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I'd be happy to go through at least the preliminary level with someone, if not the whole thing. There's an achievement where you have to beat the game and then play with someone new through the first level, and I haven't had a chance to pick it up yet. Come to think of it, I'll have to find time to sit down and play the new stuff with my brother, since we went through the entire co-op campaign together.

I haven't even completed the first person mission yet.

Heck, I don't own the game. :cry:

You know it's only $15 on Steam right now?

Also, if you guys see any issues with the new TF2 server, please let me know.

I may try to get replays working (again) later this week.

That would require me to have $15 and a credit card.

I don't have the second one :P

I also don't have time.

Oh well, there's always christmas XD

Pretty sre steam takes paypal. all that takes is a bank account, i think......


And you don't even strictly need a credit card. I have a Visa debit card for my checking account, which works just the same. Of course, with a bunch of banks starting to charge monthly fees for those...yeah.

Finally tried out the test server, went quite well for me.

Except for Necro continually destroying me. Meanie.

He uh, he does that. Don't mind him, it's just his way of being polite.

I also try to be polite, but some people interpret my manners the wrong way.

Were all 3 of them unboxes? I have 3 unusuals, but 2 of them were from my trading away various high-value promos.

Edit: Also, servers are back up.

I missed this. Whoops.

Two were unboxes (One indirectly, I unboxed an unusual, traded up to what I wanted with little difficulty) and the third was a gift from a friend.


I've been told that there was a massive lag spike tonight, cause unknown. I think it was just a temporary issue, though.

I was busy tonight (yay homework...), so I didn't get around to looking into replays (or even playing).

Finally tried out the test server, went quite well for me.

Except for Necro continually destroying me. Meanie.

Says the guy with the .77 k/d ratio.

compared to my 0.28.

I feel so bad for you. </sarcasm>

Naw, I just suck at the game XD

Says the guy with the .77 k/d ratio.

compared to my 0.28.

I feel so bad for you. </sarcasm>

Naw, I just suck at the game XD

According to the stats, you haven't even played in a month. >:|

According to the stats, you haven't even played in a month. >:|

Someone, back in ages past, decided that people didn't know enough, and decided to educate them.

This created a giant roadblock to playing TF2 called college.


I just have NOT had time recently. BUT IF I DO I will try that new server out.

I've been told that there was a massive lag spike tonight, cause unknown. I think it was just a temporary issue, though.

I was busy tonight (yay homework...), so I didn't get around to looking into replays (or even playing).

It was definitely weird stuff. Pretty much the same sort of crazy stuttering/jumping you get when your own connect is on the fritz, only this was server-side and affected everyone at once. I wish that many people hadn't bailed so quickly, considering how soon it ended, since the server kind of died afterwards. :(

It was definitely weird stuff. Pretty much the same sort of crazy stuttering/jumping you get when your own connect is on the fritz, only this was server-side and affected everyone at once. I wish that many people hadn't bailed so quickly, considering how soon it ended, since the server kind of died afterwards. :(

yeah, once Kami left the server emptied. Once Chili left the lag went away......


I don't know if it happened to anyone else, but I lost my connection to the test server last night while we were on Hydro. Lasted long enough to drop me altogether and wait a little for it to reappear in the server browser. I think it happened to one of the ZUZ guys too, but I can't remember who. There were two when I got dropped and only one when I got back.

I don't know if it happened to anyone else, but I lost my connection to the test server last night while we were on Hydro. Lasted long enough to drop me altogether and wait a little for it to reappear in the server browser. I think it happened to one of the ZUZ guys too, but I can't remember who. There were two when I got dropped and only one when I got back.

Yeah, that was me. First time was near the end of thunder mountain. The second time lasted a bit longer.


There's going to be a mandatory update coming on Wednesday.

Oh, and I just discovered a new server setting (because they're renaming it) that hides voice chat icons: tf_show_voice_icons (soon to be mp_show_voice_icons)

Meanwhile, I'm using a test server to find out why my TF2 extension is causing crashes. Unfortunately, I seem to have misplaced the directions I was using before for it.

There's going to be a mandatory update coming on Wednesday.

Oh, and I just discovered a new server setting (because they're renaming it) that hides voice chat icons: tf_show_voice_icons (soon to be mp_show_voice_icons)

Meanwhile, I'm using a test server to find out why my TF2 extension is causing crashes. Unfortunately, I seem to have misplaced the directions I was using before for it.

So I won't need to shut up while cloaked? Or is this the colored box in the HUD that tells you the speaker's name?

So I won't need to shut up while cloaked? Or is this the colored box in the HUD that tells you the speaker's name?

Oh, good question. I'll have to check.



"tf_show_voice_icons" = "1"

game replicated

- Show overhead player voice icons when players are speaking.

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