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I really didn't mind losing that 6v9 scrim. It told me where I stood and what needs to be worked on, and I need quite a bit of work.

I'm assuming Vahn and that scout had competitive experience. Vahn had his sticky carpet rolled out by the time our team arrived so he was making the jumps to mid (I still don't have that down) and that scout was constantly going for Brush, our medic. If the class limits were changed and we let you work with the cookie cutter 6v6 team, like some asked at the start, we would have been slaughtered.


i doubt this is a surprise, but there are bunches of competitive players using alternate accounts to get into the highlander event.

yaaaay for encouraging new people to play competitively! :/

I'm assuming Vahn and that scout had competitive experience. Vahn had his sticky carpet rolled out by the time our team arrived so he was making the jumps to mid (I still don't have that down) and that scout was constantly going for Brush, our medic. If the class limits were changed and we let you work with the cookie cutter 6v6 team, like some asked at the start, we would have been slaughtered.

vahn only played comp in low level cevo years ago very briefly and only played medic, and learning how to jump to mid isnt really that difficult

our scout used to play competitively, but hasnt for a while, definitely more than the 3 season requirement thats in the rules

he also didnt play any higher than what i guess youd say is the US equivalent of a D6 league

most of our team just has more experience with the competitive style

most havent actually played in any league but would scrim quite regularly, at one point we had scrims daily and would get lots of people


Required updates to TF2/CSS and DODS are up now. The specific changes include:

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2)

- The mat_hdr_level, r_rootlod, and r_waterforceexpensive settings are now saved in the user's config file.

- Fixed clients being able to connect to servers with spoofed SteamIDs.

- Fixed a bug where some video configurations could get reset by restarting the engine.

- Fixed materials compiled into a map not being loaded correctly if they're in the root materials folder.

- Fixed a case of uneven performance on multicore machines.

- Fixed point contents not respecting detail brushes. This fixes a bullet penetration bug in some community maps.

- Fixed clients being able to spam servers using the ai_set_move_height_epsilon, mission_show, and sv_querycache_stats commands.

- Audio fixes:

---- Reduced overlap in the sound timing code.

---- Fixed a case where audio could skip.

---- Fixed voice communication getting corrupted while playing on a Mac.

- sv_pure 2 now protects the game_sounds files in the scripts directory.

Team Fortress 2

- Added server ConVar "sv_max_usercmd_future_ticks" which prevents clients from running usercmds too far in the future.

- Added missing Mac intro movie for cp_coldfront.

- Fixed "Hit '%disguiseteam%' to Toggle Team" string and code so they're not hard coded to 'e' and '-'.

- Fixed servers trying to validate backpack positions in inventories.

- Fixed clients validating inventories other than their own.

- Fixed item selection HUD elements showing un-acknowledged items, which resulted in items in invalid backpack positions.

- Fixed players not always getting "recent damager" credit for player suicides.

- Fixed the weapon selection menu not displaying properly when using hud_fastswitch and lastinv at the same time.

- Updated Engineer startup music.

- Updated localization files.

- Updated Pl_ThunderMountain

---- Clipped off sticky outcrops for smoother movement

---- Clipped various exploit ledges

---- Increased environment ambient exterior light level

---- Stage 1

------- Fixed hole in respawn room brushes in RED spawn

------- Shifted respawn times to favor BLU by two seconds

---- Stage 3

------- Clipped rocks off by BLU's spawn exit that leads to building B (allowed Snipers to snipe the entire area)

------- Removed embedded displacement (building B interior roof)

------- Removed rogue clip brush from building A balcony

- Updated Plr_Hightower

---- Fixed players building in the RED spawn room.

---- Fixed players building on the back window decks of the barns.

---- Fixed players getting on the satellite dish platform.

---- Fixed players building on the elevators.

---- Reduced the ammo packs in the barns down to small ammo packs.

---- Increased the hill speed modifier to 1.2 (up from .95)

---- Fixed explosion particle effects playing in the skybox.

---- Mine cart "window" collision fixed.

---- Upped Scout-loop health to large.

- Updated Pl_Upward

---- Fixed respawnroom entities not reaching the floor of split-level spawns

---- Fixed griefable fence facing BLU spawn near RED base

---- Added BLU high flanking route at RED base

---- Added health & ammo along BLU flanking route at RED base

---- Sealed BLU base left exit with block bullets brushes

---- Extended clip between C and BLU spawn to prevent sticky jump spawn camping

---- Fixed non-clipped non-solid railing in RED base

---- Fixed kill brush in middle spawn not extending to the ceiling

---- Put a block bullets brush on grate below middle spawn

---- Fixed some high micro-ledges accessible to sticky-jumpers

- Community Request

---- Added "item_pickup" game event for ammo/health packs.

Note: Our servers are already updated... although I wasn't sure if RED or Highlander were restarted, so I restarted them.

The best part of this update was the fixes for pl_upward, which finally fixes the buggy parts of BLU spawn #1.


actually the best fix was the multicore fix since it actually improved the game

if you seriously got mad about people screwing around on upward or on any "buggy" part of a map you really need to learn to calm down, stop taking the game so seriously, and enjoy it


The health mod they're talking about is most likely this one: http://www.fpsbanana.com/guis/23526

It shows the numerical value for the players health. This one looks like shit in my opinion.


This is what I'm using, except I got rid of some files because I didn't like the centered view of the health and uber meter, or the recharge meters. The PL track is also broken now. I basically got rid of everything except the view of other people's health and the scoreboards.


So I'm back after nearly a week in Denver. Signed up for the OCR Highlander Team, although it may or may not be too late for that apparently.

Can't wait until I get back to college so I can have good computers again. ;_;


There is a manual way to do it. Extract FreezePanelKillerHealth.res and SpectatorGUIHealth.res from the gcf@tf/resource/ui to your tf/resource/ui folder. Add this these lines to both at the bottom under PlayerStatusHealthValue{} but above the final } of the file.

"ControlName" "Label"
"fieldName" "PlayerStatusHealthValue2"
"xpos" "9"
"ypos" "16"
"zpos" "6"
"wide" "32"
"tall" "10"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"labeltext" "%Health%"
"textAlignment" "center"
"font" "hudfontsmallestborder"

I think that's all you need. If it doesn't work tell me and I'll look into it. Now you can see the # health of teammates, the people that kill you, and if you are a spy the enemy when disguised.

And If I remember correctly, it is not changed be sv_pure


It's been a while but I don't think I've modified my hud past that. I also forgot to mention you can see Structure Health as well. There are a few overlapping numbers sometimes but I just ignore it.

In these pics, I'm a red spy.


A quick Edit. Check out http://code.google.com/p/flamehud/downloads/detail?name=FlameHUD.pdf&can=2&q= for lots of useful hud information.


We're probably going to redo the Highlander server install later this week. With any luck, the changeover will be totally transparent.

This is so we can implement all the crazy per-gametype rules* without screwing up BLU and RED's games.

*Like koth being best of 5.

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