairly static. However, a good Engineer should also be actively scouting around their gear or drawing people into sentry traps.

Also, I know that I'm only a mediocre player but without actually observing my gameplay, I would appreciate it if you abstained from further qualitative remarks like that. :-/

speaking of killing bears, did anyone ever mention vimk and chili becoming admins?

because that was weeks ago

and I totally forgot to post it.

Haha, I've been letting them find out through surprise kicks/bans.


While I was playing on BLU (both team and eponymous server), I clocked Bahamut with a rocket as I had a few times previous. He had been complaining throughout a round of CTF_Doublecross that people should leave him alone so he can get an achievement (he was on the RED team at the time, attempting to get some sort of stickybomb environment kill). This is at a time when the BLU server is at peak userload, so he should probably expect to (or at the very least, not be too surprised that he) get clocked.

His reaction: he slayed me and several others on the BLU team in response. Needless to say, for my part, I immediately lost interest in the ongoing game, going into spectator mode. Basically, that game immediately ceased being fun.

Out of respect for his authority, I do appreciate the work he does for the servers by making sure that teams do not do things they should not, such as sticky spawn-camping and team-stacking. Plus I think he is a pretty cool guy.

That last point is probably the biggest reason why this bothers me as much as it does.

That said, his job is to make sure others play fair; I believe he should do the same for his part. I hope I am not asking too much.

Thank you.



This sucks, I woke up with a sore neck, so I figured I'd go over to TF2 and craft a few things as long as I was awake... right before I went to craft something, it awarded Golden Wrench 87 to someone.

and I couldn't help but think "That should have been me."


been idling for eight hours and I haven't gotten anything

thanks for the increased drop rate valve

also yeah irjustman 'admin' on the ocr servers typically tends to mean 'people can and will use the slay command'

been idling for eight hours and I haven't gotten anything

thanks for the increased drop rate valve

also yeah irjustman 'admin' on the ocr servers typically tends to mean 'people can and will use the slay command'

In that same time frame, I've gotten 8 items and a hat.

Well, OK, the time frame may have been closer to 10 or 12 hours, but none sounds like either the server got disconnected from Steam, or it thinks your account isn't connected (I had a time earlier when it was telling me that the server I'm on was disconnected from Steam when it really wasn't)

I was idling on the same one you are ;C

Well, I was still getting items when I checked a few minutes ago.

I know I mentioned the previous time where I went to craft and heard the "Success" clip...

Yeah, I had a closer one for #88. I had two items in the crafting window and my mouse was over the Craft It button and I was about to click when I heard the "Success!" clip.

I should just stop while I'm ahead. Wth 11 left, and the next 8 will drop while I'm at work (I'll be gone for 9 hours, they drop about every 60-70 minutes on average), it'll be afternoon/evening in the US for the final 3, making my chances even slimmer.

Explanation: I was trying to "game" the system a bit by trying for an off-peak time one.

I'm probably going to kill that idle server when wrench #100 hits, as Valve is certain to reset drop rates shortly after.

Oh, and if anyone wants to know which hat I got as a random drop earlier, it was the Scoot's Baker Boy hat.


On the topic of idling... (dirty cheaters) do you know if you can start your own local server and idle on that? I know that I've received weapons when playing by myself (heck, even several ones testing out my own map I've been working on).

Also, don't worry... my computer (and body) can take it. I've had TF2 minimized before and didn't even notice a performance hit on other things I was doing. :-P

EDIT: It's the alt-tabbing in and out that is prone to kill the process tho. :( However, I did find a handy tip at http://lions.dongues.net/board/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=515 Just add "-window -noborder -novid" to the launch options of TF2 and it will create a windowed instance of the game with now window border. Plus it disables the startup video to boot!

While I was playing on BLU (both team and eponymous server), I clocked Bahamut with a rocket as I had a few times previous. He had been complaining throughout a round of CTF_Doublecross that people should leave him alone so he can get an achievement (he was on the RED team at the time, attempting to get some sort of stickybomb environment kill). This is at a time when the BLU server is at peak userload, so he should probably expect to (or at the very least, not be too surprised that he) get clocked.

His reaction: he slayed me and several others on the BLU team in response. Needless to say, for my part, I immediately lost interest in the ongoing game, going into spectator mode. Basically, that game immediately ceased being fun.

