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As far as FF7 pc mods are concerned, I do believe that there is a mod that lets you use the original PS1 psfs, which is my personal fave seeing as how you get the exact same quality as the PS1.

... Went and checked out the Quimm forums and wow, there are a lot more mods than there were last time I checked (something on the order of 3 years ago).

All these FF7 mods will be irrelevant when they remake it for PS3.

Never, ever, ever gonna happen. FF13 is the way it is because of the graphical demands of today. Remaking FF7 with graphics like in FF13 would probably take 8 or 9 years of solid development. It's not just a matter of replacing the graphics and adding voice acting. They basically cannot use anything from the original game, assets-wise. The script would probably be rewritten as well. Everything would have to be reprogrammed to work on the new console. If there WAS a remake, it would probably lack things like an overworld and a good number of the side quests.

Never, ever, ever gonna happen. FF13 is the way it is because of the graphical demands of today. Remaking FF7 with graphics like in FF13 would probably take 8 or 9 years of solid development. It's not just a matter of replacing the graphics and adding voice acting. They basically cannot use anything from the original game, assets-wise. The script would probably be rewritten as well. Everything would have to be reprogrammed to work on the new console. If there WAS a remake, it would probably lack things like an overworld and a good number of the side quests.

...or not, since stuff like the overworld and side quests is the entire point of the game.

ff7 would be a relatively simple remake, mostly because the engine is already done. it's art and some basic programming, and voice acting. the design, which is a significant portion of the game's build time, is already done. so is the engine work.

...or not, since stuff like the overworld and side quests is the entire point of the game.

ff7 would be a relatively simple remake, mostly because the engine is already done. it's art and some basic programming, and voice acting. the design, which is a significant portion of the game's build time, is already done. so is the engine work.


No, no, no.

You simply have no concept of the kind of work that goes into games today.

Read this: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/columns/experienced-points/7652-Experienced-Points-The-Final-Fantasy-VII-Remake-is-a-Fantasy

And maybe this: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/7.173338-FF13-Producer-Explains-Why-FF7-Remake-is-Unlikely

And try to understand that these things are not simply drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste. Just because the game already exists in some form does NOT mean they've got a head-start.

Never, ever, ever gonna happen. FF13 is the way it is because of the graphical demands of today. Remaking FF7 with graphics like in FF13 would probably take 8 or 9 years of solid development. It's not just a matter of replacing the graphics and adding voice acting. They basically cannot use anything from the original game, assets-wise. The script would probably be rewritten as well. Everything would have to be reprogrammed to work on the new console. If there WAS a remake, it would probably lack things like an overworld and a good number of the side quests.


No, no no.

Final Fantasy 13 is proof that Squeenix can't make games like they used to. They rightfully shouldn't be in charge of a FF7 remake, because a company like Mistwalker could do it so much better, AND have the original composer and director involved too. The problem with FF13 isn't that it was a hard game to make. It's a linear path for most of it, with recycled walls and textures all over the place.

We don't want a FF7 remake to be like FF13.

If they could remake the 3D Models, which arguably isn't a hard job because they already exist, like the ones in Advent Children, or even the FF7 Tech Demo. They could repaint the backgrounds, but to remake all of the towns and such in 3D would be simply horrible and it would not be the same game. It wouldn't be a remake, it would be a re-imagining of the game. That's not what we want. We don't want FF7 re-imagined, rewritten, or re-scripted.


