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if i can fart at my screen in fable 3 and have the bowerstone people react accordingly, i will be a firm believer in the power of kinect

Now, now - that's not eco-friendly at all! Or...you know...friend...friendly. Maybe Xbox Live exists for a reason...'cause I ain't playing with Tootles McGassypants. I'm not so excited for eructation compatibility.


Well, I know people have a LOT of struggle adjusting to new names, but if you seriously ask for Natal at a store, you're most-likely going to be taken to the baby department. Any self-respecting Walmart electronics guy is going to be like "Hahah, get over to the baby food isle, you dopey nerd." :-P Hahaha. I mean, that's what I would do.. if I worked there.. :-(


Here is the series of events that would have sold Kinect to me immediately.

Kojima walks out on stage with a controller. He demos MGS:Rising with a controller by cutting up a few practice bodies. He then says, "and if you want to stab" (and the moment he says stab, he jabs his hand forward and Raiden sticks his sword into one of the bodies. Kojima then starts waving his hand around coyly wondering what's happening as the sword follows his arm motions with a body stuck on it.

They missed this opportunity.

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