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I had to revert back to the old-style vote menu. Bark couldn't open it at all. Other people couldn't figure out how to open it either; I don't know if they had the same issue as Bark or just didn't realize it required you to hit Esc.

Luckily, it's a cvar in the plugin, so I don't need to do any extra coding.

Also, my Western Wear has been traded to Sir Prize for a Villain's Veil... somehow he got two of the things already!

For my part, I've completed my undergraduate studies (YAY) but my laptop is still infirm. A new one is definitely in the cards, I just need to get off my lazy ass and research/purchase it.

How is this news?

Also, Sombrero should enjoy

Why, yes, in fact, I do. Immensely. Rather fortunate I'm not making an ass of myself, for the most part.


I feel stupid. I totally forgot to hit F6 last night after getting Revenge on Frogg by airblasting him off the bridge on Double Cross.

Anyway, I expect an update (minor likely) to hit in roughly 30 minutes, when the Saxxy submissions close.


No update yet.

However, I'm also here to mention I put a new version of Mapchooser Extended on the server that resolves an issue with runoff votes not occurring when they should be (and some new error handling code that doesn't apply to TF2).

Voting is supposed to be open now, but the voting site's a dud. Overload perhaps?

Now the vote page comes up, but it says I'm not signed in even when I am and get redirected to the page.


Not that anyone cares, I'm sure, but TF2's blue-screening my (Win7) computer. So far it's the only game to do so, but I've yet to test others since it started happening. I will be doing so later with Portal 2 and Mass Effect (since I have them installed). I have ascertained it's not an overheating video card, but that doesn't rule out the card failing in some other way. I'm currently running an extended S.M.A.R.T. test on my HDD so see if maybe that's the culprit.

Point is: No TF2 for me for a while probably. D: And I had this cool replay of Uncle Bonehead failing to taunt kill me I was gonna post. :cry:


Me: "So hey, TF2, the item server was down for me all of last night, which meant that I couldn't swap out my loadout for something more useful. Wouldn't it be great if I logged in today and found out you'd dropped a hat for me?"

TF2: "You know what, Top Gun, that sounds fair. Here's a hat drop!"

Me: "Awesome! What did you give me?"

TF2: "A Prancer's Pride! You know, that awesome reindeer antler for the Pyro that you already...have..."

Me: "..."

So...yeah. I'll probably offer to trade it to my brother, but if he doesn't want it, feel free to hit me up for it.

Valve be trollin'. Again.

For my part I have two Samur-Eyes, plus that godforsaken Dr. Seuss hat.

Given how rare hat drops are to begin with, it would be kind of nice if they were tweaked to take into account the hats you already own. But like you said, Valve loev trollin'.

(And I actually kind of like the Dr. Seuss hat.)


Speaking of hats, I finally got one to drop for me a while back. Unfortunately, it's for the pyro so I can't wear it.

If anyone wants a plunger, hit me up, I could use a different hat maybe. Not really sure what it's worth though.

Aaaaaand while it seems everyone is uploading stuff, might as well post my own.


Stupid computer issues update: Did a lot of troubleshooting with regard to video card, HDD, and other things. TF2 was still BSODing my computer. Updated my Nvidia drivers, and so far, no more BSODs, but I'm too tired to keep playing right now to really marathon test it.

If this is the case, it must have been some bug that snuck in during the update where they closed the Saxxys, because it had never BSOD'd before then.

I need sleep. :sleepdepriv:


Are your guys crafting metal together to try and get the new hats? Because most old hats can be traded for ~2 refined give or take.


Valve made a blog post earlier today that basically said that the first round of voting ends Thursday.

Once that's done, Valve employees will take some time to choose some final nominees in each category (I expect this to take at least a week Valve time (2-3 weeks)), at which time they'll have us, the end users, vote on videos (1 vote per category).

Uncle Bonehead bones it again.


I desperately wanted the Spy to be a Dead Ringer and backstab the Sniper as he taunted, but then I realized that was impossible since there's a several second delay between swinging the knife and pulling up any watch.

The fact that I realized this is somewhat disturbing.


You know that one video that was posted on this thread a while back where the sniper foiled a demoman's sticky jump in Double Cross?

That shit better win Most Inventive Kill.

You know that one video that was posted on this thread a while back where the sniper foiled a demoman's sticky jump in Double Cross?

That shit better win Most Inventive Kill.

IIRC that was captured using the demo system long before the replay system was introduced and, therefore, is not even capable of entering the contest.

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