Powerlord Posted April 18, 2011 Posted April 18, 2011 Roughly half the changes are fixing crashes of some sort. I find this amusing. If you've played since Thursday's update, you know why. Edit: For some reason, the server updater is updating a bunch of sound files. I'm not sure why, but it's taking longer than expected to complete because of this. Edit 2: Servers are back up.
FireSlash Posted April 19, 2011 Author Posted April 19, 2011 In an effort to reduce lag spikes, I've hard set processor affinity for both tf2 servers and mysql. Hopefully this solves any lingering problems.
Powerlord Posted April 21, 2011 Posted April 21, 2011 Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:Team Fortress 2 Fixed a crash on startup for Mac clients Fixed class names/descriptions not showing up on the class menu Fixed a bug that allowed the Crit-a-Cola to be used repeatedly with no cooldown Fixed the character loadout panel not animating at the correct rate Fixed the Sticky Jumper and the Stickybomb Launcher using the wrong skins Updated the Grimm Hatte and the Pyromancer's Mask with changes from the community creators Added more instructions to the Engineer training regarding metal resources Added new styles to the Troublemaker's Tossle Cap Thanks for not emailing the server admin lists about this required, clients can't connect until you update patch, Valve! BLU and RED are down for the moment while the update happens since no one can connect to them anyway. Edit: Servers should be up now.
ParanoidDrone Posted April 21, 2011 Posted April 21, 2011 If you've played since Thursday's update, you know why.Edit: For some reason, the server updater is updating a bunch of sound files. I'm not sure why, but it's taking longer than expected to complete because of this. Edit 2: Servers are back up. My gameplay time has been irregular lately. Got a metric assload of projects and papers to do. Then finals.
Powerlord Posted April 27, 2011 Posted April 27, 2011 All sorts of new stuff just went into the TF2 Beta. We'll see what makes it through to final. Anyway, new stuff in beta is: * Medic: o Beta Syringe Gun + Applies Mad Milk for 1 second + 50% slower firing rate + 90% less damage o Beta Bonesaw + Allows the user to see enemy health * Sniper: o Beta Sniper Rifle + On Hit: Rifle charge rate increased by 35% + On Miss: Rifle charge rate decreased by 65% o Beta Sniper Club + 25% increase in damage when health <50% of max + 25% decrease in damage when health >50% of max * Soldier: o Beta Rocket Launcher + When the medic healing you is killed you gain crit boost for 8 seconds + On Hit: -10 Health o Beta Shotgun + While a medic is healing you, this weapons' damage is increased by 25% + While not being healed by a medic, your weapon switch time is 25% longer o Beta Split Equalizer 1 + Damage increases as the user becomes injured + Blocks healing while in use o Beta Split Equalizer 2 + Move speed increases as the user becomes injured + Blocks healing while in use General: * Hooked up many community-submitted response rules * Replay o Fixed audio sync issues on the Mac * Synced with all changes and fixes from the official release
Garian Posted April 27, 2011 Posted April 27, 2011 Why don't they just... do like Blizzard and add a million recipes without regard to balance, and then have a server option to allow/disallow recipe built items?
Bleck Posted April 27, 2011 Posted April 27, 2011 why don't they just do like blizzard and have you pay a monthly fee to play a shitty game
phill Posted April 27, 2011 Posted April 27, 2011 My gameplay time has been irregular lately. Got a metric assload of projects and papers to do. Then finals. Such a wonderful time of year isn't it. Now, back to my studying of Bezier and B-spline curves and surfaces.
WindStrike Posted April 27, 2011 Posted April 27, 2011 That is a terrible set of beta changes. Making the standard weapons gimmicky is just... it just seems stupid to me. Hopefully they don't make it through.
Powerlord Posted April 27, 2011 Posted April 27, 2011 That is a terrible set of beta changes. Making the standard weapons gimmicky is just... it just seems stupid to me. Hopefully they don't make it through. I wouldn't assume they replace the standard weapons just because of their names.
DarkeSword Posted April 27, 2011 Posted April 27, 2011 That is a terrible set of beta changes. Making the standard weapons gimmicky is just... it just seems stupid to me. Hopefully they don't make it through. They're not changing the standard weapons, they're just using the standard weapons as placeholders for items that will have the new stats/effects.
Top Gun Posted April 27, 2011 Posted April 27, 2011 There are some interesting ideas in there. Hopefully Valve will be a bit more responsive to whatever beta players think about them, so we don't have another change-then-change-back incident. (I just picked up a V. Stockbroker's Scarf for a Refined plus a few Reclaimed. That may be too much for all I know, but it's fun to have a promo item from a game I'll probably never play.)
Bleck Posted April 27, 2011 Posted April 27, 2011 if that shotgun makes it into the game I will never play again
ArmadonRK Posted April 27, 2011 Posted April 27, 2011 Does anyone else think each update brings less useful and less inspired weapons? The individual updates were all great, and Polycount was also great, but controversial. Then the Australian Christmas update was disappointing, and finally the Rift and Shogun weapons which completely and totally underwhelmed. I don't have much hope for future weapon updates.
