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Debut trailer out! Looks cool. Not much story reference to us who can't speak Japanese though, but the first impression is pleasing. If you can speak Japanese, does the story have interesting aspects? lol

Hi, just wanted to say that I checked the official website of this game. Why did I check it? Because it's a Sakaguchi title..

He may have done a few Game design mistakes in the recent past.

I personally felt Lost Odyssey had a lot to offer though, I thought the game had a lot of heart and the characters had their moments.


So open the page, check the fancy logo, listen to the music.

It's filled with passion and heart, just as I had hoped his next game would be based on. I have high hopes for this title, but that's just me.

I am not a big fan of the recent WAVE of action games that are overshadowing the whole RPG scene. (ooooo, yeah I said it hahaha)

I do play a lot of these action games though, a lot of good ones, but .. still lacking in the RPG area.

If this is successful, it will have a more ironic name than final fantasy. Maybe some day we will see Last Story 13.

I wonder if that's why they chose that name.

maybe they want to start a series that's more like traditional Final Fantasy and keep the same kind of theme with the title.

... Or maybe once again this is expected to be the last game by Sakaguchi. (doubt it though)

That is some gorgeous music. Do you know who composed it?

Not sure, but I guess it's Nobou since they always stick together, although it's a bit too commercial to be him? Not sure, at least it's solid stuff, the theme got me right away.

And yeah, The LAST Story, FINAL Fantasy, maybe he's trying too hard to connect to the past, although that might be a great move.


Hmm, the music is nice, reminds me of Ys a little bit. And the art direction is certainly more tasteful and appealing than anything seen in Final Fantasy for a long while. But unless the gameplay is more than the usual "linear story + a battle system" JRPG standard, it's going to be a pass for me.

I am wicked excited about this game. I love the artstyle thus far and the music. Here's to hoping we get a decent blast from the past with a little new innovation to create a kick ass new RPG. :)

Hell yeah man, same here. Gotta love J-RPG's. Let's cross our fingers for something beyond classic turn-based battling though. But then again, if the story is insanely good, who cares.


Both Last Story and Xenoblade feature action battle systems, or so I've heard. If you want turn-based RPG goodness there's always the incredibly-unimaginative (perhaps in a good way) Arc Rise Fantasia out next month.

Right now Last Story's main hub city is what's got me most excited for the game.

Both Last Story and Xenoblade feature action battle systems, or so I've heard. If you want turn-based RPG goodness there's always the incredibly-unimaginative (perhaps in a good way) Arc Rise Fantasia out next month.

Right now Last Story's main hub city is what's got me most excited for the game.

The man behind Tales of Symphonia is the man behind Arc Rise Fantasia I believe... I'll buy it. Since Tales of Graces doesn't seem to be planning a US release, curse them lol.

Well, if you see how the Western people hack on J-RPG's these days, many saying they want the J-RPG genre dead etc. I don't blame Namco for not releasing all their titles worldwide.


Not sure if we know the character names yet, but from my limited skills (I'm still learning) I got Hiroin Kanan for the girl and Eruza (couldn't figure out the first word) for the guy.

Don't know if that's accurate or not. I like Kanan's outfit though...

That's what I thought. But it would follow that the word above Eruza would be Hero or something... I don't know. For now, let's just refer to them as Kanan and Eruza.

Except "Elza" is written in English on the side of the picture...

Just sayin'...

Let's cross our fingers for something beyond classic turn-based battling though.
Well, if you see how the Western people hack on J-RPG's these days, many saying they want the J-RPG genre dead etc.

J-RPGs are anything but classic turn-based, which is one reason why the western market is losing interest. If this is classic RPG, I'll pick it up. If it's more of the pseudo-interactive movie bullshit, I will pass.

I'm completely with Yahtzee in how Final Fantasy and J-RPGs used to be fun. The olden days are the way to go.


The olden days are impossible to recreate on modern systems. In the SNES and PS1 era, JRPGs were the graphical kings. That simply can't happen now without losing everything else. Things that used to take a few days for one person now take months and months for a whole team to pull off. More effort went into modeling and animating Vaan in FF12 than went into the entire cast of FF7.

The only games I've seen that are modern with full overworlds and tons of side quests are the Tales games and Blue Dragon, and in those cases they have decidedly simpler visuals. You won't get something with FF13's graphics and FF7's world any time soon, if ever.

That said, Last Story and Xenoblade seem less focused on presenting a deluge of cutscenes or being overly-linear, but then neither have the graphics of FF13 either.

The olden days are impossible to recreate on modern systems. In the SNES and PS1 era, JRPGs were the graphical kings. That simply can't happen now without losing everything else. Things that used to take a few days for one person now take months and months for a whole team to pull off. More effort went into modeling and animating Vaan in FF12 than went into the entire cast of FF7.

The only games I've seen that are modern with full overworlds and tons of side quests are the Tales games and Blue Dragon, and in those cases they have decidedly simpler visuals. You won't get something with FF13's graphics and FF7's world any time soon, if ever.

That said, Last Story and Xenoblade seem less focused on presenting a deluge of cutscenes or being overly-linear, but then neither have the graphics of FF13 either.

Excellent points. Like the God of War 3 team said, on PS2 they needed around 5-6 days with a character, while on PS3 it takes many weeks. It's getting crazy lol So I think the wii is a blessing in many ways. You see, Tales of vesperia got lots of graphic complaints, that it didn't reach up to other titles in graphic, but the in-game content is more than in almost any other game.

And you see, Tales of Graces is a Wii title, I guess most people who make RPG's will go to the Wii because the machine doesn't demand trillions of dollars to make a game lol


You wouldn't want the olden days to be today anyway. I don't play many new games and Im only pretty casual when it comes to gaming, but I do know that too much of a good thing ruins an entire experience. Think about it, if 20 years later you were still playing games that only slightly improved on games from 20 years before, instead of whining for how games changed and weren't fun anymore, you'd be whining that games never change and because innovation is what helps drive technology in the first place, the gaming industry would maybe die off a lot quicker.

It's just like music and movies and everything else. Part of the experience of enjoying classic rock and roll and classic comedy and classic gaming comes from the fact that you can't get it like that anymore. Another part of the experience is that you grew up with it. It captured your imagination at a time when it was developing and it made a perfect groove in there to fit. Now you're grown up and the experience is nostalgic and made up mostly of memory of how good it WAS, rather than how good it IS, if that makes any sense.

I mostly use this argument for music, but I think it still applies to gaming and a lot of other things. Basically, if you're not going to appreciate new things because you pine for the old days, you're really cheating yourself out on a lot of new experiences and fun. That's just the way I see it.

  • 1 month later...

After watching that trailer, I can safely say that i am stoked for this game. An action JRPG with what looks like a cover system. I love cover systems, and i love JRPGS. And the games visuals look great. Lets just hope that the english voice overs aren't completely nails-on-chalkboard bad...

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