You simply have no concept of the kind of work that goes into games today.

oh. that's good to know. i guess i'll change careers from what i'm already doing.

actually, there's no reason that they couldn't use the design information - everything from AP and EXP trees to damage ratios - as is. they use the engine from FFXIII (:< if you thought i actually meant FFVII's engine), just like they're doing for FFXIII Versus, and they remodel the artwork (a significant portion of which they can nab from FFXIII, since reusing stuff like boxes and buildings is done pretty often) and rerig the characters.

as for those articles, if you really think that escapist magazine is a great reference for something like this, YOU have no concept of what you're talking about =) not to mention that the main reason they cited for not doing an FFVII remake was because "the art would take a long time". oh, wait - didn't i hear about square hiring like forty more modelers and riggers recently? yeah, i think i did. they weren't linked to any specific project, either. huh.

you might want to be a bit more careful when you make blanket statements like that.

it IS legal to back up your psx bios, as long as your unit is fully functional.

it IS legal to back up your games in .iso or other formats, as long as your unit is fully functional AND you still own the games.

it IS legal to download backups for your games in .iso or other formats, as long as your unit is fully functional AND you still own the exact same version of the game.

Well, either I was right or we're both wrong on how the law works. Reassuring, all the same - here's hoping the ISOs I have are legal, since it really, REALLY sucks trying to run the CDs on my comp (they work, but they tend to skip on there, unfortunately, due to computer limitations).

I'm probably the only one who thinks this, but I've thought they have secretly been working on the FF7 remake since they first showed the FF7 Tech Demo. It's not that outrageous to think... I mean, it's a little outrageous to believe they could have kept it a secret this long, but who knows.

You are. They said in an article that towns are too hard to do in HD, which is why FF7 will NEVER be remade for PS3. Also, they said in an article (as mentioned here) that it would take quite a while to make FF7 in the quality of 13, which is why FF7 will NEVER be remade for PS3. Not to mention the explicit statements that said the tech demo was just that; a tech demo. Nothing more, nothing less, no secret projects involved.

You're wrong, so let go of this misguided belief here. It'll save you a lot of time and energy.

I'm probably the only one who thinks this, but I've thought they have secretly been working on the FF7 remake since they first showed the FF7 Tech Demo. It's not that outrageous to think... I mean, it's a little outrageous to believe they could have kept it a secret this long, but who knows.

Never going to happen. They won't consider "remaking" FF7. Period. It's not about technological enhancements, or artwork, or any of that. It's just a sheer lack of motivation to bother with. Want to play FF7 on your PS3? Buy the emulated version off PSN. No need to beat a dead horse.

I refuse to let go of that misguided belief, for without misguided beliefs, life has little meaning. Also I don't want it for the PS3 preferably. I think Lost Odyssey proved that towns could be made in HD. :-D

You basically just insinuated that without the belief that FF7 will be remade in HD life has little meaning. *facewall*

I never said to let go of ALL misguided beliefs; just this one, since it is guaranteed to never happen, as has been said time and time again by both us and Square-Enix.

Well, either I was right or we're both wrong on how the law works. Reassuring, all the same - here's hoping the ISOs I have are legal, since it really, REALLY sucks trying to run the CDs on my comp (they work, but they tend to skip on there, unfortunately, due to computer limitations).

The only legal way to emulate is to rip absolutely everything yourself, technically.


They could simply leave it 2D. They don't need to switch it to 3D but just have the paintings that we run through be HD. That should be easy and that's what they should do. God,, I can't wait until they do SOMETHING to make the old games look sweet on a PS3. Anything they can do to make PS1 and 2 games look nicer on HD TVs would be awesome to me.

Come to think of it. Since Xenogears has a lot of fans out there, too, you don't suppose there are any nice looking hacks like the Quimm stuff for it as well, do you?


I installed my FF7 PC and then the Remix mod from that huge file they linked on the forum at Qhimm.. It looks pretty nice. At this resolution, the backgrounds look pretty horrid though. The other stuff is very nice and smooth. The video editing is a bit ridiculous but I can live with it I guess. Yeah, if regular people can do this, Squeenix could probably make a beautiful remake within 6 months or less. o_o

(not including the time it takes for music and voice acting, but yaknow)


For what it's worth, IMO, the midi tracks included with FFVII PC were actually better than the original PSF's if you used the Yamaha XG softsynth included. Running those midis through a non-XG softsynth or sound card sounded atrocious, naturally.

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