Necro Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 Does anyone else think each update brings less useful and less inspired weapons? The individual updates were all great, and Polycount was also great, but controversial. Then the Australian Christmas update was disappointing, and finally the Rift and Shogun weapons which completely and totally underwhelmed.I don't have much hope for future weapon updates. The reason that it appears that the weapons are less inspired is because the new weapons that they are releasing are simply stat changes to existing elements already in the game. The truly new ideas came with the class specific updates because they introduced new mechanics. These updates are new models with different stats but the same mechanics which is why they feel underwhelming. Another note. The beta seems to have added a user made mod that added in a bunch of unused lines from all the classes. http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/gyldi/beta_update_4262011_lots_of_crazy_new_items/ Final note. Saw a post about a new DJ that supposedly works with the new SILK codec. I don't know how well it works though, I am not knowledgeable on this area. Apparently servers can choose to use the old codec as well which would make HLDJ work again. http://flaggedgames.wordpress.com/tf2dj/
Powerlord Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 The reason that it appears that the weapons are less inspired is because the new weapons that they are releasing are simply stat changes to existing elements already in the game. The truly new ideas came with the class specific updates because they introduced new mechanics. These updates are new models with different stats but the same mechanics which is why they feel underwhelming. Even Polycount had a few items that introduced new features. Your Eternal Reward, for instance. Another note. The beta seems to have added a user made mod that added in a bunch of unused lines from all the classes.http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/gyldi/beta_update_4262011_lots_of_crazy_new_items/ Excellent. Here's hoping the fix includes the "I murdered your toys as well!" line for the Spy. Which it looks like it does.
Brushfire Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 I just thought of something. For that Solly Rocket Launcher, they will have to fix the suicide command other wise you will get a team of Solly's and Medics letting the medics get hit once and then they suicide for the crit boost the Solly will get.
Powerlord Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 I just thought of something. For that Solly Rocket Launcher, they will have to fix the suicide command other wise you will get a team of Solly's and Medics letting the medics get hit once and then they suicide for the crit boost the Solly will get. Hmm... maybe we should set the beta server back up and test that to see if it works, or if it really does need to be a normal (non-environmental/suicide) kill. On another front, work has been progressing on the new version of Mapchooser Extended. When it's ready and all the obvious bugs are worked out, you'll likely see it show up on BLU and RED.
Powerlord Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 OCReMix TF2 Beta is back up and running, if you want to test stuff. (soon to be beta.ocrtf2.com:27015, but I must have deleted that subdomain and it has to be readded to the main DNS for ocrtf2.com). I have a feeling you'll see people on it even if you don't, though, as it's one of 19 TF2 Beta servers currently in the Master Server List.
ParanoidDrone Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 Another note. The beta seems to have added a user made mod that added in a bunch of unused lines from all the classes.http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/gyldi/beta_update_4262011_lots_of_crazy_new_items/ Oh pleasepleaseplease let this get added to TF2 proper posthaste. I just thought of something. For that Solly Rocket Launcher, they will have to fix the suicide command other wise you will get a team of Solly's and Medics letting the medics get hit once and then they suicide for the crit boost the Solly will get. Yep. 8 second Kritzkrieg + suicide keybind = 16 second crit rampage. A Valve employee said this'll be fixed. And that the whole concept will be getting significant revision due to the overwhelming negative response.
Powerlord Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 More promo items coming to TF2 for preordering Mount & Blade With Fire & Sword and for completing new levels in SpaceChem. The SpaceChem one is a crafting ingredient that allows you to craft SpaceChem related items. TF2 Blog Entry: Mounts and Blades and Hats and Fires and Hats and Swords Also: Server update required for this. Updating now. Update complete. You may frag when ready.
Top Gun Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 I was just thinking to myself, "I wonder when we're going to get nailed with the next round of promo items." And here they are!
Powerlord Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 There are apparently two extra hats in the update that look suspiciously Plants vs. Zombies themed, too... Bucket o' Brains (Soldier hat) and Dead Cone (Pyro hat).
Powerlord Posted April 29, 2011 Posted April 29, 2011 TF2 Beta updated, changing some of the weapons being tested around and adding some new variations: Medic: Beta Syringe Gun Increased Mad Milk duration to 2 seconds Damage penalty reduced to 50% (from 10%), which means the medic now gains health on hit Sniper: Beta Sniper Rifle 1 Bonus structure changed 25% charge rate bonus on bodyshot 45% charge rate bonus on headshot 65% charge rate penalty on miss The charge rate now resets to default upon death The charge rate is now unaffected by shots fired while unzoomed Soldier: Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher Now deals mini-crits instead of crits Time of mini-crit bonus reduced to 6 seconds from 8 Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher 2 New rocket launcher option +15% ubercharge rate for the medic healing you. This effect does not work in the respawn room -10 health on hit Beta Pocket Rocket Launcher 3 New rocket launcher option 50% faster reload time while being healed by a medic -10 health on hit Beta Pocket Shotgun Damage bonus reduced to 20% from 25% Deploy time penalty increased to 30% from 25%
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