XeroZohar Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 Oh a somewhat related topic, does anyone have a backpack expander I could trade some metal for? Assuming those are tradable of course.
Powerlord Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 Oh a somewhat related topic, does anyone have a backpack expander I could trade some metal for? Assuming those are tradable of course. They are tradeable. And thank god someone replied so I can say this in a separate post. Valve's Linux server update deleted an important server file and the server will be down until they ship another update that adds the updated version of said file. Right now, the server just crashes on startup, even with addons disabled.
XeroZohar Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 They are tradeable.And thank god someone replied so I can say this in a separate post. Valve's Linux server update deleted an important server file and the server will be down until they ship another update that adds the updated version of said file. Right now, the server just crashes on startup, even with addons disabled. I believe that qualifies as a whoops.
Powerlord Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 BLU is back up now. Apparently there may be some issues with this updater as it's misdetecting when an update is completed. >
Cinderwild Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 So all we get for free this year is a... noise maker?...
Cecilff2 Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 So the new spy knife is a silent killer, extinguishes and makes you immune to flames for 2 seconds after you get hit, at the cost of being unable to stab for 15 seconds after being flamed.
ParanoidDrone Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 ... They actually gave us a (limited) fireproof suit? Wow, color me impressed. I find the thought of Sniper icicles amusing. Also, Foundry is made by Valve? I thought it was a community map for some reason.
Zerothemaster Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 Are the new weapons and hats and stuff christmas only like the Halloween stuff?
Lyrai Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 Are the new weapons and hats and stuff christmas only like the Halloween stuff? No. The only thing Winter-Only (so far) is the Noisemaker. Thoughts: Pyro Moonman set: Phloginstigator is semi-broken. While you have no airblast, the Mmmph is nuts. You tap right-click after doing a little over 200 points of damage to get an instant full health and 15 seconds of crit. You taunt when you hit the button, so you're standing still for 3-4 seconds. There's currently two bugs that let you skip the taunt, so you basically have a pocket Kritz+Big Health Kit on demand. Can we say those bugs here? Are we allowed? Manmelter is pretty damned slow firing. Alt-Fire extinguishes teammates in melee range, and it's rate of fire is I think slower than a flare gun. Another bug with it where if you switch away while it's projectile is in the air, it'll think it's a Flare Gun projectile. Third Degree adds a guitar riff to the axe taunt. Haven't been able to chop with it but hell yeah, guitar riff. Haven't been able to grab the engy stuff. Heavy Gloves can be used currently to stunlock someone. Expect this to be fixed or messed with. Spy Knife is interesting. It's not really broken - not being able to stab for 15 seconds is kind of mean - but it goes a decent way in giving the Spy something other to do than curl up and die when a Pyro is anywhere within 10 miles of him. Wrap Assassin is Sandman 2.0, except with a stun instead of bleed and you can't melee for crap. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. Naughty Crates contain Festive versions of: Scattergun, Rocket Launcher, Flamethrower, Sticky Launcher, Minigun, Medigun, Wrench, Sniper Rifle, Knife. Small chance of getting a Strange Festive of any of those. Nice Crates contain the community items only - Wrap Assassin, Spy-Cicle, Holiday Punch, and the 13 Xmas Miscs/Hats. This means the Engy & Pyro items are ONLY avaiable as Token Craft or Store until next week or so.
Powerlord Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 Naughty Crates contain Festive versions of: Scattergun, Rocket Launcher, Flamethrower, Sticky Launcher, Minigun, Medigun, Wrench, Sniper Rifle, Knife. Small chance of getting a Strange Festive of any of those. There is also a Festive Bat in the game files. Anyway, as soon as I get a Spysicle, it's going in my DR/Enforcer set. Also, Familiar Fez can be worn with face items again. \o/ Edit: Required TF2 update in a few minutes.
Powerlord Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 We've released a mandatory update for Team Fortress 2. The notes for the update are below.Team Fortress 2 - Fixed the Frontier Justice getting infinite crits - Fixed a problem that would allow Pyro Mmmph to activate in the air without taunting - Fixed Manmelter getting crits from Mmmph - Fixed an exploit with The Eureka Effect and The Phlogistinator where the effects could activate without taunting in high-lag situations - Fixed the Brown Bomber not showing up on the Demoman - Fixed client HUD crash - Fixed colors on Christmas lights for the Blue team Scout weapons - Fixed a bug that would cause minicrits when switching weapons rapidly - Steam Workshop zip file size limit has been increased from 4 MB to 10 MB BLU *should* auto-update, but we'll see.
Lyrai Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 There is also a Festive Bat in the game files. If anyone gets one, I'll trade you a Festive Minigun for it. Also, tried the Eureka Effect and the Engy Lasergun. Eureka Effect is pretty decent. It really shines on maps with many spawn points, as you can immediately hop back and get the teleporter set up much faster than if you carried it all. Or when the spawn can't be reached from anywhere but spawn (IE, Gorge) Lasergun is nasty. You can tell if you've hit a Spy or Medic from a distinct power-down sound. For some strange reason I'm finding people who assumed it fired like a shotgun. It doesn't, it fires pretty much exactly like the Cow Mangler. You need to aim with it.
ParanoidDrone Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 Lasergun is nasty. You can tell if you've hit a Spy or Medic from a distinct power-down sound. For some strange reason I'm finding people who assumed it fired like a shotgun. It doesn't, it fires pretty much exactly like the Cow Mangler. You need to aim with it. So the projectiles don't multihit like the Bison? I was worried they would and end up with stacked Uber/cloak debuffs. Also I totally want that icicle.
Powerlord Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 Server updater just sat there for 90 minutes, so I just restarted it, and it immediately finished and confirmed the server was up to date. Restarted BLU and changed it to cp_foundry to attract players.
NegimaSonic Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 seemed to be achievement hunting night there when I was on earlier XD
Powerlord Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 Give me all your winter crates. No, give them to me!
Lyrai Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 Give me all your winter crates. not until i get my strange festive bat.
NegimaSonic Posted December 17, 2011 Posted December 17, 2011 Give me all your winter crates. free user bro~
ParanoidDrone Posted December 18, 2011 Posted December 18, 2011 Got a spare Towering Pillar. I can has? I've got a spare Buckaroo's Hat and Medic Mountain Cap. Unrelated: I'm liking Foundry for the most part. There's plenty of ammo, which seems to be a rarity for 5CP maps except Fastlane. Large crates = LOVE. It's pretty hard to push out from the last point once the other team takes the yard outside though. And I've seen mid change hands maybe twice.
Lyrai Posted December 18, 2011 Posted December 18, 2011 Unboxing Naughty Crates looking for a Strange Festive bat. Unusual Bonk Helm w/ Bubbles. I'LL TAKE IT.
Bleck Posted December 18, 2011 Posted December 18, 2011 if anyone gets the new wrench please trade it to me
Powerlord Posted December 18, 2011 Posted December 18, 2011 if anyone gets the new wrench please trade it to me Or you could wait until the 22nd, when they'll get crafting recipes. I'm not sure if they're dropping normally now or not; if not, they will starting the 22nd. As for the crates, honestly, the Nice crates are more useful for getting the holiday hats than weapons (the Holiday hats have a 45% or so chance or dropping from a Nice Winter Crate). Those weapons will likely get crafting recipes and start dropping on the 22nd as well.
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