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Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)

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Umm, If it isnt too much trouble, could you or someone make me a sig? I would really like something with Kilik from Soul Calibur 2 in it, or a sig with a Helghast(from Killzone) in it. Either one is fine, but preferrably a Helghast sig, with my username in it somewhere. As far as colours go, I would like a kinda black-ish colour, or just something dark.

Thanks a lot!

Umm, If it isnt too much trouble, could you or someone make me a sig? I would really like something with Kilik from Soul Calibur 2 in it, or a sig with a Helghast(from Killzone) in it. Either one is fine, but preferrably a Helghast sig, with my username in it somewhere. As far as colours go, I would like a kinda black-ish colour, or just something dark.

Thanks a lot!

How's this:


Comments? Suggestions? Flames?


I haven't played Killzone yet, but it looks like it fits the Killzone-esque feel in those colours and stuff... i'd say good job, but it's not FOR me, so.. yeah. Aw, screw it, Good Job anyways. Take THAT convention!

Umm, If it isnt too much trouble, could you or someone make me a sig? I would really like something with Kilik from Soul Calibur 2 in it, or a sig with a Helghast(from Killzone) in it. Either one is fine, but preferrably a Helghast sig, with my username in it somewhere. As far as colours go, I would like a kinda black-ish colour, or just something dark.

Thanks a lot!

How's this:


Comments? Suggestions? Flames?

Wow! That's great! I absolutely love it. Good Job.

Hey, i really want a pic for my sig, so i would appreciate one greatly! My idea is that the pic would be devided into two setions. One section would be 3/4 of the pic and the other would be 1/4 (obviously) And the pic would be more wide then tall. In the big section I'd like a pic of metal gear, but have it be sideways so you can see more of it. In the small section I'd like a nuclear radiation symbol(preferably yellow with a black back ground) and for the big section I'd like it to say HAZARDOUS in the forground in front of the metal gear with a font that looks like the letters were bolted on. I'd like that sections to be green/grey in the background and for my name to be metalic silver. Also do my name in normal cap leters with no l33t. Thanks alot and sorry for the long, complicated post.

I know it's not exactly how your description is, but this is what I came up with:


Yeah, I know Metal Gear REX is kind of crappy... but it was the only real decent pic I found. If you find a better one and want me to use it, let me know.

Other than that, Comments? Suggestions? Flames?


Hey CapnHulk, Chizniz, everyone! Are you still in need of some help? You may know by now that I'm a sigmakinaholic :oops: and I also get called a "whore" in the UnMod sigmaker's thread. Overall, that means I can do a lot of work, even some backtracking if it needs to. Also I'm hosting all the sigs I make so, it will make the life of some n00b a little easier!

But, if you doesnt need help but in fact, have not enough request; I will not stay here. Because I know that I'm almost alone now in the UnMod sig thread and I suppose it's a little bit of my fault. I can't stop myself, it's like a drug dude!

well, just to make sure I'm welcome here or not. Don't be shy to tell me that I'm not, I'll understand! I guess I would say no to myself... :?

EDIT: Oh and BTW...

Hey, i really want a pic for my sig, so i would appreciate one greatly! My idea is that the pic would be devided into two setions. One section would be 3/4 of the pic and the other would be 1/4 (obviously) And the pic would be more wide then tall. In the big section I'd like a pic of metal gear, but have it be sideways so you can see more of it. In the small section I'd like a nuclear radiation symbol(preferably yellow with a black back ground) and for the big section I'd like it to say HAZARDOUS in the forground in front of the metal gear with a font that looks like the letters were bolted on. I'd like that sections to be green/grey in the background and for my name to be metalic silver. Also do my name in normal cap leters with no l33t. Thanks alot and sorry for the long, complicated post.

I was inspired by this but then I lost the buzz... I have worked a little on this and it would be very sad to have done this in vain. So, I'm posting my try on the HAZARDOUS bolted logo he asked and the radioactive symbol with the requested colors. If it saves some time to some sigmaker, I'll be happy!



Alright, It's been a while since I've requested a sig.


At the Top, I want it to say OCR, in text similar to this: cheers1.jpg

and at the bottom, in smaller text, have it say

"Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name"

In some kind of Cursive, bar like text.

Thanks (I'd do it myself, but I suck at photoshop)

Edit: If you try to reach me, I won't be on again until Ttuesday (December 28th)


Hey Xamgis sorry i didn't answer sooner, I've been busy. I like what you came up with but I have a few suggestions. First of all could you take out that brown part? I don't care if it makes the sig smaller. Also I really Liked the text you chose, but could you make it some color other then black? I'm thinking a rusty color like browish/orangish. Lasty, could you make the pic of the metal gear more....I guess I'd say dim. Like it's shadowed kind of...but not TOO dim just dim enough to give it a darkened feel, and could you also make the pic a little blurry or fuzzy? thanks a ton! OH YES! One more thing(lol sorry...) I like Joyzilla's sylmbol style better. Do you think you could cut out the stripes in the back ground and just have the yellow symbol with black background. THANKS IN ADVANCE!


Ohhh Xamgis, I found a better pic of Metal Gear REX, but I don't know go to put it on the forum. Here's the link to the pic: http://www.angelfire.com/on2/snakesdomain/images/metalgearrex.jpg

Could you put that pic in for the one that's already there? Thanks a ton. You don't have to keep Metal Gear rex green if it doesn't look good. Just make it go with the whole theme.

P.S. - If it helps you, I'll sum up the theme of this sig in two words: Post Apocalyptic :)

  • 2 weeks later...

woa! that's even sweeter then I expected! I don't want any more changes made! :D I like how you took out the sections and just made it one picture. It looks really smooth and the colors blend really good. Thanks a ton!


Ok, finally posting in here, but now I'm too lazy to come up with any ideas. How bout this: Make me the most random/nonsensical/hilarious that you can/are willing to pull out of your brain/toybox/neighbor's trashcan. Just make sure that it's not terribly offensive or related to anything that would be offensive to some people.

If that's not enough info, then just respond or PM me and I'll see if I can come up with some ideas.


This a tough request because of the font I'm asking for.


I need the Pepper in Sgt. Pepper to be replaced with Nods. Sgt Nods? Ok lol. I don't ned the whole pic because its big and you cant read the words, so just he part with Ringo, John, Paul, and George with the bass drum. However if you could, make that part of the pic bigger so it'd be a decent, readable, sig. Thanks alot!


Yeah, you can screw around with my name if you need to. "Trogdor the Burninator" works just fine, or you could just make something up...heh. And Captain Grunty is right, but since that idea has already been thrown out there, let's not do that one, k? :roll:


Omg, someone actually requested a sig by /me/ in a different forum. It hurts my brain.


Yessir, niiiice and shittay. Woo.

edit: uh...do image tages hate .png format?

edit2: heh...thanks. i'm not usually that dumb. really. :P

Omg, someone actually requested a sig by /me/ in a different forum. It hurts my brain.


Yessir, niiiice and shittay. Woo.

edit: uh...do image tages hate .png format?

No, you just used the incorrect link from ImageShack. Looks like you used the one they label "Friends", not the one labeled "Forums".

You want to use this link: http://img14.exs.cx/img14/8466/zoesig18lv.png

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