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its definitely a better map than cp waste but its really suited for 6v6 competitive play and like waste gets way too crowded when you have too many people

its definitely a better map than cp waste but its really suited for 6v6 competitive play and like waste gets way too crowded when you have too many people

Yeah that's kinda what I thought as well. I wish we still did scrims so we could play this.

I remember you. You were polite and modest about how new you were at the game and I respect that. Welcome aboard to OCRTF2.

OCR really is about as civil as the internet is ever going to get.

We should have civility achievements! Actually, we probably shouldn't, since that would mostly mean NOT doing things (like not throwing jars of piss at people).

We should have civility achievements! Actually, we probably shouldn't, since that would mostly mean NOT doing things (like not throwing jars of piss at people).

As a person who once held the Global Urine For a Surprise award, I resent that remark.

Downtime will start in a couple hours.

If all goes smoothly, it will be fairly short.

Oh, geez. I thought I was going crazy when it didn't show up on my favorites list.


and then you shoot again and you have to wait before you can again so you cant do anything

id much rather land a clean meatshot and have 5 more rounds ready


Yeah, I'm thinking about bringing my scout back to vanilla. The FaN is not my favourite upgrade, and I'll take the pistol over the can any day. Since I can't aim with the freaking ball, might as well go all original.

The one item I really want now is the freaking sword for the demoman. My friends keep getting them and I'm still stuck with the lame whisky bottle.


Vanilla scout is definitely the most versatile, though I need to start using sandman for the remaining achievements.


Vanilla Scout's definitely more versatile, but I find the FaN to be good in a skirmish-support role. When they're distracted with your buddies, dash in, shotgun the hell out of them, and dash back out. Rinse and repeat. It's also surprisingly good for intel runs thanks to the extra mobility it gives, and when the knockback really kicks in it's good for getting a threat out of your face. If you're planning on just running around, well, scouting, the scattergun is generally a better choice.

Bonk is useful only in very specific circumstances. Outside those, I stick with the pistol because it's more likely to be helpful. Bonk with the FaN is generally a bad idea; switching to the pistol real fast after emptying both barrels generally works pretty well in a pinch. No pistol, no bullets, no life.

I'm kind of meh on the Sandman, especially now that they weakened its stun effect. Of course, I might be biased since I can't aim with the freakin' thing.

Vanilla Scout's definitely more versatile, but I find the FaN to be good in a skirmish-support role. When they're distracted with your buddies, dash in, shotgun the hell out of them, and dash back out. Rinse and repeat. It's also surprisingly good for intel runs thanks to the extra mobility it gives, and when the knockback really kicks in it's good for getting a threat out of your face. If you're planning on just running around, well, scouting, the scattergun is generally a better choice.

Bonk is useful only in very specific circumstances. Outside those, I stick with the pistol because it's more likely to be helpful. Bonk with the FaN is generally a bad idea; switching to the pistol real fast after emptying both barrels generally works pretty well in a pinch. No pistol, no bullets, no life.

I'm kind of meh on the Sandman, especially now that they weakened its stun effect. Of course, I might be biased since I can't aim with the freakin' thing.

I'm actually pretty good with the Sandman ball.

I tend to keep the FaN equipped simply because I usually only play Scoot on Double Cross, and the FaN is necessary for Scoots to take the balcony exit from the intel room.

Bonk? Only when I'm playing distraction Scoot. For some reason, this works particularly well on sentry guns in Steel near point A.

I'm actually pretty good with the Sandman ball.

I tend to keep the FaN equipped simply because I usually only play Scoot on Double Cross, and the FaN is necessary for Scoots to take the balcony exit from the intel room.

Bonk? Only when I'm playing distraction Scoot. For some reason, this works particularly well on sentry guns in Steel near point A.

im pretty sure theres no one thats good with the sandman on the server since i only used it for 2 days about an hour each day and i already have the global stun award

bonk is actually pretty useful and i find myself switching to it if i use the sandman

the fan isnt useful at all ill pick a medic with it and then wanna take out whoever he was healing before he realizes im there but i cant and by the time i reload he knows im there and getting the kill is much more difficult

Cool Dayshift Bro.

I will return to TF2 on Fridayish timeframe.

yeah man i can barely play at all anymore now that ive got a new job (also ive been playing ff13 any spare moments that i can play videogames at all)

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