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Am in agreement about Firefly and Serenity. Awesome, awesome show and movie.

(Can't say much about Astonishing X-Men, though... stopped reading X-Men comics after about Uncanny X-Men #300)

Should be interesting.

I could get behind a movie where Scarlett Johannson is in a Denim Jumpsuit the entire time.


knowing whedon though it will be filled with heavy FEMINIST OVERTONES

I guess they weren't interested in the movie's success. :-P

I'm just sayin, 100% of Whedon's modern efforts to make a TV show have been cancelled afaik... since when does "failed TV producer" translate into "successful movie director"?

i'm not commenting on quality, only on success rate DONT FLAME ME :-( :-( *frown :-(

The success of a TV show and the success of a movie are two different things. Firefly and Dollhouse didn't die because they were bad shows, they died because FOX doesn't really know what to do with shows like that; they don't know how to sell high-concept science fiction that isn't dressed up as a procedural. You wanna talk about success rate, look at the overall success rate of shows on FOX. They cancel everything.

Whedon knows comic books. He writes comic books. He has the proper sensibilities to approach a superhero franchise. Having him direct the Avengers movie is a great idea, because he already has an understanding of the characters and relationships. Avengers will be successful because Marvel knows how to sell their movies. Marvel Studios knows what they're doing; this entire Avengers movie franchise is brilliantly laid out, and is exactly the way a team-up movie like Avengers should be done: introduce heroes in solo adventures and then make a big-ass team movie.

Whedon will put out a quality product and Marvel will sell it.


Honestly I've been a big fan of Whedon since Buffy. (When it was still a tv show anyway, I don't care too much for the recent comics.) I even enjoyed Dollhouse.

Can't say I care much about the Avengers. I sorta like Spider-Man and the X-Men; I only care about other Marvel characters when Capcom characters are beating them up. I can never keep straight which of the Marvel guys are the Avengers. Still, if Whedon will write / direct the movie I'll go see it.

But Whedon was supposed to do a Wonder Woman movie and that never happened. I'm not as optimistic as you Darkesword.

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