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I will forever think of that sig now as a dickmoth.


I have a long exposure of my own. 15 seconds at 2 AM.


selective color fuckery


light sockets of a closed-up historic theater in philly


tag from one of my vintage jackets, dating from the 40s.

I'm like "It IS a moth! Here, this is the photo I took it from! I took the photo myself! I can verify no penises were involved!"

We have no way of knowing that your cock wasn't out at the time that you took the photo of the moth.



Here's something I drew sophomore year of high school, whilst being bored during Biology.


Click for full size.

Yeah, it's weird. I'd post more, but the rest of my art is, sadly, in the realm of sprites and such... Unless that would be permitted to post here! ^_^

That, and I don't think any of my photos are online.

If he's not sure, I am.

Wait a second, what the hell's that supposed to mean? Unless you're implying that it's a really big moth... then it's okay, I guess...

Anyway, I've seen that mannequin in person, and I can vouch for its awesomeness. The detail is superb.


Nice sketh, rel.

I suck, but I've made a few sketches here and there.

Here are me Metroid sketches, as Metroid is my all-time fav series:




Made these a LONG time ago; haven't done a Metroid sketch in a while, even though I'd like to.

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