Out of respect for his authority, I do appreciate the work he does for the servers by making sure that teams do not do things they should not, such as sticky spawn-camping and team-stacking. Plus I think he is a pretty cool guy.

That last point is probably the biggest reason why this bothers me as much as it does.

That said, his job is to make sure others play fair; I believe he should do the same for his part. I hope I am not asking too much.

Thank you.


Well the server was being very silly well beforehand (red team was almost all engies), so the fairness ground is sort of moot as the game devolved into a blue-kill-red-sentry-base-challenge not unlike 2fort in non-seriousness - I did explicitly say not to touch the harmless nonattacker though, and people ignored quite stupendously. It was over 10 times people didn't listen before I started doing that, so you should understand the frustration of intentionally not listening in a fashion that is far worse than 1 death. Have you thought of the disinterest you made one person by not listening? Otherwise I feel as if you have little ground for complaint given your contribution to the problem with little remorse.


There are no rules on RED that state rules like "melee only" must be followed, unless there's some kind of pre scheduled event.

This goes both ways. And slaying someone so you can farm an achievement is pretty much admin abuse. There are plenty of achievement servers out there, surely you could have used one of those instead of slaying OCR regulars.

There are no rules on RED that state rules like "melee only" must be followed, unless there's some kind of pre scheduled event.

This goes both ways. And slaying someone so you can farm an achievement is pretty much admin abuse. There are plenty of achievement servers out there, surely you could have used one of those instead of slaying OCR regulars.

And there are other servers people could go on for irregular playing in general (in this case mass sentries & challenging blue team to destroy the sentries, ignoring the intel), yet I don't see complaints about that. You want to advocate selective enforcing then? If one silly thing counter to the game holds with a significant number of people happens, then you have to allow the rest that happens or enforce action on all of them. I just merely was going with the dynamic posed by the atmosphere & declined to take action, but got griefed in response in a large scale - by all rights, kicking or a temporary ban would have been justified, as the serious players had left the game for the duration of the map after the game devolved into 2fort redux. I chose a more minimal route, and I strongly question the legitimacy of the complaint given the larger scale griefing that occured to ruin the game for two others - if he wants to complain & expect an apology, maybe he should do so first because I guarantee however he felt, he inflicted more.


man and people say they have trouble reading my posts

ijs complaint is absolutely legit

its very simple

on the server there are no rules stating how to play the game

ive many times in the past complained that going melee only should be a bannable offense and ive always had it turned around at me in the exact same manner, that people can play as they want

so there is absolutely no reason why an admin or anyone should be able to dictate how someone should play the game (unless its griefing but yeah this isnt)

thats just the way the server works

if a whole team wants to go engineer or heavy or whatever because they feel like it


if 5 people decide to go melee only and someone on the other team walks up to them all and shoots them


And there are other servers people could go on for irregular playing in general (in this case mass sentries & challenging blue team to destroy the sentries, ignoring the intel), yet I don't see complaints about that. You want to advocate selective enforcing then? If one silly thing counter to the game holds with a significant number of people happens, then you have to allow the rest that happens or enforce action on all of them. I just merely was going with the dynamic posed by the atmosphere & declined to take action, but got griefed in response in a large scale - by all rights, kicking or a temporary ban would have been justified, as the serious players had left the game for the duration of the map after the game devolved into 2fort redux. I chose a more minimal route, and I strongly question the legitimacy of the complaint given the larger scale griefing that occured to ruin the game for two others - if he wants to complain & expect an apology, maybe he should do so first because I guarantee however he felt, he inflicted more.

OCR has never been so serious that a sentry defense game is grounds for trolling. Especially on RED. Some of the best laughs I've had on this server were from random on the spot games like 12 offensive engie dustbowl, all heavy rushes, etc.

Also, I don't care if you want to use RED to farm an achievement.

The problem is when you go as far as to slay someone over it. Again, there are no rules enforcing strange game modes etc, and that applies to farming achievements too. IJ didn't do anything wrong here, and while I'm not going to say you're not allowed to farm an achievement, I will say that slaying someone because they were a hindrance to your achievement farming is admin abuse. The same would apply if you were playing the sentry defense game and someone on your team was playing scout. It's fine if the server wants to self organize itself, but slaying someone because they're not playing along with what you want to do is not acceptable.

edit: ninja'd by... atmuh?:shock:

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