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At long last!

This time, we're discussing morality systems in games and how to get past some of the roadblocks they've been hitting. As always, 95% of all brilliant insight comes from professional game designer James Portnow.

Special thanks to Star Salzman for unwittingly providing end credits music and, as always, to CarboHydroM for my title theme.



Once again, Sephfire and James Portnow deliver some provocative alternatives to an important issue. I always enjoy these videos, and this one in particular struck my fancy because I've been playing a lot of moral choice heavy games like Mass Effect and Fallout 3. It's frustrating when you're faced with choices you know, in the end, don't really matter much given that your character is still going to be considered a Paragon despite suddenly deciding to raze a village or let some villager die.

Now if I could just come up with a cool issue for you guys to talk about that you haven't already covered yet...


Just last week I was wondering if you had released a video that I had somehow missed.

As always, a great video with some good ideas. I (again) eagerly await your next one. I haven't played too many moral-heavy games, but the ones I have played you could tell it didn't really matter what choices you made. I played Bioshock not too long ago and was pretty disappointed with the fact that harvesting or saving the little sisters changed nothing. I think there's like one line of dialog or something that's different. Whoo...


sephire I was looking around for videos to waste time watching right now and when I saw this thread I instantly knew, for 10 minutes at least, I wasn't going to be wasting my time at all.

As usual; a surprisingly rewarding watch, amazingly well-articulated points, a polished delivery, and quite entertaining.

THIS should be what you get paid to do my friend.

Also; where's your remix credits mister? :<


As always, you make some great points. In particular, your Faction idea seemed particularly interesting. As for the color wheel, it seemed somewhat ambiguous to me. I'm not entirely sure how something like that would pan out in a game. Something I outright disagreed with you about is the removal of the "morality bar."

Let's face it: video games are usually obvious. We have quick, easy measurements of the state of our playable character. Health Bar. Magic Bar. Sprint Bar, etc. Games need these things to be accessible. I can't tell you how annoying it's gotten lately with the trend many games have nowadays with the lack of a health bar. "No Saboteur, I don't want my screen to become increasingly ruddy with blood until I'm dead. Stop obscuring my screen Gears of War!"

Losing that "morality bar" could get just as annoying. "Am I good or evil? Oh, I guess I'm evil, since I just forced that man to kill his family in service of me. I wonder just how evil I am?" I suppose you could do things like give an evil character devil horns and devious titles like "Death Bringer." But it isn't as clear or concise as a "morality bar." That way, we know exactly how good or evil we are, and how far we have to go until we reach the highest level of our preferred morality. I don't see a a better way at revealing that information without the inclusion of some bar or meter to go along with it.


Out of curiosity, have you gotten any response on your videos from any serious 'players' in the industry? (Or anyone in the industry really?) Because I think you've got some really good points, as many people here seem to agree, and it would be a shame if no one ever heard them and did something with them. Though I suppose whether or not someone can use such ideas might depend on their employer/other factors.

I think a game would be really interesting if the aftermath of your choices would actually impact your own character's life, and not just those of people in the game world, and actually have you face the consequences of your actions (and not just in some cutscene either).

And I like the idea that you don't know particularly what kind of action gives you points towards good or evil, but rather have you 'pick up the bill' at the end of the game, making you really think, in general or when choosing to replay the game.

But most importantly, there should be an absolute moral standard (heck, you could even introduce different laws and rules for different countries a player might visit). Why? Because otherwise I can get away with slaying 1000nds of beasts, kings, demons and GODS, and then never die because I have enough money to buy an infinite supply of Phoenix Down :P. Some responsibility would be nice.

That's what I like about our actual reality. There IS a moral standard (being God's law) and at the end of life it's either heaven or hell, and that be the end of it and there'd be no do over. Now THAT makes you actually think about your actions and presents substantial reward/punishment.

Anyway, good video :) and good luck with your carreer and such!

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