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Ye Olde Sig Shoppe - * sig requests* (read first post)

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Yeah, as you can see, I have a sig, but it's...okay. I'd like a new one, so for all the creative types (yes I'm a newbie so I don't know who) could you please make one with Luigi being the main theme, with my username "LuigiFan." Do whatever you like as long as it's Luigi. Thanks.

Yeah, as you can see, I have a sig, but it's...okay. I'd like a new one, so for all the creative types (yes I'm a newbie so I don't know who) could you please make one with Luigi being the main theme, with my username "LuigiFan." Do whatever you like as long as it's Luigi. Thanks.

Whipped this up real quick. *shrugs*



Yeah, as you can see, I have a sig, but it's...okay. I'd like a new one, so for all the creative types (yes I'm a newbie so I don't know who) could you please make one with Luigi being the main theme, with my username "LuigiFan." Do whatever you like as long as it's Luigi. Thanks.

Here's my take on your request:


If you want any changes made to it, dont be shy to ask.


Hahah. THat's awesome Douli. Wily only has one L though.

Yes, that's a wonderful sig, but.. yeah, Wily with only one L.. any chance of fixing it up a bit? Then I'd use it for sure.



Doulifée and Chizniz, mostly.

I've made some decent stuff, but I've been slacking off a lot lately, and Dew's made some awesome shit, but he's addicted to EQ2 and hasn't made anything in months.


I need a sig like secret of mana id like these pics in it








i would like the three people to be surrounded by the creatures with the words 'Secret Of Mana' in yellow some where and any backround you want, even a solid color works.


I play Unreal Tournament 2k4 a lot and I need a sig for member forums. Skill alone doesn't get you noticed anymore...you gotta be flashy nowadays :cry:

Anyways, I'd daydream about sending 10G's to someone that could make me a kickass sig using this Maha pic from .Hack. Not with my full name on it of course, M.o.U. would suffice (with the punctuation and lower case o. Just making sure it's perfectly clear :wink: ).


*edit: the pics a bit bigger than I thought, so it will also have to be made a bit smaller. My bad :oops:

I need a sig like secret of mana id like these pics in it

i would like the three people to be surrounded by the creatures with the words 'Secret Of Mana' in yellow some where and any backround you want, even a solid color works.

Pick your size. As you cansee, I added some extra characters.



And for your monopoly sig:


Couldn't really find a nice token image.

Nothing? No one? Not even if I use this emoticon? :puppyeyes: Any kickass sig of Maha/Macha(sp?) would be super great/much appreciated. I'd get down on my knees to beg, but I threw out my back. did it in my sleep. how embarassing... :oops:

Well see about it, now that I've read your request again I might come up with at least something. Since you used the word flashy I assumed that you wanted an animated signature, which is outside my business. But if you want it non animated, I can give it a try.

Tomorrow that is, it's 10:30 pm where I live.


Ah, my bad again :oops: I didn't mean a gif. A jpeg is perfect.

I just meant anyone that doesn't have any kind of sig (like me) is always ignored even though I am consistantly in the top rankings at the end of the match. It's like people fear to catch a n00bish disease from you if you aren't equipped with a sig :?

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